Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 949 New Equipment

The smooth space suddenly had a strange tremor at one point, like throwing a stone into a calm lake, and it became stronger and stronger as time went by.

Suddenly, it reached its peak at a certain moment. At this moment, the whole space seemed to be broken and concave, and a vortex was vaguely formed.

The next second, a person appeared out of thin air, and the strange situation disappeared at this moment. The space also returned to its original appearance, and there was no change at all.

"Success!" Xiu was also very excited. Now he finally overcame the problem that instant movement could not move over a long distance.

Although it is definitely not as smooth as Alakazam, and there are still many small problems.

But first solve the problem of having to have nothing, and then find a way to optimize it.

Xiu lifted his coat to reveal a very strange belt around his waist, and the head of this belt was inlaid with a red crystal.

He raised his hand to buckle it out, and put it in the sun to see that there were many cracks inside.

This is the symbol of being used. This thing is disposable.

Originally, it was intended to be designed as a reusable prop, but after many tests, it was found that it was not very realistic.

The reason is that it can store few superpowers. If you want to keep it, it can't achieve qualified protection, so it can only be designed to be disposable.

The protection formed in this way is more stable and there will be no accidents.

Of course, the only disadvantage is that the consumption of props is relatively serious.

Xiu took out a new red crystal from his waist bag and installed it.

He didn't have much, but he still had a few pieces of this thing.

He picked up a lot of them when he was at the beach. There were many on the seabed where the starfish lived. After a long time, the bodies of the dead starfish will return to the sea, but this kind of crystal is preserved.

At that time, the research consumed a hundred or eighty along the way, but now he still has a lot.

This is why Xiu didn't feel bad about becoming a consumable.

The raw materials of this thing are not a problem. The real difficulty lies in the manufacturing technology inside.

Xiu's equipment has been greatly updated now, mainly the props made after returning home this time.

[Transmission belt] has been mentioned, and there is also a ring on his index finger.

The style is a skull biting a black crystal.

The main body of this ring is made of high-strength alloy, which is also resistant to high temperatures and corrosion. The crystal on it is not obsidian, but a small part of the crystal stone that Xiu cut from the Night Demon Spirit.

The name of the ring is [Dark Seal], and its main function is to accommodate the Night Patrol Spirit.

Another interesting thing is that he and Qian Yang studied the outer box that sealed the super ancient Geng Gui. Combined with the ability of the Night Patrol Spirit, it can extract the user's negative emotions and instill them into it, indirectly calming the user's emotions, which is also the origin of the name of the ring.

Of course, there are some miscellaneous black technologies. It must be said that Qian Yang's ability is really terrible. If Xiu is allowed to tinker with it himself, he may only make one or two in his lifetime.

Xiu stood in the sky, overlooking the situation below.

He came to the top of Hualan City.

Then Xiu slowly raised his head, and his vision gradually pushed towards the distance, and finally stopped at the limit of vision.

That is the mountain range to the north of Mt. Tsukimi, which is endless. However, compared with the mountains, the altitude here is much higher and belongs to the plateau terrain. At the same time, those mountains are taller and more upright.

Nibi City and Cerulean City are the corners controlled by the Kanto Alliance, but it does not mean that this is the limit of human beings.

After a little research, Xiu found that there are still some human cities on it, but because of the special geographical location of the plateau, they have not joined the alliance and are independent.

And that is exactly Xiu's goal.

Xiu did not choose to walk slowly, but flew directly to the high mountains in the northwest.

He has basically investigated the wild environment of Kanto territory, and there will be no gain even if he walks around again.

Adventurers want to explore rather than sweep the floor.

It must be said that when the altitude increases, Xiu can clearly feel that the oxygen in the air becomes thinner.

There is also a decrease in atmospheric pressure.

But it is estimated that the altitude is only about a thousand meters, which is not too high, and they can bear it.

A water drop-shaped object moved quickly in the sky, and the reckless flying speed was faster than most cars. Xiu quickly left the Kanto area and entered the mountains.

In fact, the target was not too far away from the Kanto area, but was hidden among the mountains.

After crossing several high mountains, Xiu's speed slowed down. He had already seen it.

It was a canyon in the mountains, with an area similar to that of a medium-sized city. Looking down, you can see many building shadows.

There is an oval lake in the middle of the canyon, with a small island in the center of the lake, and a castle on the island. A long bridge runs through the island in the middle of the lake and connects the two sides of the lake.

This is Rota City, a very strange name, but Xiu remembers it deeply.

Because this is the place where the plot of one of the theatrical versions, "Dream and Wave Brave Lucario", takes place.

If there is here...

Xiu's sight gradually widened, looking at the mountains in the west, and as expected, there was a mountain with a strange protrusion.

After confirming it, Xiu was not excited at all, but had a headache.

This thing means that it is very likely that the theatrical version will be repeated.

But... who can save the world?

Rely on stupid people?

Thinking about the silly boy, Xiu felt that it was more reliable to prepare to run away in advance.

Casey looked at Xiu strangely, and it was a little confused at this time.

"Forget it, if the sky falls, someone will naturally carry it. Let's go down."

Xiu focused his eyes on the city, and the next second his figure appeared on the street.

But his sudden appearance did not attract the attention of the people around him.

"The buildings are all preserved." Xiu looked at the surrounding environment.

Most of these buildings are made of white stone bricks, with a very obvious medieval style.

The streets are all paved with stone slabs. Judging from the traces of wear on the floor, it has a history of at least hundreds of years.

The streets are spacious and clean, at least cleaner than many cities he has visited.

And it is quite lively. People of all ages can be seen coming and going. The clothes of people here are actually similar to those of modern people. Only the older people or some people in some shops wear ancient-style clothes.

But you can still tell whether they are natives or foreign tourists from some small accessories or styles.

That's right, this is a famous tourist area in Kanto and even in the world, and the annual celebration ceremony is the most lively.

The battle tournament and the royal ball are the highlights of the celebration, because the queen will come forward to confer the title of "Wave Hero" on the champion of the tournament.

Because of this title, many trainers come every year.

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