Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 98 Opponent

For example, scheduled debugging with Casey, a morning run with Flying Mantis, and some other random chores.

Although the sun has gone down, there is still a layer of orange in the sky, and Xiu can still see objects in the distance clearly as he walks to the warehouse.

Now Flying Mantis and Casey haven't finished training yet, and they are each working hard at their own positions.

Xiu shouted at the warehouse door.

"Come here, everyone. Today's training is over."

As for Little Lucky Egg, he has already gone back to his Poké Ball to sleep. He is already tired from playing all day.

"Come on, come on, let's eat something to replenish our strength first." Xiu took out a few red apples and handed them to them, but the Flying Mantis had to feed them himself.

After helping them with the simple processing, I took out a pen and paper and said to Casey: "I'm sorry~ I'm too busy today."

Xiu actually helps Casey record the increase in mental power and the degree of control over it every day.

Without the measurement of cutting-edge instruments, we can only rely on feeling, so the results are very vague, but Xiu will still record it. This is a reference standard that allows Xiu to judge how far Cayce is now and whether he has any Maybe out of control or something.

Relying on Casey's telepathy, Xiu quickly wrote out today's data. Just comparing the data he looked at with the previous one, he felt a change.

After settling down in the past few days, the amount of mental power has increased compared with before, and the fluctuation of mental power has also become unstable.

What is the reason for this?

Obviously Casey has been training all day? And Casey's training is all about control.

He suddenly had a very bad premonition and murmured: "Could it be that..."

Xiu briefly analyzed it and found that this situation happened just a few days after he settled down in the research institute. There was only one change in Casey in the past few days, and that was a lot of training, which was different from sleeping in the elf ball before. .

Frequent use of mental power will stimulate the growth of the brain and accelerate the growth of mental power, but this will also have an impact on the fluctuation of mental power.

It's now known that sleeping inside a Poké Ball can alleviate the symptoms, but there's a problem.

It's just that if there is no training, Casey's control will not keep up with the growth of his mental power, and something will happen.

This is a dead end, how do you get out of it?

Xiu's brows were furrowed, his eyes were fixed on the small notebook, and the hand holding the pen kept knocking on it, as if he didn't even see the many black spots on the paper.

Casey also noticed Xiu's reaction, but there was no change. It was even feeding the flying mantis.

The flying mantis on the side also noticed something was wrong, but it didn't say anything and ate silently.

After a long time, Xiu closed the small notebook, raised his head and looked at the two of them with a smile, and said: "Don't worry, I will solve it. Now you can go and rest."

After Casey and Flying Mantis returned to the Poké Ball, the smile on Xiu's face disappeared, leaving only solemnity.

He stood there for a while before he became active and started running around the backyard, getting faster and faster.

He needs exercise to relax, otherwise the stress will consume him.

The second floor of the institute.

Dr. Oki stood by the window, looked at Xiu who was running around the backyard below and said with a smile: "Young people are energetic. It seems that the workload tomorrow can be appropriately increased, otherwise it will be wasted."

But the smile on Dr. Ohki's face gradually calmed down, and he said to himself: "Is this the boy with strange thoughts you mentioned? Do you want to change me..."


"Ah~" Xiu yawned and got up from the bed, glanced at the surroundings calmly, and then pushed open the warehouse door.

After seeing the same scenery a few times, you will no longer have the same feeling as before, which is aesthetic fatigue.

"Come out." Xiu raised his hand to release a few elves and said, "Good morning~"

He didn't even remember what time he went to bed last night. Firstly, he had to complete the amount of reading he had set for each day, and also he was tossing and turning about Cathy's affairs, which made him look like this now.

A year's plan begins in spring, a day's plan begins in the morning.

Xiu was still a little sleepy at first, but after a series of labors, he finally recovered temporarily and no longer looked like a salty fish.

"Okay, you guys eat first, I'm going to have breakfast too." After arranging breakfast for several elves, Xiu walked towards the research institute.

But why don’t we see Dr. Omu come out today? Normally, Xiu would see Dr. Omu wandering around in the morning.

Xiu glanced at the time. It was almost seven o'clock now. In his previous life, he could sleep until eleven o'clock before getting up, but seven o'clock was already late in this world.

The reason why Xiu was worried was because he didn't have the key to the research institute. If he wanted to go in, he would have to ask Dr. Ohki to open the door. What if Dr. Ohki was upset when he woke up?

Forget it, forget it.

Xiu stood in front of the institute door, shook his head, and then knocked on the door.

If you don’t go in, won’t you be able to complete your work? It will be bad if there is any more trouble then.


He was originally prepared to be scolded, but no one opened the door after knocking for a while.

Xiu stood at the door and muttered to himself: "What's going on? You won't die suddenly, right? I heard that there are many people like this in this industry..."

It's really not Xiu's malicious intent, but it's really possible for people with such irregular lifestyles to stay up late and eat instant noodles every day that this kind of situation will happen.

"What are you doing?"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind, which startled Xiu. He turned around and saw, wasn't this Dr. Omu?

"Doctor, why are you here? I knocked on the door for a long time but no one opened it."

Dr. Omu reached out to open the door of the research institute and walked in first. He said at the same time: "Isn't this door open?"

"Hey! I thought the doctor hadn't gotten up yet." Xiu ignored the teasing tone in Dr. Oak's tone and followed him directly.

"You'll find out later." Dr. Omu smiled and separated from Xiu at the stairs.

After Dr. Omu left, Xiu walked to the kitchen and murmured: "Is it related to me? Is it related to the Flying Praying Mantis~"

After breakfast, Dr. Omu did not get into the laboratory on the second floor this time, but called Xiu to the backyard.

Said Xiu wanted to meet the opponent he was looking for for Flying Mantis.

Still very curious about this Xiu, he followed Dr. Omu to guess the identity of his opponent.

The backyard is peaceful. The elves here don't have to participate in the battles in the wild, and they don't have to worry about eating and drinking. All they want is to live a carefree life every day.

"Go and call your flying mantis over."

Dr. Oak stood in a corner of the backyard close to the research institute, far away from the research institute and not disturbing the elves.

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