African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1007: Prepare to intervene

However, Russia's performance in recent years can only be said to be unsatisfactory, and it has not developed much in the diplomatic and military fields. Although there are millions of gray animals, the gray animals are still cattle after all, and there is no way to compare with other well-equipped European armies.

Throughout the history of Russian military development, there are almost no outstanding achievements. They all rely on the accumulation of cannon fodder and enemy consumption. When it comes to the specific details of the war, it is even more terrible. That is, the blood is too thick to support this kind of gameplay.

Even though Russia defeated France in history, the enemy still captured the capital, set fire to Moscow, and relied on the weather to force Napoleon back to Western Europe.

Although this style of fighting led to the final victory of the war, it was not worthy of praise in Ernst's opinion. On the one hand, the British were suppressing France in the east at that time. On the other hand, there were a large number of feudal feudalism in France (including the occupied areas). The aristocratic forces were causing trouble, and the fall of Moscow, the capital of Russia at that time, itself speaks volumes.

As long as the Russian army's combat level and military literacy are higher, it will not rely on the lives of gray animals to fill the victory. It can be said to be a victory that kills four hundred enemies and damages one thousand. That is to say, Russia has a large population in this era. And only those who can survive can support this war situation.

Therefore, in Ernst's opinion, Russia's military capabilities are not as strong as the "combat nation" boasted by some self-media in previous lives.

Of course, it is undeniable that the resilience of the Russians is worthy of recognition. Every time the enemy thought they could strangle Russia to death, the Russians were able to turn defeat into victory. This shows to a certain extent that Russia, especially the highest level, has a very tough attitude towards foreign enemies. The capitulationists accounted for the majority, at least according to the history that Ernst learned in his previous life, this is the basic fact.

As for Russia's diplomacy, it is even more terrible. Whether it is Russia, the Soviet Union, or later Russia, the level of diplomacy is a mess. Whenever a Bismarck-like figure appears, Russia will not always be surrounded and suppressed by "the whole world." that one.

Of course, this does not work in the military and diplomatic fields. The fundamental reason is that the national strength is not strong enough, and the economic level plays an important role in the national strength.

The highlight moment of the Russian economy was the Soviet period, which was also the time when Russia was closest to world hegemony. It is a pity that the "stupid, clumsy" Russians could not defeat the Americans after all.

Thinking of this, Ernst said: "At the completion stage of our First Five-Year Plan, there is a high probability that Japan and Russia will go to war. Now Britain is transfusing Japan with blood and letting it fight against Russia instead of Britain."

Director of the National Defense Security Agency Morin frowned and said: "With Japan's national strength, it should be unlikely that they will challenge Russia!"

Morin thinks His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's idea is a bit surprising. Although the National Defense and Security Bureau has more dealings with Japan, Japan's national strength is really hard to imagine how it can confront a world-class power like Russia.

Ernst understood his subordinates' thoughts very well. This was also the view of Japan from most countries in the world. In Ernst's view, Japan's true status as a great power was achieved through its victory over Russia.

Although Japan has defeated a world power like the Far Eastern Empire, no one would think that Japan is powerful, but that the Far Eastern Empire is too weak at this time, and defeating Russia would be different. Although Russia's level is not too high, but the whole world can There are only a handful of countries that say they are sure to win against Russia.

"You who have been dealing with Japan all year round should know very well that Japan is a country that cannot be underestimated. Their culture has a kind of madness, and it is this madness that makes all Japanese people sleepless, eat less, and do more Machines, the mental state of the Japanese is not normal human beings at all.”

Regarding Ernst's words, Molin thought for a moment, and then thought about the social situation in Japan. He had to admit that the words of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince were very reasonable.

"As His Highness said, the Japanese are indeed a bunch of lunatics. It is difficult to find a hard-working human group like Japan in the world today that is crazy and superstitious about the Japanese imperial government."

"Members of our Japanese branch said that although the Japanese are short and thin, their work is no worse than that of any other country in the world, and their military also has a spirit of disregarding death. This may be due to Japan's deformed bushido culture, which is worse than that of militaristic Germany. More extreme."

"Japan's ability to become the fastest-growing country in Asia in recent years despite a lack of resources and a poor country has a lot to do with Japan's extreme national character."

"If we citizens of the Rhine Empire had this kind of character, then I am afraid that East Africa's current economic size could double again, or it could provoke wars around the world. At least the entire sub-Saharan Africa would have no problem."

Although East Africa in the early days was considered by the international community to be a typical militaristic country with an aggressive nature, Japan was much more extreme than East Africa. After all, East Africa had rarely challenged any rivals beyond its level, although the United Kingdom suffered defeat at the hands of East Africa. , that is a lack of clear understanding of East Africa’s national strength.

Japan is not like East Africa. As long as the country cares a little bit, it can have a clearer understanding of Japan's national conditions, including population, industry, military and other information.

Take the Far Eastern War as an example. Both sides were well-known, but the Far Eastern Empire did a poor job with Japanese intelligence, or did not pay attention to it at all. On the contrary, Japan had a deep study of the Far Eastern Empire. This detail greatly affected the trend of the war.

Therefore, the South African War was not a leapfrog challenge in the true sense, but the Far East War was. Ernst judged that Japan would continue to challenge opponents much more powerful than itself in the world, first Tsarist Russia, and then Britain and the United States. Can't run.

And it is only a matter of time. As long as Japan continues to develop, it will inevitably continue to expand outward. Then it will conflict with various interest countries in the Far East.

This possibility also includes East Africa. After all, many military bases and colonies in East Africa in the Pacific are also important, especially the South Ryukyu Islands and the Kingdom of North Hawaii. These two (groups of) islands can even be said to be the lifeline to Japan.

"Pay close attention to the dynamics of Britain, Russia, and Japan. If a war really breaks out between Japan and Russia, we cannot be unprepared, especially Russia. Can we intervene? Russia is the key country." Ernst instructed Morin.

As always, every time a war is related to the world pattern, Ernst will make a fortune from the war, and the Russo-Japanese War is likely to be the first war between major powers in the 20th century.

Although Japan's national strength is not as strong as that of the great powers now, and is even much worse than the same period in history, Japan has the support of Britain and the United States, and with Japan's crazy military policy, the possibility of the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War is very high.

Without the 200 million taels of silver indemnity in the previous life, Japan's industrial development is relatively difficult, but it still extorts a few bamboo from the Far Eastern Empire.

Ernst was completely powerless to do anything about this. The main reason was that after the Far East War, the feudal government of the Far East Empire became even more weak-kneed, and Japan did not get a completely satisfactory result in the Far East War, so Japan threatened the Far East Empire government several times after the Far East War.

But this time no one stood up to confront Japan. After all, the person in charge of the Far East naval war was still liquidated after the war, and the war prospects had been lost, so the internal power struggle made no one dare to take the responsibility for the outbreak of the war.

However, Ernst estimated that the current government of the Far East Empire would not be long away from death, and East Africa would have to change its foreign policy with the new government of the Far East Empire.

After all, East Africa’s interests in the Far East Empire cannot be lost. It’s not that Ernst is black-hearted, but these interests are not taken by himself, and they are likely to be sold to other countries by the Far East Empire government. It’s better to use them to enhance East Africa’s national strength.

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