African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1011 Borrowing Money

March 7, 1903.

St. Petersburg, the capital of Russia.

Crow, the East African ambassador to Tsarist Russia, was in St. Petersburg to see off the last batch of imported talents from East Africa.

"Everyone, this round of talent introduction work in Russia has come to an end. On behalf of the country, I would like to express my gratitude for your contribution. After all, you have suffered a bit in a country with harsh climate conditions like Russia."

"Ambassador Crowe is too polite. He is serving the country and the people. Moreover, the worst conditions in Russia are in the Far East, but there are not many of us there. In the past two years or so, our gains are the most gratifying. , has recruited nearly a thousand talents for the country. After these talents land in East Africa, they should greatly promote the development of all walks of life in East Africa, so our gains are huge. "

In 1903, the most difficult period of Russia's economic crisis had basically passed. In the past two years or so, East Africa had introduced more than 1,200 highly educated or technical personnel from Russia through various means.

The total number of high-level talents introduced by East Africa from all over the world in the past three years is more than 3,600, which means that Russia alone accounts for one-third of the talents introduced by East Africa.

Therefore, East Africa's introduction of talents to Tsarist Russia can be said to be frenzied. Now, as the impact of Russia's economic crisis has slowly weakened, Russia's potential has basically been drained, so the East African government has decided to stop early.

Crowe: "Well, our country's industrial construction is now being vigorously promoted. The results of your work over the past two years have been of great help to our First Five-Year Plan. It has provided a large number of talents to all walks of life in East Africa. During the Second Five-Year Plan, I can’t even imagine how far our country will develop.”

"Before I took office, industrial and agricultural construction was underway in various parts of the country. I estimate that when you return home, the East Africa you will see is very different from what it was two years ago."

At present, nearly half of the First Five-Year Plan for East Africa has been implemented. Various projects and factories have been implemented in East Africa, which has greatly improved the industrial level of East African cities. This improvement is visible to the naked eye. Each city has built several large-scale buildings of more or less scale. Considerable factory.

"Ambassador Crowe, this is our honor. In contrast, Russia's development has been very unsatisfactory. In the past three years, the economy has been severely restricted by the economic crisis, and the social order has been turbulent and social security has seriously collapsed. The energy of coming to Russia this time It made me deeply feel the difference between East Africa and Russia.”

"On the streets of Moscow, petty theft is everywhere, many people are hungry, homeless people cannot survive the winter, government bureaucracy is seriously corrupt and extremely inefficient, and the country's industrial development is slow. Compared with Europe, the United States, and even East Africa, it is slightly inadequate. This is still in relatively developed Moscow, I can’t imagine what other regions in Russia are like.”

Ambassador Crowe nodded and said: "This is normal. Russia's economy is already relatively poor, and due to the economic crisis, the unemployment problem is extremely serious. Many people have difficulty in supporting their families. In addition, the climate conditions are harsh, so the problems you mentioned It’s normal for Russia.”

"But these have nothing to do with us in East Africa. Each country has its own situation, and the level of development is restricted by various conditions. Now Russia just has not found a path suitable for its own development. We don't need to worry about Russia. Building the country’s industry better is the most important thing.”

The man agreed and said: "Ambassador Crow, you are right. After all, we are not Russians."

"Well, that's the best thing to think about. I wish you a smooth journey back home," Ambassador Crowe said.

"I also wish you a happy job in Russia." The staff of the East African Talent Introduction Program waved goodbye to Crowe.

As they board the ship bound for Germany, this also means that this round of East African talent introduction plan in Russia has officially ended.

Crowe's work is obviously not over yet. As soon as he returned to the East African Embassy in St. Petersburg, he welcomed a group of new guests.

"Ambassador Crowe, when you were going to the dock to see you off, Count Cardel of Russia came to visit."

Crowe said: "Where is he now?"

"He's in the reception room. He probably has something urgent to ask you, so he didn't leave, so we prepared some tea for him."

Crowe waved his hand and said, "I'll be there in a moment, you go ahead and do your work first!"

Reception room.

"Ambassador Crow, long time no see!"

"Long time no see Count Caddell!"

Crowe was quite surprised by Count Caddell's arrival, because a month ago he had been told to pay attention to the movements of the Russian government, especially the exchanges between Russian and East African diplomats.

Now that Earl Cardel has come to the door, he obviously has something to do. After all, it is already four o'clock in the afternoon, and he will be off work soon.

"Count Cardel doesn't know why he came to visit?" Crowe asked.

"Ambassador Crow, I am here to discuss some important matters with you in East Africa on behalf of Your Majesty this time." Count Caddell said straight to the point.

Crowe: "Count Caddell, are you here to borrow money again?"

It can be seen from Ambassador Crowe’s words that the Tsarist Russian government often did this kind of thing. In fact, during the economic crisis, Russia tried every means to borrow money from other countries. The largest donor was France, but Russia also borrowed money from other countries. Big countries borrowed money, including East Africa.

From the time Ambassador Crowe took office until now, Count Caddell has borrowed money from East Africa on behalf of the Russian government, so Ambassador Crowe and Count Caddell can be considered "old acquaintances" in a sense.

Count Caddell said cheerfully without changing his expression: "My friend, you still know me. Although our economic situation in Russia has improved, we still need more funds to stabilize social order, so this is why I am here. Purpose."

"How much do you need this time?" Crowe asked.

"Of course, the more, the better." Count Caddell said.

Crowe did not refuse immediately, but continued: "Count Caddell, you also know that we are currently undergoing industrial construction in East Africa, so the government expenditure is very large, so the funds we can provide to your country may not be much. If It shouldn't be a problem if it's a few million rubles, if it's more..."

Count Kadel said: "A few million rubles are not enough. Now our government's finances are tight, so we hope to get at least 20 million."

Crowe shook his head and said: "This is too much. We have provided loans of more than eight million rubles to Tsarist Russia in the previous two times. Twenty million this time is too much!"

The East African government is not too keen on lending to Russia. After all, the Russian government's credibility is relatively low. Of course, it is not impossible to get the money. East Africa's family wealth is very strong and its financial situation is relatively good. If it can ensure the interests of its own country Under the circumstances, it is not a problem to say a few million rubles, but hundreds of millions of rubles, but obviously East Africa will not do this.

At present, the East African government believes that it is more cost-effective to invest money in its own industrial construction than to lend money to Russia. After all, most of Russia's high-quality capital has been captured by the French.

Count Caddell said: "Ambassador Crowe, don't refuse in a hurry. We in Russia definitely have the ability to repay. The current economic crisis is over, Russia's situation is improving, and we have abundant resources that can be used as collateral."

"I think you absolutely need our Russian oil resources. East Africa has always been the largest consumer of oil in our country, so we can use part of Baku's oil field mining rights as collateral. I don't know what Ambassador Crowe thinks of this proposal. Sample?"

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