African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1017: The Tsarist Government’s Impatience

As Ernst said, after receiving the news that the main fleet in the Far East had almost lost its combat effectiveness, Nicholas II's government was awakened by this bad news.

The Russian minister reported to Nicholas II: "The main naval force at the Port Arthur base has suffered heavy losses. Now all the battleships of the Far East Fleet are either seriously injured or blocked in Port Arthur and can only be passively bombed. Only the Vladivostok squadron has not. We are under attack, but at this time the water from far away cannot quench our thirst, it is impossible to rescue, and we do not have the strength to do so, so we have to prepare for the worst. "

At this time, the Russian Far East Fleet was not completely destroyed, and the Vladivostok Squadron still existed, but this fleet was obviously unable to compete with the Japanese Navy. Its main warships did not have a single battleship, and they had cruisers with slightly weaker combat effectiveness.

Moreover, Japan obviously will not let the Vladivostok Squadron support the main force of the Russian navy in Port Arthur. Although the strength of the Japanese navy is far inferior to that of Russia, it still has an absolute advantage over the Russian Far East Fleet.

Among Russia's three major naval fleets, the Baltic Fleet, Black Sea Fleet, and Far East Fleet are the weakest, at least weaker than the Japanese Combined Fleet.

Nicholas II tapped the back of his head and asked anxiously: "Can we break out from Port Arthur?"

The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy shook his head and sighed: "It is basically impossible. The Japanese Navy launched a sneak attack at night, which resulted in fatal blows to many of our warships docked in the port. This caused the Port Arthur Navy to lose most of its combat effectiveness. By relying on With the remaining strength, it is impossible to effectively counterattack, and now we can only rely on the Lushun garrison to maintain a stalemate with Japan. "

"This also shows that our country has lost the initiative in the Far East Sea. As long as the Japanese navy is properly commanded, it is only a matter of time before it can eat up our navy in Lushun."

"The combat effectiveness of the Vladivostok Squadron is weak, and it will definitely pass through Japanese waters when going south. The Japanese Navy cannot sit idly by. At this time, going south is basically a sheep entering the tiger's mouth and falling into the trap of the Japanese Navy."

Nicholas II said angrily: "Are we just going to watch the Imperial Navy being destroyed in Port Arthur and remain indifferent?"

The Commander-in-Chief of the Navy consoled us: "The main reason is that no one expected that the Japanese Navy would adopt a night sneak attack. The Japanese government did not declare war on our country at all, thus catching us off guard. Therefore, the fundamental reason for the tragedy in Port Arthur is that we ignored Japan. The level of shamelessness of the country is completely different from the wars in civilized countries in the past. "

Nicholas II gritted his teeth and said: "These damn Japanese dwarf monkeys, they have no sense of shame or morality at all."

Nicholas II's hatred of Japan can be said to have reached the extreme, and it is a combination of new hatred and old hatred, because Nicholas II was assassinated by the Japanese when he was still the crown prince. Over the years, Nicholas II's hatred of Japan This matter has never been forgotten, and now Japan's despicable method of undeclared war has made Nicholas II even more violent.

Of course, the assassination may not cause Nicholas II to hate Japan. After all, it is not uncommon for the Tsar to be assassinated. For example, Nicholas II's grandfather Alexander II was a victim, which made Nicholas II The main reason why the world hates Japan is the Japanese government's shielding attitude towards the murderer at that time.

Originally, Nicholas II had a relatively friendly attitude when he first visited Japan when he was young, and he was very satisfied with his impression of Japan. However, when encountering the bad things that happened later, no normal person would be able to let it go.

Although Nicholas II hated this country that had no martial ethics and no shame, he was not so angry that he asked: "Now that the war has broken out, and it has started very badly for us, how about you?" What are the plans to resolve this crisis?”

The Commander-in-Chief of the Navy said pessimistically: "Now we can only ask the Vladivostok Squadron not to make unnecessary sacrifices, avoid the annihilation of the Far East Fleet, and let them consume the energy of the Japanese Navy as much as possible. As for the main force of the Far East Fleet in Lushun, we can only talk about the situation. Worrying, prepare for the worst.”

"And in order to prevent the war situation from deteriorating further, we must be prepared in advance and dispatch an expeditionary fleet to the Pacific region for support at any time. If Japan is allowed to occupy Lushun, we will further fall into passivity."

Nicholas II said anxiously: "In this case, why don't you come up with a plan quickly?"

"Your Majesty, it is not easy to send an expeditionary fleet. Because of the British, our Black Sea Fleet will definitely not be able to go out. At this time, we can only draw troops from the Baltic Fleet, but we are also facing serious problems. The fleet is from Europe to the Pacific. Thousands of miles away, the situation along the route is complicated, and maybe other countries won’t give us convenience.”

Navy Chief of Staff Rozhdestvinsky also said: "The British have a high probability of becoming an obstacle to us. They control Gibraltar, the Suez Canal and other transportation arteries, and Britain and Japan have very close relations. It can even be said that Japan The navy is the one hand supporting us to balance our power, so the British will most likely side with Japan and cause us a lot of trouble. "

This judgment can be said to be very accurate. For the current British people, they wish that Russia would collapse in the Far East.

"Moreover, fleet mobilization is a very complicated process. We need a lot of preparation work. The Baltic Fleet will take a lot of time just to sail, and it will also face climatic tests. I am afraid that it will be exhausted by the time it reaches the Far East."

Nicholas II asked: "Can't we bypass Britain?"

"It's almost impossible. Even if we don't go through Gibraltar and the Suez Canal, the Cape of Good Hope and the Strait of Malacca are in the hands of the British. However, the British cannot completely stop us. It's just that this will cost us a lot of time and energy, and the war situation is changing rapidly. At this time, it is entirely possible that we will fail in the war."

Of course, the Russian government still had a fluke in its heart. Although the Far East Fleet was attacked, it was not completely annihilated, so the Far East Fleet still had the possibility of a comeback, but this possibility was very small.

So at this time, the Baltic Fleet should prepare in advance to rush to Asia to help. This is what the Russian naval generals said to prepare for the worst.

"The British are likely to make a fuss about the Strait of Gibraltar or the Suez Canal. In addition to the UK, we also need to consider other countries, especially the attitudes of Germany and France. If we choose the Cape of Good Hope route because of the British obstruction, then East Africa is also a factor we need to consider."

"The Baltic Fleet passes through too many seas and countries, and the countries that can afford not to sell face are Germany, France, Britain and East Africa. Other countries dare not intervene even if they are dissatisfied. France should not stop us. As for the attitudes of Germany and East Africa, we need to test them, especially Germany. If Germany favors Japan in this war, we may not even be able to leave the Baltic Sea."

"The importance of East Africa is that if we choose the Cape of Good Hope route, our navy will have to pass through the East African coast for a long distance, and East Africa still has colonies in Asia. The location of Lan Fang and the South Ryukyu Islands can provide favorable guarantees for our navy to rest midway. At the same time, the relationship between East Africa and Britain is relatively rigid, so it will not be interfered with by Britain's attitude. This is also very important to us."

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