African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1021 Overseas Territory Construction

The Lanfang Overseas Province's position in the geographical map of East Africa can be said to be relatively important. It is adjacent to the Strait of Malacca, and the island of Kalimantan is also known as the crossroads of the South Seas. Although it is not as good as the British-controlled Straits Settlements (mainly the Malaysian part) regions, including Singapore), but it is the most prolific among the overseas territories in East Africa and Southeast Asia.

The initial development conditions far exceed those of the Mindanao Colony and Balabac Island. The plains of Mindanao are too small, and the population is even sparser than that of Lanfang Overseas Province.

Although there are many indigenous people in Mindanao, in the eyes of the East African government, these indigenous people are all barbarians who refuse to accept kingship. Now East Africa is still purging and suppressing the local area, and the cost of governance remains high.

It can be said that the rule of East Africa in Mindanao and the Americans in Luzon in the north are at the same level. Both countries are doing the same thing to suppress the indigenous people in the region.

Moreover, due to religious and other reasons, East Africa's purge activities on Mindanao were far more bloody than those in the United States, and the determination of local indigenous people to resist far exceeded those in Philippine colonial areas such as Luzon in the north.

Therefore, the cost of East Africa's rule in Mindanao remains high and will continue for a long time, so it is naturally impossible to move to the construction stage.

As for Balabac Island, the island has only certain military purposes for East Africa. The island is small and mainly mountainous, so it has no development value.

Therefore, compared with the two overseas territories of East Africa in Nanyang, Lanfang Overseas Province is the most suitable for large-scale development and construction at this stage.

As for the future, the value of Mindanao may be greater than that of Lanfang Overseas Province. After all, Mindanao’s resources are far richer than those of Lanfang Overseas Province.

“According to the document requirements, the main task of this resettlement is to build two state-owned farms and a wood processing plant around Pontianak City. There is a lot of usable land area in Lanfang Overseas Province, but development is not easy and requires first deforestation. Land reclamation is also very rich in forest resources, and timber export is also one of the important industries in Lanfang Overseas Province. "

"During the land reclamation period, the provincial government will send troops to protect your safety. You don't have to worry. There are only some wild animals here that may pose a certain threat. However, around Pontianak City, the probability of this happening is very small."

There are many wild animals on Kalimantan, especially in sparsely populated areas like Lanfang Overseas Province, where rhinos, pythons, monkeys, etc. live.

As for human threats, if it is in other areas of Lanfang Overseas Province, you may encounter some illegal border crossers among the indigenous people, but this situation is unlikely to happen around Pontianak City.

“Pontianak City has very rich water resources and flat terrain, but the soil is relatively poor. This is a common problem in tropical rainforest areas. Unless there is rich volcanic ash soil like Java Island, it is still difficult to carry out agricultural production in Pontianak City. "

"But you don't need to worry too much. The quality is not enough. If you add up the area, the available land around Pontianak City is very abundant. The total population of Pontianak City is only more than 50,000. If you put it in the empire, it is probably only desert and rainforest areas. The population density is about the same.”

"And with the local care, we have won a lot of shares in agricultural tools and fertilizers, so it is relatively easy to open up wasteland locally."

“At present, the population of Pontianak City is mainly Chinese, and only a small part of them can speak German, so there may be some difficulties in communication. However, we have also built several schools here. Those of you who have ideas can also participate in teaching work. ”

Most of the local citizens in East Africa have received compulsory education, so some people can barely teach German. This is also the talent needed by Lanfang Overseas Province and the Pontianak City Government.

The real difficulty is that German teachers must have a certain foundation in Chinese. After all, teaching entirely in German means that for most local Chinese students, they are talking to each other. However, under the strong German promotion policy in East Africa, the new generation of locals retain the ability to speak Chinese. I'm afraid the number of people is really small.

As for people who master Chinese characters, they are even rarer in East Africa. After all, most of the Chinese immigrants in East Africa were illiterate.

Moreover, there are other difficulties in education work, that is, although the local population is mainly Chinese, the Far Eastern Empire has a vast area, a large population, and many dialects. The small Lanfang Overseas Province alone has six or seven dialects of Chinese. Mainly speaking the dialects of the southern region, there are also some Chinese groups with indigenous accents. The main reason is that many Chinese in Southeast Asia have been mixed with local indigenous people for too long, which has resulted in alienation in language habits.

After all, Kalimantan Island, the Far Eastern Empire is called Borneo, and many local Chinese residents lived here in the Ming Dynasty, so it is impossible not to be affected.

Therefore, even the teaching job is not qualified for everyone, and the Lanfang Overseas Provincial Government will definitely conduct assessments.

The native East African immigrants who immigrated to Lanfang Overseas Province in this round actually have relatively limited occupations. If it is a general colony, perhaps the East African government can arrange for them to manage the locals or engage in some mid-to-high-end jobs.

But Lanfang Overseas Province is special. It is not a colony in East Africa. Most of the local indigenous people have been expelled by the East African government. Colonization is a kind of parasitic governance. Obviously, Lanfang Overseas Province does not have this kind of governance. The basic conditions for parasitizing local indigenous people.

As for the Chinese residents in the Lanfang Overseas Province that have not been fully planned, for East Africa, they may be a kind of local "indigenous" in a sense. After all, a large part of them have a long history in the local area. However, after more than ten years of screening by the East African government, these Chinese residents have become East African citizens. However, due to the scarcity of educational resources, compulsory education and the unsuccessful popularization of German, most of them have retained their traditional characteristics.

However, for the East African government, this is only a matter of time. As long as the East African rule lasts longer, it is only a matter of time to assimilate the local residents.

This means that the Lanfang Overseas Province is indeed governed in the mode of the native provinces of East Africa. Although it is subject to conditions, the degree of development is low, and the economy cannot be compared with that of the East African mainland, it is no different from the local area in terms of system and government.

This also determines that the East African government will not rule the local area in the form of a colony. Although East Africa has been established for a long time, there are still a large number of indigenous slaves in the East African mainland, so in a certain sense, the East African mainland is more like a colony than the Lanfang Overseas Province.

Therefore, what the East African government said about building and developing the Lanfang Overseas Province is completely in line with the facts, and these local immigrants are the pioneers sent to the local area by the East African government just like the Soviet Union developed Siberia, which also determines that their future road will be more difficult.

However, although the conditions in the Lanfang Overseas Province are much worse than those in East Africa, this is only for the overall East Africa. In the backward areas of the north, southwest, and southeast of the mainland, there are also a group of people who work hard in harsh environments for national construction.

Therefore, there is no essential difference between going to the Lanfang Overseas Province for reclamation and construction and supporting construction in backward areas from the mainland, which is also the price that East African generations must pay.

In the early 20th century, the people of all countries, whether industrial or agricultural countries, had to participate in heavy physical labor, and East Africa was no exception. Therefore, in order not to be eliminated by the international community, the East African government could only pay more blood and sweat than European and American countries.

Including the overseas territories in East Africa, these overseas territories can actually provide very little economic value to East Africa, so the construction of overseas territories requires more assistance from East Africa. However, at this stage, East Africa can only promote the construction of the Lan Fang overseas province, the territory of Madagascar Island and the royal territory of Alaska, and the investment is very limited.

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