African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1024 Surveillance

Luanda Police Station.

Director Finka: "Let our people keep a close eye on them, especially in areas where Russian soldiers are densely populated. Deploy more personnel to prevent accidents!"

When the Russian sailors landed and entered Luanda, the East African government naturally had to send people to keep an eye on them. After all, the Russian Navy is not a disciplined force. The Luanda City Police Department, the National Defense Security Bureau and other departments began to be vigilant.

The situation was better than the Luanda City Government expected. Except for some drunkards, basically nothing major happened. After dragging a few drunkards sleeping on the streets of Luanda to Russian military personnel.

Director Finka said to the Russian naval officer who came to contact them: "These people should be your people. They must have drunk too much during the day, so they slept on the streets of Luanda. Our police found them. Fortunately, this is not St. Petersburg, otherwise, they might be stiff the next day."

The Russian officer in charge of the connection turned green. After all, no one would feel good about such a shameful situation abroad.

"Thank you, everyone. These guys may have been too pent up in the sea, so they couldn't control themselves when drinking. I think they will learn a lesson next time." said the Russian officer.

Fenrka just smiled and handed these Russian drunkards over to the Russians.

On the way back, Finka said to his subordinates: "The Russians' performance today is completely undisciplined and unorganized, just like a swarm of flies entering our beautiful city, so I doubt the combat effectiveness of these Russians."

Deputy Director Boda nodded in agreement: "Today I talked to a Russian sailor. The corruption within the Russian army is very serious. The salary and food of the lower-level soldiers are often withheld. Now the war is approaching, but they can only eat spoiled bread in St. Petersburg."

"There are also Russian junior officers, many of whom are fat and big-eared. Their clothes are quite gorgeous, but their faces and hands are very delicate, with no signs of training at all. I just don't know what the situation is with the Japanese Navy, otherwise the Russian Navy may fail in this ocean voyage."

Finka sighed: "Golden outside, rotten inside. However, the Russian The navy of the country is large and powerful, and even if it loses the war, it will probably recover. Moreover, this is not a bad thing for Russia. They haven't fought a decent war for a long time. The most elite Baltic Fleet is still like this, and the other naval forces of Russia may not be much better. "

Boda: "Now Russia should only have the Baltic Fleet and the Black Sea Fleet. The newspapers have said a while ago that the Russian Pacific Fleet is basically finished. This is also a big blow to the Russian Navy, although the Pacific Fleet is the weakest among the three major naval fleets of Russia. "

The East African government is always paying attention to the development of the Russo-Japanese War, including wars at both sea and land levels, because the Russo-Japanese War is the most modern large-scale war. Although the Spanish-American War is very close, Spain is too weak, especially the colonial army is much worse than the United States in equipment, so it does not have a strong reference value.

The Russo-Japanese War is different. In terms of naval warfare, the warships of both sides are top-level configurations, and the land warfare is infinitely close to the South African War of the year. Concrete bunkers, trenches, machine guns, barbed wire and other modern warfare offensive and defensive means appear on the battlefield.

The scale of the war is also larger than that of the South African War. Both sides have mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops to participate in the war. Although the total number of participants on both sides during the South African War also reached one million, many of the British and Portuguese troops were made up of Indians, blacks or Boers.

In contrast, the Russo-Japanese War was fought by both sides' own military and civilians. Now the number of troops deployed by both sides in the Russo-Japanese War is not far from one million, and it is still growing.

According to the East African military, the intensity of the Russo-Japanese War has now exceeded that of the South African War, mainly because both sides cannot tolerate the cost of losing the war.

The South African War is a colonial war after all. Although Britain and Portugal have invested a lot, they do not have a strong desire to fight.

As for Japan and Russia, Japan regards this war as a battle of national destiny, and Russia cannot tolerate losing to Japan, a "small country" in East Asia. This is a great blow to Russia's national self-esteem.

In fact, the majority of people in Russia who are pessimistic about the war have occupied a large number of people. In recent months, there have been almost no achievements to show, so the Second Pacific Fleet is the last straw for Russia in this war.

Finka: "The Russians will stay for another day, so we must continue to monitor Russia tomorrow and there must be no mistakes."

According to the agreement between the two countries, the Russian Navy can only stay in Luanda Port for two days. After all, the Russian side also has to hurry up. When they arrive in Mombasa, it will be the last happy time for the Russian Navy.

Although there is still Pontianak Port for temporary rest, the basic conditions of Pontianak Port are far inferior to those of local cities in East Africa.

Two days are almost over in the blink of an eye for the Russian Navy. Before setting off, many Russian Navy members are reluctant to leave Luanda.

However, the war situation cannot allow the Russian fleet to stay in Luanda, this comfortable nest, for too long. It must also meet up with the Russian Navy taking the Mediterranean route.


Rhine City.

"The current situation in Russia is very bad. The original Pacific Fleet has basically been destroyed. According to our observation ship survey in the Far East, no Russian warships have been observed in the Far East waters. At the same time, combined with the intelligence sent back from Lushun, the two countries have already had a fierce land war in Lushun, and the Russian army in Lushun has exchanged fire with Japanese troops."

"As for the temporarily formed Second Pacific Fleet, it just left Luanda yesterday. Among them, the Russian troops on the Mediterranean route have not yet arrived in Mogadishu. This shows that the situation of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean is quite unsatisfactory. We are in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. According to intelligence sources, British ships have been following and provoking the Russian navy entering the Mediterranean. It is estimated that the British will make things difficult for the Russians in the Suez Canal.”

Ernst listened to the reports from the military and intelligence agencies, and then said: "This is basically the same as the judgment we made before. If the Russian Navy all chose the west coast route, the results might be much better. Unfortunately, they did not do so, but this After all, it is the Russians’ own choice, and they will naturally have to bear the consequences.”

"The current Russo-Japanese War is an extremely beneficial real case for us to deduce the development direction of future wars. Japan is an emerging power in East Asia, while Russia is an established power. The strength of the two countries in the Far Eastern Empire is not much different, far from what it was before. The Spanish-American War can be compared.”

"So the military must pay attention to the details of this war, so as to discover the similarities and differences between foreign military development and our country, and actively adjust and optimize our country's military development route, especially how to deal with some modern wars, modern tactics, and modern military equipment."

"The weapons and equipment used by the Japanese and Russian armies are almost at the world's first-class level, and the scale of investment is unprecedented. Under such circumstances, the Russo-Japanese War is a good preview of the development of future wars."

Military reforms in East Africa have been ongoing, but because of this, East Africa must also pay more attention to foreign military developments.

And if nothing unexpected happens, the Russo-Japanese War may be the last large-scale modern war before World War I. After all, the Russo-Japanese War in the previous life was called a "quasi-world war". The weapons used in the war between the two countries were basically based on their own tactics. It was also widely used in World War I.

"Especially for the naval department, the development path of our country's navy is basically the same as that of foreign countries. In the Russo-Japanese War, both navies were the most advanced at the moment. We must pay special attention to the differences in the details of the two navies during the war. Summary The advantages and disadvantages will guide the future development direction of our country’s naval tactics, equipment and ships,” Ernst said emphatically to the naval department.

It can be said that the dreadnoughts in the previous life were born out of the Russo-Japanese War. The Bagamoyo built in East Africa already has the shadow of a dreadnought. However, what a real dreadnought should be, the Russo-Japanese War still needs to point out the direction. If you don't grasp it, At this opportunity, East Africa can only wait for the British to build the dreadnought and then reverse engineer it.

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