African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1065 Black Paradise

Even if black people are included in the total population data of East Africa, their proportion is only about 5%. The black population in the United States accounts for about 14% of the total population of the United States, and has surpassed East Africa to become the largest black country in the world.

Yes, through the "efforts" of East Africa, the United States has become the country with the largest black population in the world. Although West Africa is the hometown of black people, the West African countries are fragmented and further divided by European and American colonists. This makes the single country or colony of West Africa The black population is nowhere near that of East Africa or the United States.

Although there are only more than 7 million black people left in East Africa, given the generally low productivity in West Africa, it is difficult for a single black country to have a population exceeding this number. For example, Nigeria, which had the largest population in Africa in its previous life, is still just a geographical concept. , distributed in many countries and tribes, as well as colonies of Britain and other countries.

The entire territory may have a population of more than 10 million, but it cannot be considered a country. It can be divided into at least two British protectorates of Nigeria, the Kingdom of South Germany (occupied part), and local indigenous forces.

The Abyssinian Empire has a population of more than 10 million, but Abyssinia is a mixed race and is not a single black country. Especially in East Africa, after excluding the black areas in Ethiopia and the southern area in the previous life, the entire Abyssinian population Among them, the proportion of black ancestry is actually smaller.

"Today, if we use illegal workers for more than ten years at most, they will probably wither away naturally. This also means that our country's economic development will face a transformation problem." said East African Transport Minister Derich.

Black people in East Africa are basically adult males. Even if East Africa wants to use them as "perpetual motion machines", their lifespan constraints will not allow it. With their lifespan, they will be considered long-lived if they last more than ten years.

The reduction in the number of black people is obviously detrimental to the current industrial development in East Africa, because black people are the cheapest labor force in East Africa and have made great contributions to the early development and later industrial construction of East Africa.

"Eliminating the role of black people in our country's industries is an inevitable path for our country's economic development. We cannot always rely on external labor to support our country's development. Moreover, the work performed by black people is concentrated in the lowest-end industries, which can be completely provided by our country." Human replacements are just not as useful as black people.”

"However, this does not have much impact on us. At present, our country's development and transformation of the whole country has been basically completed, and a relatively systematic water conservancy, railway, and highway transportation network has been built. This also means that the most difficult time has passed. "Compared with other parts of the world, our conditions in East Africa are not bad," Sweet said.

Derich: "According to the preliminary development goals for this century, our country still has at least 100,000 kilometers of railways, millions of kilometers of roads that have not been completed, and more water conservancy projects that have not been completed. At the same time, there are many risky industries, such as the mining industry. It all requires the help of black workers.”

"And our country's current level of mechanization is not high. It will take at least several decades to achieve a high degree of mechanization. Before that, black labor can greatly save our costs."

For East African government departments such as the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Water Resources, and the Ministry of Railways, the importance of black labor is particularly prominent. Before East Africa, there was not a decent road in East Africa today, let alone a railway or canal. In the early days of East Africa, transportation and water conservancy were , agricultural development, it is no exaggeration to say that it is supported by black people.

Of course, as the population grows, blacks are no longer needed in most fields in East Africa. For example, in the agricultural field, blacks have been completely eliminated in East Africa. Today, the use of blacks in East Africa is mainly concentrated in infrastructure construction and the extractive industry.

Sweet said: "The elimination of black workers is a basic national policy. Due to their age, many black workers eat more than they work, so we cannot just wait for natural elimination. We also need to restore part of the shipping business and send them to West Africa. "

Due to large-scale infrastructure construction, East Africa has not exported black slaves for more than ten years. After all, the slave trade also carries huge risks.

Of course, as Sweet said, it is a good idea to find a way to send these older blacks to West Africa. These overage blacks are basically of no use value to East Africa.

Simply exiling them to West Africa is also related to the slave trade. After all, the essence of trade is exchange. East Africa did not gain any benefits in the process, so it naturally does not count as "slave trade."

And the operation is relatively simple. Trade between East Africa, Western Europe, and the Americas is becoming increasingly frequent, so most ships on the West Coast will pass through West Africa. Each time they take a little bit with them, they can throw these black people to West Africa.

After all, East Africa is a "hell" for black people, or they can live out their old age peacefully in West Africa. Although West Africa is now also the territory of colonists from all sides, it is better than a place like East Africa without any human rights.

Looking at the world, black people in the United States now have the third highest status among black people in the world. As for the first and second places, they are Haiti and Liberia. These two countries are deeply related to the United States. Haiti is the economic radiation area of ​​the United States. , and Liberia is almost equivalent to an American colony.

Today, black people on the African continent have basically lost their freedom. Although black people in the United States are discriminated against by American society, their freedom is much better than that in East Africa or West Africa.

The number of black people in American society alone is as high as more than 10 million, and they are widely involved in the construction of American agriculture and industry. As for the problem of low political status, in the United States, people are originally divided into different levels. Except for the British and Jews, the other Irish, Germans, Italians, Indians, Japanese, and Chinese were all similar in the past.

Of course, with the rise of East Africa, Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the social status of Germans in the United States has been greatly improved.

In the past, Germany had not yet been unified, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was half-dead, and because of Hungary, it was not a real German country. East Africa was just a small colonial country in a corner, and the Germans in the United States were relatively weak.

Of course, the improvement of the status of Germans in the United States, in addition to the rise of the German country, another major reason is that East Africa siphoned the poor German population in the United States through the economic crisis in the 1970s and 1980s. Under the economic crisis, the German population that can continue to stay in the United States must have a certain social status or a stable source of income.

Now it is mainly Italians and Neapolitans who have replaced the ecological niche of Germans in the United States, and they are the main force of American gangs and violent gangs.

Of course, relatively speaking, the people at the bottom of society are still non-European, among which East Africa does not belong to European countries and is not well received in the United States, but it does not enjoy the "non-national treatment" of the United States.

Among them, native American blacks and Asians are the real bottom of American society. Even so, the status of American blacks is much higher than that of East African blacks.

At least they can find jobs freely, even marry and have children, and the wives married by American blacks may even be sold from East Africa through Haiti.

Now, the blacks who were sold to the United States by East Africa can be said to have caught up with the good times. After all, after the Civil War, American blacks got rid of their slave status, and the United States is one of the world's powers, with a stable society and strong economic strength. Even the lowest blacks can basically get by.

Black people in other regions are living a life worse than death, including the black people's homeland in West Africa, where they are not only exploited by the local black upper class, but also skinned by the colonists. Black people in East Africa are used like "ruthless" machines by East Africa, depriving them of their right to marry and have children as well as their freedom in life, and living a life in darkness. From this perspective, the United States is indeed the only "paradise" for black people in the world today.

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