African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1069 German Discussion

Among the countries in the early 20th century, although East Africa was one of the few countries with a population of more than 100 million, the population size of East Africa was not enough to scare other countries. After all, many European countries had populations of more than 10 million, including Russia. A top power with a population of over 150 million.

Russia's population has long been the largest in Europe, but this does not mean that Russia's huge population can scare other countries. After all, factors such as industry, defense industry, economic capacity, social stability, and mobilization capabilities must also be considered. If national strength were based solely on population, other European countries would have surrendered long ago.

And although the news that East Africa's population exceeded 100 million is shocking, it is not unacceptable. In 1910, the population of the United States was close to 100 million. The gap with East Africa was not large, and the industrial strength and economic level of the United States were much stronger than those of East Africa. So instead of worrying about East Africa, it is better to worry about the United States. No matter how you look at it, the United States is stronger than East Africa.

At the same time, the exaggerated population data of East Africa is completely justified. As a country of immigrants, most of the population of East Africa comes from the Far Eastern Empire, which can also explain the abnormal situation of the East African population to a certain extent.

The Far Eastern Empire has long been the most populous country in the world. Any loss of population every year can be compared to the population of a small or medium-sized country. East Africa has long taken over the surplus population of the Far Eastern Empire, so it is not surprising that the population of East Africa can grow at such a rapid rate. It feels unexpected.

Moreover, factors in the German region of Europe must also be considered. The economy of the German region has only been completely reversed in recent years. It has been the world's major population outflow area before. Therefore, with the support of the German region and the Far Eastern Empire, East Africa has become the world's fourth largest population. The country is completely justified.

In fact, this is also true. Ernst has always regarded population as wealth, and this was especially true for pre-colonial Africa. Without sufficient population, the development of African land would be unimaginably difficult, so the introduction of a large number of immigrants to East Africa was the Rhine royal family's initiative to open up Africa. Necessary action.

The success of East Africa has also provided experience to countries such as the Kingdom of South Germany and Belgium. Before this, almost no country would introduce a large number of immigrants from the Far Eastern Empire.

Although there are a large number of Chinese workers in the United States, especially railroad workers, they only number in the tens of thousands in total, and after the Chinese Exclusion Act and the economic crisis, there are hardly many left.

In fact, Americans look down on East Asians from the bottom of their hearts. This is not just for the Far Eastern Empire. Japan and other East Asian populations are no exception. For example, the U.S. government and the Japanese government signed an agreement a few years ago. Through the exchange of interests between the two countries, Japan The government restricts its own population from entering the United States.

In sharp contrast, Brazil does not have many obstacles to Japanese immigrants, which makes Japanese immigrants one of the important ethnic groups in Brazil in the future. This also reflects that Brazilian society is more tolerant than the United States, and it is worthy of the Brazilian "people" Even the Brazilian government’s attitude towards black people is considered “friendly”.

Of course, Ernst did not comment too much on Brazil's approach. Anyway, Ernst's attitude towards the Japanese was still based on "conspiracy theories" because Japan had done too many dirty things in its previous life, which was completely in line with the Japanese nation. character.

As for why Brazil did not encounter special circumstances in the previous life, in Ernst's opinion, it was not that the Japanese government did not have such an idea, but because the defeat of the war meant that even if the Japanese government had ideas, it could not implement them. In the late 20th century, Japan's population began to decline, which became even more That’s it.

Moreover, the Japanese immigrants in Brazil who are out of the control of the Japanese government are probably not willing to become the minions of the Japanese government. After all, their life in Brazil is still very nourishing. The degree of involution of East Asians has always been the highest. This makes Japanese immigrants in Brazil a relatively It is easy to gain an advantage through competition in a fair society.

It is even very possible for a Japanese immigrant to become the president of Brazil, which is obviously unlikely to happen in countries such as the United States.

While the East African government is collecting data for the Second Five-Year Plan, the German government is having a heated discussion on the population issue in East Africa.

"The population of East Africa is almost over 111 million, which is almost twice that of our country, and most of the population in East Africa is of German descent. If East Africa can be brought into our camp, it will be extremely beneficial for Germany to seize world power."

Any country with a population of more than 100 million is worth winning over, or has value, even if the situation in India was so bad in the previous life.

After the East African population data was released, it naturally aroused the interest of many people within the German government. If East Africa could be tied to the German tank, the German government would even dare to challenge the entire Europe.

"Can you confirm the authenticity of this news?" William II did not express an opinion, because he was skeptical about the data released by East Africa. Population growth on the scale of East Africa is too exaggerated.

Imperial Prime Minister Bateman said: "The East African government should not lie about this kind of thing, and through our economic cooperation with East Africa over the years, we can also see that the East African population data is authentic, such as agricultural products, industrial products, minerals, etc. Commodity trading is all covered.”

"Our previous prediction of East Africa's population was probably more than 50 million, but this prediction is obviously an underestimate. However, this also explains the rapid increase in trade volume in East Africa in recent years. It is obviously impossible to achieve without a huge population base. "

William II nodded and said, "Yes! No one would have thought that East Africa was so hidden. They seemed to have never released official population data before, but this is also good news for us, and we underestimated the market potential of East Africa, which caused us to suffer a great loss."

More than 100 million people can definitely be called a supermarket in the world at this time, and because of dealing with East Africa for many years, in Germany's perception of East Africa's consumption capacity, East Africa is not the kind of poor country in Asia, Africa and Latin America. At least even ordinary people in East Africa are much richer than India.

And even in such a poor situation as India, it can support Britain's hegemony through its huge size. If Germany can dominate East Africa, it will be no worse than India. Apart from other things, the area of ​​East Africa alone is not comparable to that of India.

Bateman sighed, "We missed the best time to intervene in East Africa. If we had pushed the time forward 20 or 30 years, we would have discovered the potential of East Africa and would not have been so passive, especially before the South African War, but the facts have proved that we always underestimated East Africa."

William II also said sourly, "If Germany could change its development strategy in advance and actively colonize Africa, then today the whole of Central Africa and South Africa would be ours!"

As a staunch colonialist, William II's pursuit of a maritime power was the highest among all the Prussian monarchs.

Of course, what he enjoyed was not very realistic. After all, if Prussia had not focused on Europe in the early days, Germany would not have been unified. Germany would at most become a second-rate country, still suppressed by Britain, France and even the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and second-rate countries wanted to compete with other countries for overseas colonies, at most they could get some leftovers that the powers looked down upon.

The most typical examples are Belgium and the Netherlands. To put it bluntly, if Britain, France and other countries were interested in their colonies, they would have no choice but to give in. The reason why their colonies can be preserved now is largely because the colonies they control are "not" of much value, or the powers are reluctant to take action for the sake of balance.

For example, if there was no East Africa, France would not have allowed Belgium to occupy this place. Not only colonies, but even without Germany and Britain, France would have swallowed up Belgium itself.

Therefore, if Germany could not unify and integrate in the early stage, it would have been just a pawn in the hands of Britain, France, Austria and Russia, and it would have been impossible to develop to the point it is today.

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