African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1071 The End of the Plan

The importance of East Africa to Germany is self-evident. France, as Germany's mortal enemy, can be said to be the country that understands Germany best at present. This understanding is deep in Germany's economy, military, politics and other fields.

As Germany's main supplier of cotton, rubber, sugar and various mineral resources, East Africa can seriously hit Germany's economy and industry if it can cause negative changes in the relationship between East Africa and Germany.

Of course, it is obviously impossible to destroy the relationship between East Africa and Germany, and the French government can only do it slowly.

Time came to the beginning of 1910, which also meant that the East African plan officially came to an end.

While countries around the world, especially Germany and France, paid special attention to East Africa, the East African government was also speeding up the summary of the construction achievements of its own plan.

East Africa was eager for Germany, France and other countries to give more chips that were beneficial to the development of East Africa in order to win over East Africa, so it was happy to see the competition between Germany, France and other countries. From the beginning, Ernst and the East African government sat on the Diaoyutai.

So compared with international disputes, East Africa paid more attention to the development of its own industry and economy.

Like the First Five-Year Plan, most of the projects in the East African Plan were basically completed ahead of schedule, and some projects exceeded the plan, with only a few projects not completed.

At present, the plan has been completed by more than 97%, and East Africa will make corresponding adjustments to its own industry according to the specific situation, and start preparing for the Third Five-Year Plan.

Luo Song said: "At present, my country's annual steel production has exceeded 10 million tons, second only to the United States and Germany in the world. The specific figure of steel production last year was 10.87 million tons, which has achieved the steel production target during the plan."

In 1909, the United States' steel production reached more than 25 million tons, ranking first in the world. In fact, in 1908, the United States' steel production was even higher, reaching more than 26 million tons, but it was affected by the economic crisis and has now declined.

In 1909, Germany's steel production was as high as more than 13 million tons, ranking second in the world. In 1909, the steel production of East Africa and Germany combined was not as much as that of the United States.

The British steel production continued to maintain at a level of more than 6 million tons. As early as the beginning of the East African plan, the annual steel production of the UK was more than 6 million tons, and there has been basically no progress in recent years.

France and Austria-Hungary have made great progress, with steel production exceeding 3 million tons and 2 million tons respectively. France has successfully squeezed out Russia and ranked fifth in the world, while Russia's current annual steel production is slightly lower than France, but it is also around 3 million tons.

Austria-Hungary squeezed out Belgium and ranked seventh in the world, also winning by a slight advantage. Belgium's steel production has approached the level of 2 million tons, which has a lot to do with the iron ore resources in the Belgian Congo colony.

In addition to importing iron ore from the colony, Belgium also established a steel plant in the Belgian Congo. A large part of the orders came from East Africa and were exported to the western and northwestern regions of East Africa.

There are many colonies similar to the Belgian Congo, especially Canada, a British colony, and India have a large development in steel production. In fact, there was also South Africa in history. After all, South Africa had rich coal and iron ore resources in the past, and now these resources mainly serve East Africa.

However, even if the British colonies' steel production is included, it will not exceed 8 million tons. Except for Canada and India, the steel production of other colonies is almost negligible.

Australia is in good condition, with rich coal and iron ore resources, but now Australia still plays the role of Britain's "prison", and its development is far less than that of Canada, which is next to the United States, and its population shortcoming is particularly obvious.

At present, the steel production in East Africa is actually not much different from that in Germany. By the time of the Third Five-Year Plan, the East African government is very confident that it will surpass Germany in steel production.

"my country's steel industry has not only achieved a breakthrough in output, but also formed a multi-core development advantage, forming many steel production bases in the central, eastern, western and southern, northeastern and other regions."

"Emerging steel industrial cities such as Cabinda and Mogadishu have been formed, providing a basic guarantee for my country's industrial and infrastructure construction."

"The output of special steel has increased significantly, providing basic conditions for my country's military manufacturing, shipbuilding, etc., and has greatly improved the international market for my country's steel, forming multiple competitive steel varieties for export."

"During the same period, my country's coal production increased by nearly 200 million tons, also reaching the world's top level."

At the same time, East Africa's local coal production ranked fourth in the world, that is, after the United States, Britain, and Germany.

It is worth noting that the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom's local coal production ranked second in the world, surpassing Germany and East Africa, but its steel production is far less than Germany and East Africa.

The reason for this difference, in addition to the relatively backward steel smelting technology in the United Kingdom, is that the proportion of coal energy in the United Kingdom is higher.

Especially when Germany, the United States and East Africa have begun to use electricity to replace coal as factory power on a large scale, East Africa has gone a step further, with oil, natural gas and electricity all increased significantly.

Many factories in the UK still use steam engines as power. In addition, European and American countries have heating and fuel needs in winter, so the status of coal in their domestic energy is higher than that in East Africa.

As a tropical country, most of East Africa does not have winter, so there is no need for winter heating. In terms of fuel, East Africa is also more diversified. In addition to coal, it also includes plant straw, electricity, natural gas and other methods.

Plant straw is mainly used in rural areas, while electricity is mainly used in some household appliances, the most typical of which are rice cookers and water heaters, etc., and natural gas is also widely popularized in many cities.

Therefore, the status of coal in East Africa is declining faster than that of other countries. The most important thing is the popularization and promotion of electricity and natural gas.

At the same time, fuel also involves travel and agriculture. For example, railway locomotives, European and American countries are still dominated by steam locomotives, while East Africa is already dominated by diesel locomotives.

Of course, the amount of coal mined in East Africa has not been greatly negatively affected by the decline in the status of coal. The amount of coal mined is still rising year by year, and this year it is expected to completely break through the 200 million tons mark. The demand for metal smelting and power generation is relatively strong. In addition, East Africa is already in a stage of rapid population growth, so the demand is naturally not small.

"my country's steel industry and coal mining industry are closely related. The breakthroughs in steel and coal production indicate that East Africa's industrial strength among the world's major powers has been further enhanced. From the perspective of total volume alone, my country's industrial scale is second only to the United States and Germany."

"This also reflects the problem of my country's low industrial output value. According to my country's steel production, my country's industrial scale should not be weaker than that of Britain and France, but the industrial output value is far less than expected, especially in light industry. Although great progress has been made during the planning period, the gap with European and American countries is still quite obvious."

It is not only East Africa that faces this problem, but also the United States and Germany. However, the United States has a large economy and the most complete industrial system, so the problem is not prominent, while East Africa and Germany are different. The industrial scale of Germany and East Africa is definitely higher than that of Britain and France, but there is still a lot of room for improvement in terms of profits.

Germany's main response is to develop the financial industry. After all, Germany's industry is subject to local restrictions compared to the United States and East Africa. The types of mineral resources are definitely not as rich as those of East Africa and the United States, and the total amount of minerals is not as much as those of the two countries. Although the land area of ​​Britain and France is not too large, they have overseas colonies.

As for East Africa, it should continue to intensify the transformation and upgrading of its light industry, while developing mid- to high-end products to increase industrial added value, thereby increasing the country's overall industrial output value.

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