African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1096 Beibu Gulf Territory

After gaining suzerainty over the Pirate Coast, what did the East African government or Ernst want to do most? The answer is naturally to cleanse the local indigenous forces. As typical colonial countries, East Africa and the United States can be said to have no difference in this regard.

"Now we must first safely transfer power on the Pirate Coast from the British, build a strong foundation for rule on the Pirate Coast, and then look for opportunities to assimilate the local area." Ernst told the government members.

The expression here is very euphemistic. East African blacks have deep feelings about the "assimilation" of East African standards. There are only two situations, either get out or be enslaved to death.

The situation in the Persian Gulf is far more complicated than that in East Africa, which prevents the East African government from acting rashly. After all, black people are not a mute political force like the Arabs.

If it is not handled carefully, East Africa may be attacked by political forces from the entire Arab world, so harsh methods such as massacres must not be used.

Of course, there is no Pan-Arabism in this era, but based on Ernst’s understanding of local religious forces, if East Africa does this and the Arab countries turn over old scores in the future and really turn East Africa’s colonies in the Persian Gulf into an existence like Israel, then The gain outweighs the loss.

After all, the existence of Israel was a thorn in the side of the United States and the Soviet Union in order to disrupt the situation in the Middle East. Ernst planned to build a stable oil and gas production base in the Persian Gulf colonies. There was a fundamental difference between the two.

So Ernst said: "The name of the Pirate Coast is temporarily called the Beibu Gulf Territory. It is directly led by the central government. It is currently under military control and is managed by the central government directly dispatching a governor."

The Pirate Coast definitely cannot be used as a regional name. After all, the area has been included in the territory of East Africa. It is neither civilized nor auspicious to call it the Pirate Coast. The reason why it is called the Beibu Gulf Territory is also very simple. The Persian Gulf is in the northwest of East Africa, and its latitude is higher than the native latitude of the northern hemisphere in East Africa.

And Ernst did not want to use the Persian Gulf territory as a title, mainly because he did not want to be involved with the surrounding Arab countries.

As for the name having the same name as a certain bay in the Far Eastern Empire in the previous life, it is not a big problem. At this time, the French colonial government of Vietnam called the Beibu Gulf in the previous life "Tokyo Bay". It is not wrong, it is the same as Tokyo Bay in Japan. These are mainly translation issues.

Of course, given that the current translation of many German place names in the Far Eastern Empire is dominated by East Africa, the Beibu Gulf of the previous Far Eastern Empire may return to its ancient name of "Qiongzhou Sea" in the future, and maybe "Qiongzhou Bay" as well.

All in all, Ernst renamed the pirate coast the "Northern Gulf Territory" mainly for the purpose of de-Arabization, which can also be said to be de-Persianization.

Ernst said: "At this stage, we should not take too big actions in the Beibu Gulf territory. After all, international public opinion and the regional situation are not conducive to us doing so. Of course, some early expulsion policies can already be carried out, provided that our country After martial law is fully implemented.”

"The Arab population in the Beibu Gulf territory is not large. There are only a few slightly larger tribes, large and small. We will first use the Al Ain Oasis as a base to gradually establish a military management framework for the entire Beibu Gulf territory."

"Speaking of Al Ain Oasis, it was renamed New Rhine Oasis and serves as the military garrison and political center of the Beibu Gulf Territory at the current stage."

Al Ain Oasis, just from the name, you can see the fate of this land and East Africa. Of course, Al Ain is an Arabic place name after all. So Ernst still wanted to change the name of this oasis to German.

It is obviously not an easy task for East Africa to completely transform the Tonkin Gulf Territory (UAE) into its own territory.

Although a consensus has been reached with the United Kingdom, this does not mean that East Africa and the local indigenous political forces have reached an agreement. After the British government signs an agreement with East Africa, it will no longer care about this mess.

In other words, there was actually a power vacuum on the pirate coast. After the British left directly, several local tribal forces took over the local power.

The East African government is obviously not as easy to talk to as the British government. After all, East Africa essentially wants to annex this place and does not need these indigenous regimes.

Therefore, in a short period of time, East Africa had military conflicts with several local tribes, which was also expected by the East African government.

In order to completely conquer the Beibu Gulf territory, East Africa not only dispatched a powerful naval force to protect the territory, but also dispatched the elite of the Northeast Military Region to directly fight with several local tribal forces.

The Northeast Military Region, which is the military region with the Somali region of East Africa as its core, operates in arid areas such as the Somali Desert in northeastern East Africa all year round, so it has the most abundant desert combat experience in East Africa.

In order to support the invasion of the pirate coast, the Northwest Military District dispatched more than 3,000 troops, including a main cavalry regiment composed of camels.

In fact, with the population size of the Pirate Coast, if they just wanted to simply conquer the local area and learn from the British governance model, the East African government would not need to dispatch such a "large-scale" combat force.

However, considering that East Africa needs to carry out detailed management here, and the pirate coast area is relatively large, the East African army is not familiar with the terrain, population, and water source distribution here. Therefore, for reasons of stability, East Africa directly mobilizes troops from its own main forces to deal with them. Pirate coasts conduct invasions.

Of course, the East African army is not completely blind. On the Pirate Coast, East Africa also possesses a large amount of intelligence and is supported by the Leading Party.

That's right, it was the Omanis who acted as East Africa's guides, or the original Zanzibar people who had long-term interests with East Africa.

With the support of East Africa, the Zanzibar Consortium is considered a relatively large non-governmental force in the entire Arab region. It is mainly composed of the original Zanzibar people. They are based in Oman, and their trade activities are spread across the Middle East and Central Asia, and even in Southeast Asia and North Africa.

Even with the guides and powerful military forces, East Africa's conquest of the entire Pirate Coast lasted for nearly half a year before it ended.

After all, it is not easy to completely eliminate the local indigenous forces that are roaming around and committing crimes in more than 100,000 square kilometers of land.

Moreover, out of fear of East Africa, a new player, many Arab forces in the surrounding area have extended a helping hand to the indigenous people of the Pirate Coast.

So in order to end this war, East Africa began to put pressure on the surrounding Arab countries, and at the same time completely expelled the indigenous people of the original Pirate Coast, which originally had only tens of thousands of people.

After occupying the main oases, water sources, and villages in East Africa, these indigenous populations still secretly supported the guerrilla activities of the resistance organization, so in order to completely cut off the living space of these guerrillas, and also to achieve the "cleansing" activities of the East African government.

The East African government did not play the role anymore, and directly exiled all the men, women, old and young on the Pirate Coast to the surrounding Arab countries. Tens of thousands of people were relatively easy for these Arab countries to accept. Among them, the majority fled to the Ottoman Empire, and a small number fled to Oman.

The British watched the show throughout the whole process. The East African government also saw the main reason why the British assigned the Pirate Coast to East Africa. Originally, Britain's rule here was actually only nominal, so Britain had long anticipated that East Africa's takeover of the Pirate Coast would not be smooth.

Moreover, the situation around the Pirate Coast is complicated, and if you want to completely conquer the Pirate Coast, you will inevitably be interfered with by external forces.

The war that lasted for half a year can be said to be the most troublesome war event East Africa has encountered since the South African War.

The number of casualties alone reached as high as 300, mainly caused by the guerrilla warfare and sneak attacks of the original Pirate Coast. However, with the end of the war and the evacuation of the original inhabitants of the Pirate Coast by East Africa, the East African government also achieved its goal.

As for those political forces that secretly provided assistance to the Pirate Coast resistance organization during the war, except for the United Kingdom, East Africa also gave a corresponding response, which also opened the first military and political intervention of East Africa in the Middle East.

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