African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1102: Preparation for War

The reason why East Africa placed a similar economic colony in the Austro-Hungarian Empire was essentially due to concerns about the future of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. As a channel for East Africa to connect with the Central and Eastern European markets, the Austro-Hungarian Empire played an indispensable role in East Africa's foreign economic development. Alternative roles.

And assuming that the Austro-Hungarian Empire disintegrates like in its previous life, and Austria and Hungary become two landlocked countries, East Africa's current political investment in the Austro-Hungarian Empire may be in vain.

Therefore, East Africa must control a location along the coast of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and ensure that this force is pro-East Africa. This can ensure that even if the Austro-Hungarian Empire disintegrates, East Africa can continue to maintain smooth trade channels within the original Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The lower Neretva River Valley is such a location that East Africa is looking for. East Africa’s investment in this area even exceeds that of Venice, second only to Croatia and Slovenia.


At night, Mostar International Winery.

"Clev, you're here!" Hagen, the owner of Mostar International Winery, greeted his old friend enthusiastically.

"Hagen, why did you call all of us here today?" Kelef asked.

Hagen put his hand on Keleif's shoulder and said to him: "Go to the conference room at the back first, and I will announce the empire's instructions this time. You go in first, and I have to greet the others."

Keleif nodded and said: "Then we will wait for you in the conference room first."

Having said that, Kelev walked towards a building behind the winery very familiarly. As a large winery that monopolizes the production and sales of wine in Mostar, the size of the winery is still very large. Here is just An estate in Mostar Winery.

The city of Mostar is one of the sunniest cities in the entire Balkan Peninsula and is full of heat, so it is also one of the best wine producing areas in Europe.

With the support of the Hechingen Consortium, Mostar wine has become a well-known brand throughout the Balkans, and Hagen is also one of the major wine merchants in the Balkans and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Soon, Keleif came to the conference room Hagen mentioned. This conference room was large in size and luxuriously decorated. At this time, many people had already come to the conference room.

"Klef is here!" Many people greeted Klef enthusiastically, and Klef responded one by one. After all, we are all colleagues.

People kept arriving throughout the conference room, and finally Hagen came in with the president of the Mostar branch of the Hechingen Consortium.

Hagen said: "Everyone, please don't be restrained. The purpose of calling everyone here this time is mainly for some instructions sent by the imperial government, so I will call everyone here and convey them uniformly."

On both sides of Hagen, people were already sitting around the conference table. If other people from the city of Mostar came here to see it, they would probably be shocked. Now Mostar wine estates gather together Big figures in the city, involving business circles, political circles and even military personnel of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

As for the gathering of East Africans, it is actually easy to understand why there are political and military personnel from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Because of the system of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, East Africa can easily infiltrate the local government and military of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

As mentioned before, the lower Neretva River Valley was an important source of troops for the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Bosnia, and the vast majority of the local residents were basically under the economic control of East Africa, so local elections and recruitment were Both Central and East African management can gain advantages.

Hagen continued: "The latest instructions from the imperial government require us to secretly prepare for war in the next few years, especially to be wary of the ambitions of extraterritorial forces led by Sarajevo in the lower Neretva River Valley."

What East Africa is on guard against is obviously the Kingdom of Serbia. It can be said that the Kingdom of Serbia has ambitions for the surrounding lands. It is natural that Bosnia's rich areas like the lower Neretva River Valley are also jealous.

But as the lower Neretva River Valley region was supported by East Africa, how could it be possible for the Kingdom of Serbia to benefit from it?

Ross, the deputy commander of the Mostar Infantry Company, asked Hagen: "Mr. Hagen, are the empire's concerns too much? You must know that although our place is not the core of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it is definitely not the Kingdom of Serbia. Small countries can be provoked.”

Hagen said: "Serbia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire must have a war, and the location of our region can be said to be very dangerous. It is almost surrounded by Slavs, and Serbia has always wanted to establish a South Slavic regime like Greater Serbia, thus becoming A great power in the Balkans."

"So, what we are afraid of is not the strength of Serbia, but the dangerous ideas spread by the Serbs. If the Serbs achieve this goal, then if the Kingdom of Croatia, the Kingdom of Dalmatia, Bosnia, and the Principality of Montenegro are instigated by Serbia, we will Isn’t it like being surrounded?”

There were many kingdoms in the administrative divisions of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, so the Kingdom of Croatia and the Kingdom of Dalmatia can be regarded as first-level administrative regions of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, equivalent to provinces in East Africa.

"Among so many Slavic forces, we in the lower Neretva River Valley can be said to be a thorn in the eyes and flesh of some foreign races. If the Yugoslavs unite into a country, then we must accumulate strength in advance if we want to ensure the security of the region."

Since the restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia in the Balkans, Serbia can be said to be one of the most expanding countries in the region. In response to such extreme national sentiments, East Africa must naturally guard against it.

In fact, in the final analysis, the East African government is not optimistic about the competition between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Serbia. Although the Austro-Hungarian Empire is powerful, its performance in the previous war was unsatisfactory.

Therefore, in order to prevent the Austro-Hungarian Empire from following the same path of its previous life in the possible subsequent European wars and causing losses to East Africa's investments in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ernst had no choice but to end it himself. If the Austro-Hungarian Empire disintegrated like in its previous life , then East Africa will take the opportunity to separate the lower Neretva River valley area, so that East Africa will not be unable to find a grip in the region.

Ross said: "It is indeed difficult for people to understand some of the political propaganda about the Kingdom of Serbia, but if Serbia really dares to challenge the Austro-Hungarian Empire, our place may become a front line, so prevention in advance is indeed necessary."

Hagen said: "Who knows! All these small countries on the Balkan Peninsula have high aspirations. Greece, Bulgaria, and Serbia are all the same. However, Serbia is the most arrogant and actually cares about the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If the small countries around East Africa dared to have such an idea, they would have destroyed our country long ago. "

In fact, this kind of country has really been encountered in East Africa, that is, the former Orange Free State government. Now the Orange Free State government is probably living in exile in South Africa or London.

At this time, Kerlev also interjected: "In short, the entire Balkans has never been peaceful. It is also a hot spot for competition between European countries. At the same time, the conflicts between countries are very sharp. The Kingdom of Serbia wants to go further, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire does not want to annex it. Serbia, so we all know that there will be a war between Serbia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but we don’t know who will fire the first shot. Even any country on the Balkan Peninsula may trigger a chain reaction and plunge the local area into turmoil. "

No matter how the two countries fight in the end, they will definitely not be able to avoid the key place of Mostar, so it is indeed urgent to take precautions for the lower Neretva River Valley.

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