All in all, small farmers lack start-up capital, and the larger the scale of investment, the greater the risk. Most people simply cannot bear this risk. Therefore, in the early days of East African agriculture, they could only gather them together and implement agriculture similar to large farms in Europe and the United States.

Of course, the quality of life of farmers under East African governance can only be said to be average. In the context of accelerated urbanization, in order to transport labor to the city, even if the rural areas have better conditions, the East African government will try its best to compress these. Conditions make urban and rural life differentiated.

For a country that has not completed industrialization, if the population does not flow to the city, the country's industrialization process will inevitably become more difficult. France is one of the typical examples, which not only affects the population growth rate, but also affects the relative lack of urban labor force in the country. Thus losing competitiveness with German industry.

Of course, France faces many problems. For example, the cost of industrial development has increased significantly due to the cession of Lorraine and other areas to Germany, the loss of local cheap iron ore supplies, and so on.

Therefore, industrialization is a very complex process of social change, and adjustments to industrialization need to be made in many fields. It took a long time for East Africa to explore this path before gradually forming the situation it has today.


The North Atlantic is almost an area rarely visited by East African ships. In the extremely prosperous North Atlantic route, American and British shipping companies almost monopolize most of the business.

Moreover, East Africa itself has limited shipping capacity and attaches great importance to shipping trade between East Africa and Europe, the Far East, and South America. This makes the North Atlantic not a key focus of East African shipping.

Previously, the East African Navy did not frequently operate in the North Atlantic. The main reason was that the East African Navy was too weak at the beginning. However, with the development of the East African Navy, East Africa cannot always stare at the Indian Ocean.

At this time, an East African warship was sailing on the North Atlantic route, the cruiser "Luanda". In addition to accumulating experience in ocean navigation, its main mission was to investigate the hydrological conditions of the North Atlantic and add new resources to the East African Navy. Hydrological data and intelligence.

It is already late at night, and most of the crew members on the Luanda have fallen asleep. Of course, as a warship, the duty procedures are still relatively strict.

Just like the Luanda's message reception room at this time, the lights are still bright, and the operator Antonio and his colleagues are on duty in strict accordance with the regulations.


The warning light suddenly sounded, breaking the silence in the information reception room. Antonio was not surprised by this. He began to operate the radio to see what information this unknown telecommunications signal expressed and conveyed.

As the telecommunications signal gradually became clearer in the earphones, Antonio's expression became serious. This is a universal distress signal sent by international ships when they are in distress.

"Karl, did you hear the distress signal over there?"

Karl is Antonio's colleague, and the two of them sit relatively close to each other, so the first person Antonio asks is Karl.

"It should be a distress signal sent to us by a civilian ship. The signal source shows that it is only about twenty nautical miles away from us." Karl replied.

After confirming the accuracy of the news, Antonio did not dare to neglect. He said: "It is better to report the situation to the superior first. You continue to be on duty, and I will make a report."

Antonio came to the phone room and explained the news directly to the Luanda's control room.

"There is a distress signal from a ship southwest of our ship. The distance may be about twenty nautical miles..."

After receiving the news, the captain of the Luanda, Garland, only thought for a moment and began to issue the order: "Turn the direction, sail towards the direction of the unknown accident ship, enter a state of combat readiness, and fully observe the situation in the surrounding sea areas."

Since there are ships wrecked at sea, it means that there may be unknown risks in the surrounding waters, so Garland is still more vigilant.

As a new cruiser that has just entered service, the Luanda is relatively fast. In less than fifty minutes, the Luanda arrived close to the accident site.

"Forward to the right, a lifeboat was spotted at ten o'clock!" the sharp-eyed sailor exclaimed.

Soon, the Luanda fished out the people on the lifeboat. The lifeboat was crowded with people, and their faces were in shock at the moment.

"Who are you?" Garland asked this group of people in distress at sea.

After seeing that it was a warship that rescued them, these people's uneasy hearts finally settled. A man said: "Your Excellency, General, I am a sailor of the Titanic. Our ship collided with an iceberg and the ship has begun to sink." It sank, and there are still many people who have not been rescued. Please help those poor people!”

Garland carefully looked at the clothes of this group of people, and he knew at a glance that they were either rich or noble. On the contrary, the sailor who reported to him was wearing his own uniform and should be the operator of the lifeboat.

"Titanic!" Garland thought silently in his mind, and suddenly realized, isn't this the cruise ship that has been so popular recently?

After learning that the shipwreck was the Titanic, Garland's mouth twitched as he thought of the Titanic's previous slogan.

Because Europe had previously promoted the Titanic as "unsinkable", but it encountered a shipwreck on its first trip to sea and was about to sink on the dark bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

"Where did your ship sink?" Garland continued to ask.

No one answered this question, because they had been drifting on the sea for a long time and were already dizzy and had difficulty identifying the direction. There was no way, so the Luanda had to complete the next rescue mission by itself.

Ten minutes later, according to the oral statements of other lifeboats, the cruiser Luanda finally arrived at the accident site. It was already past one o'clock in the evening.

The time when the Titanic collided with the iceberg was eleven o'clock last night, and now it has been two hours.

The Titanic has not completely sunk, and a large part of it is exposed on the water surface, and the stern is already under the water surface.

The arrival of the Luanda undoubtedly gave everyone hope. At this time, there were still many people on the ship who could not evacuate, and they gathered at the bow.

After seeing the warship Luanda, the people who were already desperate seemed to have grasped the last straw. They waved to Luanda frantically and called for help.

The cruiser Luanda also responded quickly. At this time, it began to send lifeboats to approach the Titanic.

The Titanic could sink at any time, so the sailors of the cruiser Luanda had to complete the rescue mission in a very short time.

The experienced East African sailors, under the orderly command of the commander, transferred the personnel on the Titanic to the Luanda in an orderly manner.

At 1:54, the remaining personnel on the Titanic were finally rescued. At this time, the Titanic's tilt angle was too large, and the Luanda did not dare to get too close to avoid being affected by the Titanic.

The displacement of the Luanda was only more than 3,000 tons, while the Titanic, a behemoth, had a displacement of more than 40,000 tons. The Luanda looked like a tiny thing in front of the Titanic. If the Titanic sank, the vortex it brought might pose a threat to the Luanda.

This also made the deck of the cruiser Luanda crowded for a while. Originally, there were only more than 600 East African officers and soldiers on the Luanda, and the number of people rescued by the Luanda alone was as high as more than 1,000, which had greatly exceeded the limit of the Luanda.

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