African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1126: Hand-Rubbing Radio

The East African National Defense Force has built a deterrent regional force that can meet East Africa's local defense needs. As for overseas territories, it is another matter. East Africa has quite a few overseas territories, including the latest Beibu Gulf territory. This territory was the most favored by Ernst, and the garrison was not small, followed by Alaska.

However, except for the garrison in the Beibu Gulf territory, it is basically negligible. If other countries really want to embarrass those overseas territories in East Africa, most of them will not be able to support the arrival of East African support.

Take Alaska, for example, which is really far away from East Africa. If neighboring countries are determined to take advantage of Alaska, East Africa will have no choice but to give up.

Therefore, the troops stationed in East Africa's overseas territories except the Beibu Gulf territory are generally mainly symbolic and the number is not large. The ability to ensure security completely relies on the deterrence of East Africa.

The main reason is that the location of most overseas territories is not very good, they are in the east of the Strait of Malacca, and the Strait of Malacca is not under the control of East Africa, which makes East Africa beyond its reach.

The Beibu Gulf Territory is different. On the one hand, East Africa has relocated a lot of people and has troops stationed there. On the other hand, the Beibu Gulf Territory is within the coverage of the East African Navy. It is still very convenient to go to the Persian Gulf from Mogadishu. of.

Although the United Kingdom also controls the sea access to the Persian Gulf, the Indian Ocean is the basic base of the East African Navy after all, so the East African Navy is confident in breaking through the blockade of the Persian Gulf.

Including the colonial garrison in East Africa, the total military strength in East Africa is as high as 520,000, most of which are stationed in the Gulf of Tonkin Territory and Alaska Territory.

City of Dar es Salaam.

On a lawn in Anthony Park, two boys were secretly plotting something.

As a garden city, Dar es Salaam has many urban parks for citizens to rest. As important urban artificial landscapes, some parks have naturally become places for everyone to gather.

Anthony Park is the secret base of Bob and Lillet. There is an open space in Anthony Park. Because of its remoteness, few people come here.

Only one of them said: "Bob, where did you get these parts? They all look brand new."

On the grass, a gray cloth package has been opened, which is full of various electronic components. This package was brought over by Bob.

A young man named Bob said: "My second uncle is a security guard at an electrical appliance factory, so I relied on my second uncle's relationship to help me bring out these electronic components. Now that the market is open, I also want to make money. I have a little money, so I plan to use these parts to assemble a radio and then sell it.”

Li Laite said: "You are so brave, but with so many components, are you sure you can succeed? Also, without external packaging, I'm afraid it will be difficult to sell the finished product!"

Bob said with some pride: "Assembling a radio is not difficult for me at all. I studied electrical appliances when I was in middle school. Do you still remember the mineral radio I made in school? Although it is relatively simple, But the most important thing was the lack of raw materials at the time. Now that we get components directly from the factory, we will definitely be able to make better radio products.”

Li Laite also remembered that when he was in middle school, his friend liked to tinker with gadgets and made many small electronic products based on textbooks. Although many of them had no practical use, they did train Bob's hands-on ability.

Therefore, it is really not difficult for Bob to assemble the radio by himself, but this does not dispel Lillett's doubts.

He then asked: "But I'm afraid no one will buy those gadgets you made in middle school! It's okay to use them as scientific experiment toys, but it's not okay if the finished product doesn't have external packaging. There's no radio casing in the components here, no. Maybe just leave them exposed!"

Bob explained: "This is very easy to do. Just make a wooden casing and stick it with glue. I have seen the external packaging of the finished radios in the factory, and I already know their structure well. They can be made by hand." , although it does not meet the unified standards of the factory, it is definitely more than enough for use. ”

After that, Bob started to assemble it. Because of his hobby, Bob bought a set of tools in middle school, including pliers, screwdrivers, etc.

After a while, a radio without a casing was born in Bob's hands. After installing the battery, Bob debugged it. Clear human voices soon came from the semi-finished radio.

Bob was very satisfied with his work. He said: "When I find the board tomorrow, I can make the casing of the radio. What do you think we can sell this handmade radio then?"

Li Laite had been watching his friend rub the radio with great interest. After hearing Bob's question, he replied: "It should be good, but there is still a gap between it and the one made by the factory, so the price is set lower, but there is still some difference." Marketable.”

After hearing his friend's answer, Bob said: "Now that the market is open, I don't want to be an intern in a factory as arranged by my parents, so I plan to start a small business of my own. Do you want to join?"

Li Laite hesitated and said: "It is relatively reliable to make some extra money by watching the radio, but you still have to think carefully about your job. After all, we have just graduated. If we don't work in the factory now, it may not be easy to find a stable job in the future. "

Bob frowned and said, "But the factory I was assigned to is a hemp textile factory. The working environment is not very good. I don't want to waste time there."

Li Laite: "But the assigned work is at least relatively stable. Although now that the market is open, there are many people doing small businesses, but we can't guarantee the harvest despite droughts and floods. We might as well work for a while and use our spare time to resell radios, which can ensure profitable conditions. It would be safer to resign and start a business later.”

Bob: "What you said makes sense, but when I think about the sour smell in the hemp textile factory, I can't stand it. If I can enter the electrical appliance factory, I don't need to think about finding other ways out."

Nowadays, entrepreneurship is a very fashionable word in East Africa, which has begun to have an impact on the entire East African society. After liberalizing the market, some state-owned enterprises in East Africa have also begun to lose some baggage and reduce their positions, and these positions have flowed to the free job market.

Bob is one of the more thoughtful people. He does not intend to work in a fixed position in the factory as a fresh graduate, but to join the army of entrepreneurial people.

However, poor students like Bob obviously do not have much capital, so the radio business seems to Bob to be very suitable for him. On the one hand, he has relevant skills, and on the other hand, it is also in line with his interests and hobbies.

Due to the popularization of compulsory education, there is no shortage of talents among middle school students in East Africa. With a little training, most of them can become excellent technical workers. However, there are still only a few people like Bob who can independently assemble radios based on their knowledge upon graduation.

It stands to reason that people like Bob should be assigned to work in an electrical appliance factory, but as a kind of assembly plant, the electrical appliance factory is actually a relatively decent job in East Africa, with rare opportunities and does not require high skill requirements.

Therefore, the staff has been fully recruited for a long time. As for the hemp textile factory, it is obviously not as promising as the electrical appliance factory. Bob does not like to do textile work, so Bob is determined to try his luck outside.

Bob said to Li Laite: "I can get a stable supply channel through my second uncle. I only need to assemble these components into finished products and sell them. Radios on the market are still relatively scarce and expensive. , As long as we can control costs, we can definitely make a lot of money, and as long as we take advantage of the current national policy to earn start-up capital, we can do some other businesses in the future.”

Bob still hopes to get Li Laite to join the team. One person has to do too many things. If there are more people, it will be easier. Of course, not too many. According to Bob's calculations, this kind of small business will be the most difficult to start with. It takes two or three people to do it.

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