African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1133 Final Preparations

Serbia had little chance of winning against the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This was not only the idea of ​​Archduke Ferdinand (Maximiliano I), but also the opinion of most countries in Europe.

But Ernst retorted: "Father-in-law, there is indeed nothing wrong with what you said. If it were Serbia alone, the Austro-Hungarian Empire could indeed gain an advantage by relying on its national strength, but this is not the same as before the first Balkan War, when most countries opposed the Ottoman Empire. Do you have the same opinion?"

Archduke Ferdinand said: "How can the Ottomans be compared with the Austro-Hungarian Empire!"

Ernst explained unhurriedly: "Although the Ottoman Empire is not as good as the Austro-Hungarian Empire as a whole, it is still a behemoth to the Balkan Alliance, but the Balkan Alliance achieved the final victory."

"One of the key reasons is the support of other European countries behind the Balkan Alliance. This allows the Balkan Alliance to have the ability to arm its own army, otherwise they would not even have start-up funds."

"Similarly, the relationship between Serbia and Russia is quite good now. If a war breaks out between Serbia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, will Russia stand aside and watch?"

Of course it is impossible. As early as when the Austro-Hungarian Empire annexed Bosnia, Russia was very dissatisfied with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After all, Russia did not gain anything at the time, which made Russia depressed for a long time.

The importance of the Balkan Peninsula to Russia is no less important than the importance of the Balkan Peninsula to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

There are a large number of Yugoslavs living in several countries on the Balkan Peninsula, especially Serbia, which is completely Slavic. If it can take advantage of this, Russia can establish a large Slavic country covering the Balkan Peninsula and break through the gap between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. blockade.

Moreover, the location of the Balkans originally belonged to the original Eastern Roman Empire, and Russia originally regarded itself as the successor of the Eastern Roman Empire. If it can acquire the Balkan Peninsula, Russia's self-proclaimed "Third Rome" will basically be realized.

From this point of view, Russia is quite worthy of the envy of East Africa. After all, Russia can continue to pursue further claims, but East Africa has already reached its peak.

East Africa now officially claims to the outside world as the "Rhine Empire", and this Rhine Empire is already the most powerful country in the history of the African continent.

Before East Africa, there was almost no civilization worth mentioning on the entire African continent except ancient Egypt. As for Egypt now, it has long become a secondary civilization of the Arab civilization.

Moreover, even ancient Egypt was only in a corner of North Africa and cannot represent the whole of Africa at all. East Africa is different. It occupies the best land on the African continent and covers an area of ​​nearly half of the continent. Other levels of data even compare Africa to Brought to a level where it shouldn't exist.

Coming back to the relationship between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, Ernst’s inference really made his father-in-law’s heart sink.

"Russia is indeed a big trouble. I just hope that Russia will not turn against Serbia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the future."

It is almost impossible not to fall out. The Austro-Hungarian Empire is already strong enough. If the Austro-Hungarian Empire conquers Serbia, Russia will be completely at a disadvantage in this competition in the Balkans.

This was Russia's idea. Ernst certainly didn't think so. As long as the Austro-Hungarian Empire could not solve the national issue, even if it took Serbia, it would be carrying a huge burden. Putting himself in his shoes, Ernst himself would definitely not want to Carrying this kind of baggage.

After chatting with his family, Ernst was not idle. At present, the possibility of war in Europe was extremely high, and East Africa naturally had to make final preparations for the possible outbreak of all-out war in Europe.

Once the war breaks out, a large amount of materials accumulated in East Africa will be continuously transported to Europe, such as arms, medicine, food, cotton, rubber and other strategic materials.

"Since three years ago, we have stockpiled a large amount of war reserve materials in various ports. As long as a large-scale war breaks out in Europe, we can guarantee delivery to Europe in the shortest time." Sweet introduced to Ernst.

Under the guidance of Ernst, the East African government had long concluded that war would inevitably break out in Europe. Therefore, starting from the Third Five-Year Plan period, the government took the lead and East African state-owned enterprises and other units increased production and stockpiled a large amount of military and civilian supplies. .

The hoarding of materials will inevitably lead to the scarcity of products in the East African market. This is also one of the important reasons for East Africa to liberalize its market. This method can be used to offset the commodity gap in the East African domestic market. At the same time, after the outbreak of World War I, East Africa faced Europe An important supplement to the production of export materials.

"Currently, in the field of pharmaceuticals alone, we have stocked up a large number of sanitary napkins, hemostatic cloths, anti-inflammatory drugs, vaccines and other products for battlefield environments, and have produced a batch of gas masks for possible chemical warfare."

Gas masks were a product that quickly became popular during World War I. The Allies and the Entente used various chemical agents to make poison gas, which had an important impact on the war. Therefore, under Ernst's guidance, many pig heads were produced in East Africa. Gas mask.

Although the industrial foundation of European countries is good, it is difficult to produce a large number of gas masks in a short period of time to deal with the sudden emergence of chemical weapons. In this way, East Africa can make a lot of money. In addition to the finished products that have been manufactured, East Africa now It has the largest gas mask production line in the world. As long as the two camps are willing to pay, these production lines can be continuously produced and transported to Europe.

In fact, in terms of medicines, there is still a lot that Sweet has not covered, such as controlled drugs, which are also huge in reserves in East Africa.

The so-called controlled drugs are some illegal drugs circulating in the European market today. Of course, these drugs are legal in Europe and the United States, but they are controlled products in East Africa.

In the past, the so-called German Superman, Slavic Superman, and Anglo-Saxon soldiers all had drug addiction problems, which stimulated the combat effectiveness of the soldiers. The number of participants in the two camps reached tens of millions. How could East Africa give up such a huge market?

East Africa's current production of these controlled drugs can be said to be debt-based production. After all, due to legal reasons, the market for this type of drug in East Africa is narrow, so if you want to expand the production line, you must endure the unprofitable situation in the early stage.

In this case, the East African government can only advance funds to entrust enterprises to expand production lines and mass production, so now a large number of pharmaceutical companies in East Africa are debt-based production, and to eliminate this debt, naturally, European and American soldiers need to bleed.

This is also an important reason why East Africa is eager for the outbreak of war. Many companies in East Africa are carrying out production activities under the pressure of debt. At present, East Africa's foreign debt has reached a huge amount of 15 billion Rhine, which is almost more than 500 million pounds.

East Africa has become the world's second largest debtor country after the United States, and the difference between East Africa and the United States is that these debts have been rapidly accumulated in just a few years.

In addition to private debts, the East African government has borrowed heavily from European countries with its own railways, roads, factories and other large state-owned assets as collateral. If these debts cannot be repaid, the accumulation of the people of East Africa for several years will be lost.

This is also the main reason why Ernst was so excited after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. After all, although Ernst was not familiar with Archduke Ferdinand (Austria-Hungary), they were relatives after all.

The assassination of Ferdinand meant that the Austro-Hungarian Empire would inevitably respond, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on Serbia. Russia would certainly not remain indifferent. The outbreak of war between Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire would inevitably trigger a chain reaction throughout Europe, and Germany and France would inevitably take the next step.

After all, the military competition in Europe has been going on for so long, and it was originally prepared for a war. If the war was not launched, it would be very uncomfortable.

For example, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was the first to provoke the war in the previous life. Even if it had not launched the war, the Habsburg royal family would have had to bear the pressure of the country's economic crisis. At least the American economic crisis had already spread to Europe, which was one of the causes of the previous Balkan War. A large number of companies in the Near East went bankrupt, forcing the Balkan regimes to launch wars to shift the contradictions, just like the pig farming industry, one of Serbia's pillar industries, went bankrupt because of this economic crisis.

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