African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1140 Serbian battlefield


The East African officers and soldiers responsible for contacting the defense expressed their respect to these Germans.

Although Xavier and his soldiers were brutal colonists, at this moment, they were about to return to Germany to fight for their motherland, and Xavier and the German soldiers stood on the ship to say goodbye to them.

In the sound of the ship's whistle, Xavier and his party moved farther and farther away from the African coast until they disappeared from everyone's sight. On the shore, East African officials continued to discuss.

Commissioner Andel turned to Hled, the first governor of Gabon Territory in East Africa, and said: "The quality of the German army is still good. Even the colonial army has shown high military quality. I hope they can survive the war."

Hled also said with considerable agreement: "Our army was established in accordance with German standards from the beginning. From a global perspective, the comprehensive capabilities of the German army are definitely first-rate, and it is estimated that it can be compared with the French army."

Hled was from the National Defense Forces. He had studied in Germany and participated in the South African War. Hled was only in his thirties at that time, so Andel was quite convinced by Hled's words.

Andel asked out of curiosity: "Senior Hled, what level do you think our East African National Defense Force is among the world's militaries! What if we compare it with the armies of Germany and France?"

Hreide had just said that the German army was first-rate, and in comparison only the French Army could compete with it. However, there was no mention of the Imperial Wehrmacht Army, so Andel asked this question.

Andel does not think that the East African National Defense Force will be inferior. Of course, this mainly refers to the army. As for the navy, the United Kingdom is definitely ranked first in the world. Let’s not talk about the quality of the British Royal Navy. In terms of scale alone, no country can compete with the United Kingdom alone. The Royal Navy countered.

In response to Andel's question, Hled shook his head and sighed: "Well, if you had asked me this question more than twenty years ago, I would definitely tell you clearly that the Imperial Army is definitely a world-class powerful army."

"After all, the Imperial Army was originally based entirely on Germany. Due to conditions in the early days, it was definitely not up to the level of Germany. However, after its industrial and economic capabilities improved later, it was no different from the European military powers. Even compared with top army powers such as Germany, Not to mention too much, at that time, we were only slightly behind Germany in artillery.”

"As for the current National Defense Force, to be honest, an old man like me has long been unable to understand it. In the past ten years, various novel weapons and equipment have emerged in an endless stream, both mechanized and motorized. The quality and types of machine guns and artillery have increased. I have learned a lot, and the Army Aviation Corps was established a few years ago. I have been away from the army for so long that I can no longer figure out the tactical concepts and true level of the National Defense Force. "

"Now the Imperial Army can be said to be differentiated from other armies in the world. Of course, this change is definitely developing in a good direction. After all, weapons and equipment, and military construction have been improved."

"But it is precisely because I am unfamiliar with the current imperial army that I dare not jump to conclusions. Moreover, the armies of European and American countries are also changing. Although there are not as big changes as ours in East Africa, but judging from the time when I was a soldier, It’s also quite incredible.”

The combat effectiveness of the army, in the final analysis, still depends on the process and results, that is, the actual combat effect. At present, apart from a small tossing in the Beibu Gulf territory of the Persian Gulf, the East African army has basically made no major moves, so Hled does not Dare to be sure to judge the combat effectiveness of the National Defense Forces.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the performance of East Africa's military operations in the Persian Gulf region is actually not satisfactory. Although it is restricted due to various reasons, there is no doubt that the paper strength of the East African Defense Force is much stronger than that of the Arabs. This lasted for more than half a year.

Of course, the troops dispatched by the East African National Defense Force belong to the current traditional military category and are not paid enough attention in East Africa. New armies such as those equipped with cars, aircraft and tanks have not yet had a single actual combat case in the world.

Hled said: "All in all, our military is developing in a good direction. If we have to compare it with other countries, I believe that the National Defense Force is definitely above the military of other countries."

While the two were discussing the combat effectiveness of the imperial army, on the Balkan Peninsula, the observation group of the East African Defense Force was observing and learning in the Austro-Hungarian military camp.

Governor Potiorek was the main person in charge of the Austro-Hungarian Empire's battlefield against Serbia. This was also the general who followed Archduke Ferdinand when he was assassinated.

The impact of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was extremely bad, but Potiorek, who was favored by Franz, was not implicated in the slightest because of this incident. Instead, he became the frontline commander of nearly 300,000 Austro-Hungarian troops. .

At this time, Potiorek was receiving this group of "uninvited guests" from East Africa, which was the military observation group organized by the East African Defense Forces.

"General Potiorek, I will be troublesome for you in the next period of time! We have heard of your fame for a long time." Wang Lade, the leader of the East African Military Observer Mission, said to Potiorek.

In fact, Potiorek was not interested in this group of young East Africans. This so-called East African Military Observer Group was actually composed of East African students from the Royal Military Academy in Vienna.

In Potiorek's view, the battlefield is not about playing house. These East Africans are just a bunch of dragsters. However, they go to the front line in the name of exchange and learning, and they have the endorsement of the royal family and East Africa, so they are not easy to get rid of. complexion.

If it were some famous generals in East Africa, Potiorek would not have such thoughts. He mainly underestimated these young people from his heart.

Yes, East Africa also has its own famous generals, and they are recognized by various countries. After all, East Africa has fought tough battles such as the South African War and has a record of success. Although the United Kingdom is not famous for its army, as a world hegemon, the British Army is still very powerful. East Africa can become more famous than Britain, and the generals during the South African War will naturally gain a lot of attention.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. Since Wang Lade behaved more modestly towards himself and complimented himself a lot at the same time, Potiorek's attitude towards them became slightly better.

But Potiorek still warned: "There is no problem visiting and studying, but the battlefield is not as simple as playing house in the military academy, so you must stay at the headquarters and not run around on the battlefield. This is the safest place. place.”

Wang Lade agreed wholeheartedly. Although staying at the headquarters of the Austro-Hungarian army could not directly experience the tense atmosphere of the war, it still had great benefits.

As the command center of the Austro-Hungarian Empire's war against Serbia, you can experience firsthand how the top brass of the Austro-Hungarian Empire mobilized and directed frontline troops.

This kind of opportunity can be said to be very rare. After all, it involves the command and coordination of a large force of nearly 300,000 people, and there is a lot of knowledge involved.

Moreover, only this kind of large-scale war can encounter this kind of opportunity, and feel the difference between the battlefield environment and the usual sand table exercises.

After all, except during the South African War, almost no one in the East African army had ever been exposed to the command of such a major battle, let alone the military cadets in East Africa.

Potiorek continued: "Any action must be obeyed. You can study and discuss while we are operating, but you must not dictate our work. After all, you young people are just starting out and have a long way to go. Way to go.”

Faced with this group of East African young people, Potiorek naturally had a sense of superiority, so he kept talking to the members of the East African Military Observer Group about his "rules."

Although the young students in East Africa are young and energetic, they really do not dare to refute in front of a veteran like Potiorek.

According to Potiorek's arrangement, the East African Military Observer Group was basically restricted to the rear of the battlefield, watching and learning how Potiorek and his subordinates commanded and dispatched frontline combat troops.

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