African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 1153 Thunderous Means

For conflicts at the diplomatic level, Venezuela cannot bear the wrath of great powers like East Africa. In this era, it all depends on who has the biggest fist.

A country as powerful as the Far Eastern Empire has been bullied by the big powers, let alone a small and poor country like Venezuela.

Venezuela has no backing. It was once a Spanish colony, but like other countries in Latin America, it has long been independent from Spain.

Putting aside whether Venezuela is independent or not, even if Venezuela is still a Spanish colony, East Africa will not be timid here. After all, Spain cannot be stubborn in front of East Africa.

Although Spain is the goalkeeper of the great powers, there is no comparison with top powers like East Africa. If it is a new power like Japan, the two countries may be able to compete.

As for the city of Maracaibo, it is quite special. It is located in the northwest of Venezuela and is the capital of the state of Zulia. For about four hundred years, the Maracaibo region has been isolated from other states in Venezuela. Transport on the lake is only possible by ferry or other sea transport, thereby connecting with the outside world and the capital.

Therefore, the East African Navy's previous visit to Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, had little impact on the city of Maracaibo.

This also makes the local forces lack some understanding of great powers like East Africa, but there is no big problem. East Africa will help them make up for this lesson.

"Boss Carmen, why don't we cause trouble for the East Africans like this! East Africa is a big country in the world after all. If they want to deal with us, we won't feel better?" Rhodes, one of the leaders of Lai Dani's gang, said worriedly.

As the top leader of the gang, Carmen said slowly and leisurely: "Humph, it's rare and strange. We have not dealt with the Americans, the British, and the Spanish. None of these three countries are big countries. East Africa is just a country with only a few years of history. Is it possible that this country will be more deterrent than other powers?”

As the gang boss, Carmen is not illiterate, but he has not read many books. He was originally a dock worker, and later joined the Laidani gang. He established a firm foothold in the Laidani gang with his strength and fierceness. .

He also gained the appreciation of Lai Dani, the original Dani gang boss, and quickly became the gang's second-in-command. Later, Lai Dani died, and Carmen took over his position.

In the past few years, under the leadership of Carmen, it can be said that the Dani gang has developed rapidly. There are more than 200 core members alone, and if you include peripheral personnel, there are as many as 1,000 people.

The city of Maracaibo is not that big, so the Laidani gang has naturally become the largest evil force in the area.

All in all, Carmen's rise in Maracaibo City relied on fierceness and ruthlessness. Her personal knowledge is almost negligible, and her history, geography, and the like are even more of a mess.

East Africa was originally an emerging country. It only emerged in the world after the South African War. Although its national power has grown rapidly in recent years, it really has no reputation in some remote areas of the world with backward transportation.

This is also the main reason why Carmen does not understand East Africa. Of course, East Africa has become one of the top powers after all, so Carmen has not heard of this African country.

Carmen said to Rhodes: "A strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake. Even if East Africa is very capable, they cannot come across the Atlantic to show off their power to us. Moreover, the East African Petroleum Company is just a company. Is it possible that they can mobilize the government?" Strength to help them come forward!”

Before investing in East Africa, there were really no large enterprises in Maracaibo, and the local finance was almost supported by agriculture and some primary industries.

Therefore, the companies that Carmen has seen are generally not big, and Carmen is a local snake, which makes him feel even more confident.

Carmen continued: "The East African Oil Company has no vision. They have the money to build such a big office building, but in the end they gave us so little money. It was like sending bums away, especially the guy named Endel, who wore He looks like a dog, but he still complains about his poverty.”

This is because Carmen misunderstood Endel. East African Petroleum Company is indeed wealthy, but the money has nothing to do with Endel, and East African Petroleum Company, as an East African state-owned enterprise, has a sense of arrogance in its heart.

Coupled with the status of a great power in East Africa, East African Oil Company does not want to deal with these people in the stinky ditch. They usually come into contact with official figures or big capitalists of a country.

Endel's willingness to get in touch with a monster like Carmen has already given Carmen enough face. As for paying more "protection fees", that is not something Endel can decide. As a state-owned enterprise, East African Petroleum Company, every fund is recorded in The person who filed the case is not some private boss who has enough autonomy.

Carmen said proudly: "In this three-acre land in Maracaibo City, even the governor wants to give me some face. How can I be frightened by some foreign businessmen?"

"So what kind of factory does the East African Petroleum Company want to build? If they don't give us the price of trade, they won't even think about starting the construction. Next, guys, please listen to me."

"Whenever I have free time, I will go to their construction sites to make trouble so that they can't start work. If there are any supplies, we will take them away for me, even the bricks and sand. We will take away some interest first."

In this way, in the next few days, the construction site of the East African Petroleum Company was delayed in starting work. People who came to the Dani gang every day were watching the area, and whenever there was any movement, they would call a lot of gang members to come and cause trouble.

Even directly withheld a lot of building materials from the East African Oil Company, Endel's face was almost green with anger, but after half a month, he finally waited for help.

"Are you Endel?" A middle-aged man with a cold face came to the East African Oil Company.

"Are you the person recommended by Consul Kwell?" Endel asked back.

This man looked difficult to deal with, Endel judged, he even seemed to feel a murderous aura, but he didn't dare to ask more.

"This is Consul Kwell's handwritten letter, you will know after reading it." The man took out a letter with the wax seal of the consulate from his pocket.

Endel took the letter with some fear and read it. The letter did not mention too much information, only telling Endel to fully cooperate with the man's request, and not to ask more questions.

The middle-aged man asked: "Tell me all the information you know about the Laidani gang, and you don't need to worry about it in the next few days."

Endel already had some guesses in his heart, but he didn't dare to say more, and honestly told the man in black some of the situations he had learned before.

The man in black didn't say much. After understanding the situation, he left alone. Even though Endel had a lot to say, he didn't dare to ask. There was no movement in the two days after the man met Endel.

On the third night, Endel had begun to forget about this matter. Just when he was about to lie down on the bed and fall asleep.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

A fierce gunshot sounded in Maracaibo, which startled Endel, who was just a little sleepy. He didn't bother to put on his clothes, and hurried to a window near the gunshot and opened the curtains to check the situation.

Only to hear a continuous gunshot and noise at the intersection of the slums and the urban area in the southwest of Maracaibo. The gunshots lasted for less than five minutes, and some sporadic gunshots could be heard later.

After a while, a raging fire broke out in the southwest corner of Maracaibo. Endel stood by the window. At this time, his pajamas were already soaked with cold sweat. A terrible idea rose in his mind. After the fire was over, he walked for a long time before he recovered.

That night, like Endel, many citizens of Maracaibo did not sleep. The fierce gunfight in the city frightened everyone. Just listening to the density of gunfire, it was probably at least hundreds of people fighting.

The next day, just after dawn, a brave Maracaibo arrived at the place where the gunfire was heard yesterday and was directly scared out of his wits.

Outside the gathering place of the Laidani gang, the bodies of gang members were lying in all directions, and the gang building was also smoked by fireworks and dead. The Laidani gang was completely wiped out!

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