African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 228 International Students

May 23, 1870.

"Your Majesty, these are the students who have excellent test scores in various regions this year. There are more than 500 students in total. Excluding those whose parents do not support going abroad, there are only more than 200 students. Among the more than 200 students, they are from immigrant families from Germany and the Far East. There’s a lot of support.”

"Well, if you don't want to go, you don't have to force yourself to go. This is something you and I want to do. Studying abroad is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is not necessarily a good thing. It's just that we in East Africa are too backward, and now we have to learn from the powerful countries in the world. study."

"But Your Majesty, you can't say that. The implementation of universal compulsory education in East Africa is a very remarkable thing. Moreover, our East African Kingdom has just been established, but we will definitely surpass other countries in the future."

"Don't be arrogant! Keep your mind down and work hard. Being behind means falling behind. There is nothing to defend. We must take good care of the students who go to Europe this time and let them have access to the best education in Germany and Austria. They will be able to come back after their studies in the future. Building our East Africa.”

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Also, since the families of these children have chosen to trust us, we must do things well. After all, who dares to put the fate of their children in the hands of others, so we must not betray this trust. The meals for international students must be nutritious. We also need to prepare textbooks, pens and other learning tools, and find someone to take care of and manage our daily lives."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

On May 30, the East African Kingdom sent a total of 243 students to Prussia and Austria in the name of the country.

When it comes to education, the East African kingdom is really not good. In addition to low per capita educational level and high illiteracy rate, the so-called compulsory education in East Africa is nothing more than building high-rise buildings on flat land, and even the foundations have not been laid yet.

The East African Kingdom plus the colonial period lasted for more than three years. The first batch of primary school students had not yet graduated, and the first batch of international students could only be selected from these half-grown children.

"Markov, Karl next door sent his son back to Europe to receive education. You said that our son's grades are better. Is it because the original decision was a bit bad?" Markov's wife asked with a little worry.

"Study! What the heck, I didn't see many people going to school in Europe back then! Aren't everyone living a good life now?"

What Marklov calls Europe actually refers to Tsarist Russia. Marklov, whose original name was Marklovsky, was born into a serf family. You can imagine the educational level of civilians in Tsarist Russia.

"Besides, the compulsory education now mandated by the government is enough in my opinion. If you can write and read government notices, that's enough."


"There are not so many. But, you are right, you are right. You are not a noble man, and you cannot study for a living. If the government did not enforce compulsory education, I would never let my son go to any school. If he has that kind of ability, , I can grow vegetables and raise chickens at home, and I can also help the family when the farm is busy. Doing housework is no better than going to school!" Marklov said.

Under the involution of Chinese immigrants, Western gardens were still in decline. They were beautiful to look at, but they could not be used as food, especially in this era of scarcity.

Therefore, the area of ​​less practical gardens was directly reduced and turned into vegetable fields or planted with fruit trees. However, the gardens were not completely defeated. Things that are pleasing to the eye still have some effect. Even the Chinese will learn from the Europeans and plant a few flowers and plants in the yard. Decorate it. .

The scene changed to the neighbor's house next door.

"Karl, little Karl is so young. It would be too dangerous for him to go abroad alone!"

"What are you afraid of? The government has already said that it will take good care of them. Even if they stay in East Africa, they may not be better off than in Europe."

"But little Carl is only eleven years old!"

"Humph, I'm almost eleven years old. I started working in the fields when I was ten years old. Now that little Carl is a cultural person, it is a good thing for him to go to Europe to receive a higher level of education. Besides, Germany is our root. It is also a good thing for Karl to be exposed to German culture. Although East Africa is good, in terms of culture, Germany still depends on it."

During the same time period, Chinese immigrant families in the same village.

"Hans! Frank is so young, would it be bad to let him go to Europe alone?" Paraguayan wife Petra asked worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? There is an old saying in my hometown that everything is of inferior quality, only education is good. In the past, there was no condition, but now that I have the opportunity, I naturally want my son to try it out. How much can he do if he keeps farming with us?"

"I don't see anything wrong with farming! It's too risky to venture out!"

"What do you know? Farming is so tiring! Frank will make more money than the two of us combined as long as he writes in the future. Maybe he can also become an official. Look at our village chief, isn't it because he is a little educated? That’s what I deserve.”

The first batch of students going to Europe set out in Dar es Salaam. One hundred and eight of them went to Austria, and the rest went to Prussia and other German states. In the future, they will have the opportunity to study in universities in various countries. Before that, they will Enter secondary schools in various countries.

Although the students studying in Europe are young, most of them are smart. The fact that they were selected with excellent grades from free-range schools in East Africa and finally passed the examination organized by the central government shows that in addition to being smart, these people are really interested in learning.

"Remember, don't lose the nameplate, repeat your home address every day, and don't forget the way home."

"When you go to Europe and enter school, you must remember that you are here to study. Don't care what your classmates think. If anyone asks, just say that you are students from the Kingdom of East Africa, and tell them that you are also German."

"If you have any difficulties, you can contact your person in charge and teachers. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are provided by the government for free. You are responsible for studying with peace of mind. Everything..."

On the boat, the staff repeatedly emphasized the precautions to these children.

At the same time, in order to leave some memories for the parents of these children, the East African Kingdom opened a telegraph line from Europe to East Africa, and a telegram can be sent to homes every three months.

The two telegraph trunk lines in East Africa can go directly to the inland, and finally be sent by the post office to the families of students studying abroad.

The cost of this matter alone is quite high, and it can also be seen that the East African government attaches great importance to it.

The biggest problem that international students may encounter overseas is not study, but discrimination and habits. However, there is no good solution. The first batch of international students is destined to be the most difficult one.

The first batch of international students choose Germany to integrate into the local social and cultural atmosphere. German is a passport. At the same time, Europe defaults to East Africa as a German country. This cannot be changed. It may not be easy to use German identity in other parts of Europe. But in Germany it is enough.

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