African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 244 Turning Defeat into

East African Kingdom, the first town, Chiwet Palace.

"How is the reorganization of the new army going recently?" King Constantine asked the officials in East Africa.

"Your Majesty, 80% of the progress has been completed. We have split and reorganized the original troops. Based on their military exploits, we have promoted a group of people with outstanding abilities to serve as generals of the new army."

"Well, after the troops are reorganized, send the information to my office." Constantine ordered.

"By the way, one more thing, what are the Portuguese doing recently? Have they conquered the southern shore of Lake Malawi?"

"I haven't heard of this. Our troops on the border of South Salzburg Province have not seen Portuguese troops so far. The spies have not gone deep into the southern part of Malawi, but there are more than 200 miles south of South Salzburg Province. I haven’t seen a single Portuguese person inside,” Merk said.

"Maybe they haven't sent out troops yet!" Von der Leyen guessed.

"It shouldn't be possible. It's been several months. It didn't take us long to occupy such a large area in the southwest," Merk said.

"I do remember that the Portuguese should have set off. Two months ago, our intelligence personnel in Maputo informed us that the Portuguese organized a team to go inland, but the number was not large, only a few hundred. "Man, this information did not attract our attention at the time, but judging from the time, it is very likely that it was the troops of the Mozambican colony that conquered the Kingdom of Malawi," Felix said.

"A few hundred people should be enough to attack an indigenous kingdom, but it will not be easy to achieve effective occupation, unless the indigenous people become stupid pigs and are willing to be slaves to the Portuguese." Sweet joked.

"Perhaps, the Portuguese unit encountered some force majeure factor and the whole army was wiped out. Several hundred people were killed in a flash flood. After all, Mozambique has a lot of rainfall and rivers often flood." Von der Leyen said.

"Forget it, let's not talk about these Portuguese people. Failure to capture Malawi has nothing to do with us. We must complete the reorganization of the troops before July. By then we can expand crazily to the inland areas." Constantine Set the tone.

In the southern part of the Kingdom of Malawi, in the Chipoka area, a small team of Portuguese people are resting. Suddenly, a shadow flew out from the dense forest nearby.

"Be careful, Rose." Captain Anthony threw the soldier named Rose to the ground.

At the same time, the shadow in the dense forest also revealed its true form. It was a bow and arrow, flying over Anthony and Rose with a sound of breaking through the air, and finally fell into the soil in the open space in the distance.

"Damn it, why are you still standing there? Shoot!" Anthony said.

After realizing it, the Portuguese soldiers began to shoot at the place where the bows and arrows flew out, and the leaves on the dense forest were beaten to the ground.

Just like the previous few days, nothing gained?

"Damn it, these guys let them run away again. If they fall into my hands, they will be beaten." Anthony said angrily.

Just when Anthony was complaining and the Portuguese soldiers were reloading their ammunition, a green "grass monkey" suddenly jumped up from the ground at the place where the gunfire had just occurred, and flew towards the dense forest in an instant.

"No! Are you being tricked?"

After Anthony noticed the movement, he was annoyed. Although the "grass monkey" was covered with green leaves just now, his exposed dark skin when he ran away said it all.

"Captain! Are you still chasing me?" a soldier asked in a low voice.

"Chasing? What a chase. If you can't see him, he's just fooling around with you all by himself! And it's so deep in the forest. How do you know if there's an aboriginal trap behind? If I hadn't been very observant, Ross would have gone to see him just now. Oh my God! So you new recruits, listen to me, I don’t care what you did before, just follow my instructions in the future, otherwise no one will be able to come back alive!" Anthony hated the education of his subordinates.

Anthony was actually quite speechless. This team that was assembled at odd hours was really difficult to lead. They were not as alert as they should be on the battlefield, and their discipline was also very poor.

However, we can't blame them. They were originally a group of sailors and rarely moved around in the unfamiliar environment of the grasslands and rainforests in the African interior. Although it was land, it was not necessarily safer than being pirates on the sea.


"Asshole, you can't even take down a group of natives. What do you do for food? Do you want to show the Prussian barbarians next door a joke about our great Portuguese Kingdom?"

The commander-in-chief of the Portuguese Colonial Malawi Expeditionary Force, Bullade roared sharply.

This time the Portuguese colony of Mozambique dispatched more than 500 people and more than 3,000 Mozambican indigenous servants to attack the southern part of the Kingdom of Malawi.

As a result, after three months of fighting, the front was advanced to the Chipoka area. The worst part was that the ammunition was almost exhausted, and the capture of the southern part of the Kingdom of Malawi was far away.

"Commander-in-Chief, we can't blame the soldiers for not trying their best! But the indigenous people on the shores of Lake Malawi are too cunning. They started running away when they saw us from a distance. As a result, when we passed by with our front feet, they came out of the forest and grass with their back feet. , our manpower is simply not enough for them, and because of the existence of Lake Malawi, the climate here is too hot and humid, so even if the troops march normally, the attrition will be serious."

"Captain Chalvez, I don't want to hear any excuses now. We are also Europeans. We from Mozambique arrived earlier than the Prussian barbarians. Why didn't they encounter the above problems?"

"Commander-in-Chief, although Prussia is barbaric, they are good at land warfare, and we Portuguese are a traditional maritime country, so to put it bluntly, we may not have the advantage as the Prussians in fighting in this inland area."

Chalvez's excuse is perfect. Prussia is a land-based country, so it is at home on the African continent. Portugal is a maritime country, and of course it has advantages over islands and coastal areas.

Bullred still wanted to find a reason and scold him, but after thinking about it, he suddenly felt that what Chalves said made sense.

"Moreover, our team in Mozambique is also a temporary piece. To be honest, the Mozambican colony has been in peace for many years, so it cannot exert its combat effectiveness." Chalves took advantage of the heat to strike.

"Although what you said makes sense, what should we do now that we can't complete the mission? And now the ammunition issue is also a problem. If we continue to fight, the colonial government will definitely hold you accountable for such heavy casualties." Bullade said.

Although Bullred was the commander-in-chief of this expeditionary force, he was actually gilded in name, that is, there was someone above him, so Chalves was mainly responsible for the mistakes in the war.

Chalvez broke out in a cold sweat. He thought about it carefully, and suddenly an idea came to his mind. He said to Bullred: "Commander-in-Chief, do you still remember the heavy rain a few days ago?"

"Ah! Of course, my coffee stove was soaked and unlit. As a result, I didn't have any hot coffee that day."

Rich playboy! Chalves despised Bullade in his heart, but he said calmly: "Commander-in-Chief, you think this rain is the easiest way to cause river flooding and flash floods, and this is near Lake Malawi." The terrain happens to be quite undulating, so we might as well polish up the battle and report it."

"How to polish it? It's already achieved this virtue!" Bullade asked curiously.

"Commander-in-Chief, let's just say that under your heroic leadership, our unit has made rapid progress, but fate is not as good as fate. Just when we were about to take over the entire southern part of the Kingdom of Malawi, the main force suddenly encountered a flash flood, so... "

"This is a good note, but how can you guarantee that it won't be exposed?"

"It's okay for our own people. There are not many people left anyway. We can just use a unified approach. Mainly the group of indigenous people. After excluding those who ran away and died, there are still more than a thousand people. We might as well just kill them." They did it here, and when the colonial government asked about it, they said they ran away when they encountered a flash flood, but the heroic Portuguese soldiers did not escape because of your inspiration..."

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