At this time, the review field was clearly divided. Compared with the somewhat sloppy Baden and Württemberg armies, the Prussian army was obviously more majestic. In addition to strict discipline, a soul-stirring murderous spirit naturally emerged from the Prussian army. .

If you pull the picture back a few decades ago, the military appearance of the Prussian army at that time was actually not much better than that of these two countries.

Being aware of shame and then being brave is the characteristic of these generations of senior officials in the Kingdom of Prussia. The continuous military reforms have completely removed the noble rice bugs in the army from the army.

Coupled with the baptism of war, the Prussian army already has a very high tactical level. It is undeniable that the number of Prussian troops in the Franco-Prussian War was almost twice that of France. However, France's mobilization and organizational capabilities during the Napoleonic era also far exceeded those of other European countries at that time. Therefore, Victory or defeat is the key, not the number of people, people will only remember the winner.

Baden Division.

"Blair, the Prussians look very serious and have their discipline. This is what soldiers should look like!"

"It's nothing more than militarism! However, the current crisis situation in Germany does require a powerful army country like Prussia to act as the main force to resist the French. Our Baden and South German countries are still too small." Blair, the commander of the 6th Regiment, replied .

"We have our own advantages. Although there is a slight gap between the soldiers and the Prussian army, wisdom on the battlefield is the key to victory. Compared with the Prussian army, our Baden army is small in size, but we are highly flexible and can maximize our mobility. It can definitely pose a huge threat to the French."

"When it comes to scale, the army next door with the flag of Prince Hechingen is even smaller." Blair said.

"Do you know their details?"

"I just learned by accident that my father has cooperated with the Hechingen Consortium. In recent years, food cultivation has been replaced by grape cultivation, which can make more money."

"I know about the Hechingen Consortium. They have invested a lot in Baden and Württemberg in recent years, but how do the Hechingen Brigade and the Hechingen Consortium get related? Isn't it just a place name in Prussia?"

"There are so many states under the Kingdom of Prussia now. Not to mention Prussia, there are many states under the North German Confederation that are stronger than Hechingen. But how many of them do you see that have separate territorial designations?" Blair asked rhetorically. road.

"It's really strange. After Hechingen and Sigmaringen were merged into Prussia in the early years, as far as I know, the armies of the two countries were canceled at that time. Why does Hechingen appear again now? Is it because of Hohenzollern? family?"

"Although the ancestral home of the Hohenzollern family is in Hechingen, this is not the reason for the emergence of the Hechingen Brigade. Because of economic cooperation, my father has conducted in-depth investigations into the situation in Hechingen. In the past few years, the entire Hohenzollern family has The Sauron family has a tendency to rise, let alone the Prussian royal family. A few years ago, the second son of Prince Carl of the Hohenzollern family of Sigmaringen became the Grand Duke of Romania. If the French had not blocked it, the eldest son Leopold He is now estimated to have become the King of Spain. The Hohenzollern generation in Hechingen has taken a different route, switching from politics and military to business. Now the Hechingen Consortium is the family industry of the Hechingen royal family."

"What does this have to do with the Hechingen Brigade?"

"Didn't you read the newspaper from two months ago?" Blair said.

"Newspaper! I really didn't pay close attention."

"At that time, a German country was established in Africa. You, the East African Kingdom, should know about it!"

"Oh, I remembered it, but at the time I just glanced at it. Who cares about an overseas indigenous country, even if it was established by Germans."

"You didn't notice, but I did. For the Austro-Hungarian Empire to take the lead in standing with so many countries and admitting this, it's not something that any indigenous kingdom can do."

"Since you haven't paid attention, you probably don't know that the king of the East African Kingdom is Prince Constantine of Hechingen of Prussia, and the head of the Hechingen Consortium is his only son, Prince Ernst. Ernst is Habus The future son-in-law of Archduke Ferdinand of the Castle family."

"It seems that the Hechingen royal family has indeed had a good life in recent years, but what does it think of going to Africa to develop? It is really difficult to understand."

"Maybe I was stimulated by the Sigmaringen next door. Of course, this is just my personal guess. After all, the European throne is not so easy to plot, and the Sigmaringen royal family can encounter this opportunity twice, which is really a little bit... jealous."

"Having said all that, you should just tell the origin of this Heixingen Brigade!"

"Of course it is the private armed force of the Hechingen royal family. You can also regard it as the military talent training set up by the East African Kingdom in the German region. After all, the Hechingen royal family must cultivate its own direct military force when it goes to start a business in East Africa, so the European Hechingen family The military power of the basic territory was taken away by Prussia, but in recent years they relied on the financial resources of the Hechingen Consortium to establish a Hechingen Military Academy. In fact, the Hechingen royal family rebuilt the army in the name of the military academy."

"It's no wonder. Can I understand that the Hechingen Brigade is not actually a military force in the German region, but an armed force of the East African Kingdom or the Hechingen Consortium. It does not belong to the Kingdom of Prussia. Now everyone In order to deal with the threat of the French, so giving them separate privileges is the same as our Baden Division?"

"Pretty much, that's it."

"Leopold, who do you see coming?" Frederick III came from a distance and shouted to Leopold.

"It's you... Ernst? You would come to the front line. I really didn't expect this!"

"Nonsense, I am the principal. Now that they are about to graduate early, I naturally have to be there in person. And this time I have brought you a talent to assist you."

Although Ernst is a hands-off shopkeeper, it is necessary to appear in front of students frequently. Occasionally, he convenes a school-wide meeting to do ideological work for the whole school. It is necessary to let students know who they are loyal to. Now this class of students has to join In a war that has gone down in history, Ernst naturally has to go to the front line to boost morale (the most important thing is that Ernst knows that the French are still preparing and the war cannot be fought for the time being).

A gentleman does not build a dangerous wall. It is impossible for Ernst to risk his life. It is not that he is afraid of death. As a person who died once, Ernst is not afraid of death. It is because his family is big and his business is big. If In the event of an accident, it would be more uncomfortable than killing yourself if the foundation you worked so hard to build is taken advantage of by others.

"Talent, please don't cause any trouble for me!"

"Don't worry, this is a top student at the Berlin Military Academy. I didn't brag about it, but he was certified by the instructors of the Berlin Military Academy. I had to persuade them to let him go. Heinrich, this is what you will do this time. His superior, His Highness Leopold of the Royal Family of Sigmaringen.”

Heinrich gave a formal military salute: "Hello, Your Highness Leopold!"

Heinrich was one of the only students from the Hechingen Military Academy who entered the Berlin Military Academy for further study. He was always in the top 30, but he was not actually the best. Otherwise, the Berlin Military Academy would not have let him go so easily. .

At present, Adenauer, who has the best performance at the Hechingen Military Academy among the Berlin Military Academy, is stable in the top ten. His highest score has reached the third place in the entire academy. He also has very strong learning and thinking abilities and has even published many high-quality military papers. , attracted the attention of Moltke, and has been taken a fancy by the Prussian General Staff.

The reason why Ernst called Heinrich over was actually for his own good. Adenauer had a bright future, but Heinrich was far worse. Letting him join the army in advance would add to his resume. , especially this is the Franco-Prussian War, and because of the special characteristics of the Hechingen Brigade, he can directly serve as Leopold's deputy. In the Prussian army, this starting point is not low.

After all, Heinrich was not an authentic German. If he wanted to stand out in the German army in the future, he would have to do it without military exploits.

In fact, Ernst arranged for him and Adenauer to enter the Berlin Military Academy with the intention of allowing them to enter the high-level development of the Prussian Army. The composition of East African immigrants was special and determined that the future would be inseparable from the influence of Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, so they must be allowed to These two people have a certain influence in the German region. At the same time, this is also the reason why the Hechingen Brigade was formed. They want the German public to know that yellow-skinned Germans are equally brave, intelligent, and capable of combat, which facilitates the integration of East African races.

The effect of Ernst's approach in Germany is not shown yet, but it unexpectedly affected the French. In order to suppress the blacks in the French African colonies, France later formed the French Association Army composed of many Southeast Asians.

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