African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 257 The plan of both sides

The French people, who Ernst said did not surrender, are now lowering the drawbridge at Wiesenberg and welcoming the "King's Division" of the Prussian Third Army.

Although they support France in spirit, the Prussian artillery fire is destroying the houses of the residents of Wiesenberg. Even the French army often goes to the roofs and tramples on the roof tiles because of the need for defense, which makes the citizens feel distressed, so "Don't fight anymore." Got it!"

Of course, the French army would not listen to the citizens. When the French army was squeezed by Prussia into the small city of Wiesenberg, the residents personally waved white flags and welcomed the Prussian army into the city.

This scene made Leo, the commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 74th French Regiment, almost furious, but there was nothing he could do.

Of course, this can only represent the personal behavior of the residents of Wiesenberg and cannot represent France. After all, this is the Alsace and Lorraine regions.

The French side made a fool of themselves in the Battle of Wisenberg, but the French soldiers showed their prestige. After the German Allied Forces entered the city, they launched a fierce street battle with the French army.

The French army failed in the end because they had too many enemies and could not fight them all. They pushed back Bavaria, Prussia and other states came on the scene, and even a seventh brigade composed of Poles.

At the same time, France faced Prussia's advanced Krupp artillery and had no corresponding effective countermeasures. Artillery suppression and numerical disadvantage made this battle without any suspense.

Eight battalions of the French army faced the attack of 29 battalions of the German army. There was no suspense about the German army's victory, but the number of casualties exceeded that of the French army, especially Bavaria's dismal record.

Before the war, the Bavarian army brought out the two most elite troops, but they were beaten violently by the French.

Despite the poor performance of the Bavarian army in the first battle, the Prussian "National" still greatly praised the Bavarian army: "The Bavarians defeated the enemies of Germany..., and the war witnessed their unshakable loyalty."

The victorious German army entered Wissembourg, and Crown Prince William led the German generals to stand in silence in front of the body of General Doy. The former principal of the French Military Academy of Saint-Cyr was buried here forever.

The Prussians were very surprised by the captured map of General Duy. Not only the quality was poor, but the scale was too small to be used for commanding operations. In addition, General Duy still had a map, but the junior officers had no maps at all, only some hand-drawn sketches. Prussian officers, down to the rank of lieutenant, all have very good maps. Of course, the Bavarian army cannot yet meet this standard. Who makes them not share the same mind with Prussia?

The German country bumpkins saw African soldiers for the first time here. They looked at the captured Algerian soldiers like animals in a zoo. In fact, this should not be the first time. If the Hechingen Brigade, whose nationality belongs to East Africa, Soldiers can be considered Africans, but this is the first time I have seen black soldiers (I did not say Algerians are black).

The countryside west of David Wright. It is rare to have a forest here because it is surrounded by farmland.

The 54th Brigade of the French Army is currently resting and preparing here for the Hechingen Brigade and the Prussian 3rd Brigade led by Robert further east to advance westward to support Kirchbacher's troops.

"Report to the brigade commander, we found information from a villager. The Hechingen brigade stationed at Davidlet is said to have a South German accent, and there are many Easterners mixed in."


"The same faces as the inhabitants of our Far Eastern colonies (Cambodia and Vietnam), yellow race."

The French were able to obtain this information thanks to the residents of the town of Davidlet who were hiding in the countryside to escape the war. Due to historical reasons, the locals were proficient in both German and French languages, and they also learned some information about the Hechingen Brigade.

"It is estimated that they are formed from colonial soldiers just like the Algerian troops. But do the Prussians have their own colonies in the Far East?"

"They may also be mercenaries. Although Prussia has been operating in Europe, it has its own diplomatic relations in the Far East."

"How are they doing with their deployment in Davie?"

"According to the residents who escaped from Davielet, the Hechingen brigade started building fortifications on the day they arrived, and the entire Davielet was surrounded by them."

"Interesting!" said the commander of the 54th Brigade: "This is rare in the Prussian army we fought against, especially now. Prussia is on the offensive and we are on the defensive. Under normal circumstances, we should be actively building fortifications. It's to hinder the Prussian attack."

"Our intelligence officers also obtained a piece of information. This unit is flying the flag of the German state. The Hechingen Brigade comes from the Principality of Hechingen, so the designation is somewhat different from the Prussian army."

"That makes sense! This force should be one of those miscellaneous troops in the South German region. It was put together temporarily because of the war. This may be a good opportunity." The commander of the 54th Brigade analyzed.

The commander of the 54th Brigade of the French Army looks down upon the combat effectiveness of the states in the South German region. This is normal. Except for Austria and Prussia, there is no German state army in the German region that can allow the French to use their full strength.

"How about if we take this force and take David Wright?"

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult to handle. According to our intelligence, Prussia still has a brigade deployed in Verveisant in the east. It is only two kilometers away from Davielet and can quickly support this place."

"The distance of two kilometers means that it can be reached in half an hour at the fastest, and the Prussians are still carrying baggage, which will take longer. If we can solve the battle within half an hour, there will be no problem. The so-called Prince of Hechingen listens to its name We know that the area is not large, and it is not easy to gather a force. Otherwise, we would not have used a large number of Easterners, and abnormally built a large number of fortifications. It seems that the commander also knew that the combat effectiveness of this force was not good. This is us Taking advantage of the opportunity, we ordered the troops to step up their rest and recuperation. At daybreak, we took the initiative to attack and quickly captured Davylet, and then prepared a tight formation to await the arrival of the remaining Prussian brigade."

"Around ten o'clock (late), a French army quietly sneaked into the forest to our west. It's difficult to judge its size for the time being, but it should be no less than our number." Heinrich woke up in the temporary command post. Sleeping Leopold Sink reports.

"This forest is in the center of David Wright and Saverna, which shows that they bypassed Stanley and went directly south. The French must be planning to attack Saverna. This force is part of the support, or directly To interfere with Saverna, it is either coming towards us, but based on the distance, it is more likely to come towards us." A sleepy-eyed Leopold analyzed.

"This is a good opportunity. The Hechingen Brigade should attack immediately!" Heinrich suggested.

"Oh!" Leopold was a little surprised.

"The French army suddenly arrived, bypassed Stanley, and directly inserted into this forest, which shows that they are most likely cooperating with the main force of the French army. Otherwise, they would not take such a risk, and bypassed Stanley and rushed here, which shows that they are During a rapid march, the troops and horses must be exhausted at this time and must rest here first. This is a flaw of the French army. If we attack quickly, we can definitely catch them off guard!"

"Well, there's more!" Leopold asked: "We don't know the size of the French army. This is a huge risk."

"Your Highness, it is precisely because we do not know the size of the French army that we should take the initiative to attack, because it is easier for the French to know our true and false situation. If there are more French people than us, they will take the initiative to test our strength at dawn tomorrow. Attack, at that time we have lost the initiative in the war. If there are fewer people than us, we will not suffer too much if we attack at night. We have passed through that forest before, and it was daytime, so the environment is better than that of France, which we entered in the dark. People are familiar with it, and there is a high probability that the French army will not be large in number, because the overall French army is far smaller than the German Allied Forces."

"That makes sense, let's take action now?"

Heinrich shook his head and said: "There is no rush yet. Let's prepare first. Let the soldiers have a late night snack to replenish their strength. When the spirits are high at twelve o'clock, they will launch a surprise attack on the French. The French are marching. One day, I must be exhausted, and even more drowsy after eleven o'clock, that is the best time for us to launch an attack."

"If we fight at night..." Leopold said worriedly.

"Don't be afraid of fighting at night. We can't see it, and the French can't see it either. Moreover, the range and accuracy of the Dresser rifle are not as good as the French Chasser rifle. It suffers in an open field. The French are stationed just at the edge of the forest. The forest environment can It greatly limits the performance of the Xia Saibo rifle. Under the night, both sides can only aim by feeling. If our people prepare more melee weapons, we will become the dominant side."

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