African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 270 The Loyal and Patriotic Merchant of Venice

In Ernst's eyes, the Great Zimbabwe site is just a pile of stones with no technical content. Like the Egyptian pyramids, it is nonsense to discuss cultural value.

Because these civilizations were completely cut off, ancient Egypt's own civilization was first wiped out of power by Rome, and later completely wiped out by the Arabs.

The ruins of Great Zimbabwe have left no clues in the long history. Similar ones in the world include Machu Picchu in South America, but Machu Picchu can definitely be a masterpiece of Indians.

Whether Great Zimbabwe is a masterpiece of African indigenous people has been questioned by Europeans, because the surrounding indigenous people themselves have no inheritance of these relics skills and do not even know their origins.

So early Europeans frantically linked the Great Zimbabwe ruins to Solomon's Treasure. In the 21st century, there was no evidence to prove who built it, and they classified it as being built by indigenous people based on the principle of proximity.

In fact, according to Ernst's thinking, it doesn't matter who built it. All stone-built ruins in the world are the product of miracles and belong to the category of wonders. Those slave monarchs in ancient times would definitely like to create wonders.

Because Ernst himself also likes wonders, but due to the current limited conditions in East Africa, it is not possible to implement it. Ernst does not know if most boys like to play with mud when they were young, and he liked it quite a lot when he was a child.

As a transit point, the Great Zimbabwe ruins are a microcosm of East Africa's invasion of the Matabele Plateau, and they did not even have much interaction with the local indigenous people.

The army advances at its own pace. The destination of the Southern Route Army is the Limpopo River, not to conflict with the local indigenous people. But if there are blind indigenous people blocking the way, that's another story.

A regiment of the vanguard of the Southern Route Army had just casually wiped out an indigenous tribe that was seeking death. After the battle, the regiment staff officer Lin De pointed at the map and said: "The Limpopo River is on the southern edge of the Matabele Plateau, crossing the Limpopo River. To the south, not far away is the Boer’s sphere of influence, and the task assigned above is to control the front line of the Limpopo River and block the possibility of the Boers moving north.”

Looking at the map, leader Habr said with some confusion: "Why does the Kingdom want to keep Mozambique? If you include Angola and East Africa, they are outflanking them, especially Mozambique, which is as embedded in Spain as Portugal on the Iberian Peninsula." inside."

Linde said: "This should be a strategic consideration of the kingdom. Last year, the British clashed with the Portuguese in southern Mozambique and attempted to occupy southern Mozambique, but failed. So the Portuguese are still of some use value to the kingdom. If we By crippling the Portuguese at this time, it is very likely that the British will take advantage of it. I also support this point. Mozambique is too narrow and long. If we attack from south to north, the front will be too long and take a long time, and the British will It is possible to take advantage of Mozambique from the south at the same time. In the future, once we have established a firm foothold on the Matabele Plateau, we can respond from the west and monopolize Mozambique instead of sharing it equally with the British."

"These British guys are really greedy. They have so many colonies, and they still don't give others some money!" Habr said angrily.

Linde just smiled. People are greedy, and the same is true in East Africa. Otherwise, there would not have been a third war of conquest. It is conceivable that these military-occupied lands will be negative assets of the kingdom for a long time in the future. There will be no effective development other than military spending.

The Southwest (Zambia) has just entered the development stage, and other newly occupied areas will definitely take time.

In Africa, land claims are basically a piece of waste paper, and anyone can shout slogans. For example, in the previous life, the Congo (DRC), Britain, Portugal, and France all claimed it as their own sphere of influence. In fact, it was picked up by the Belgians in the end, because None of the three countries has actually invested in the region.

Effective occupation is the right way. For example, the Kingdom of Portugal is not even qualified to carry shoes for the British. However, in Mozambique, the British are powerless against the Portuguese colonies, and the basic condition for effective occupation is the existence of military power.

Italian region.

With the help of Venice's fortifications, the Italians really withstood the Austro-Hungarian offensive. In fact, this should be the normal state of war.

Because the first two lines of defense were too childish, the Italians themselves felt unreliable and did not fight very hard. The Austro-Hungarian Empire used a little force and the Italian army let go.

This also caused most of the Italian troops on the eastern front to converge on the Venice defense line. Currently, of the 250,000 troops of the Kingdom of Italy on the eastern front, 180,000 are concentrated in the city of Venice and surrounding areas.

The troops were concentrated, and many of them were defeated soldiers who had retreated from the first two lines of defense. The public security in Venice could be imagined.

"Mr. Leon, I don't know what you are here for!" Raffaele Cadorna, the top commander of the Italian command, asked Leon, the leader of the delegation sent by the Venice city government.

"General Cardorna, on behalf of the Venice Municipal Government, I would like to express my solemn protest to you. Can you restrain your soldiers? They have caused many serious security incidents in the city, and there are countless minor cases. They have caused The public outrage of the citizens of Venice!”

After Raffaele Cardorna heard Leon's intention, he personally brought a chair to Leon and said: "Mr. Leon, please sit down and speak slowly if you have anything to say. Go and give Leon a chair." Make a cup of coffee, sir," Raffaele Cadorna said to the adjutant.

After stabilizing Leon, Raffaele Cardorna said calmly: "Mr. Leon, I will order them to implement this matter. Strict control will be implemented in the city immediately, but the citizens are the most It is best not to go out on the streets, because the current situation in the army is relatively complicated. Due to the rapid retreat in the past two days, many troops were in chaos. We are still reorganizing, and during this period we cannot effectively restrain the troops."

Martial control is actually a one-size-fits-all approach that forcibly separates the military from civilians. This is the only good way Raffaele Cardorna can think of.

Raffaele Cadorna was also helpless. The frontline troops withdrew too quickly and many troops were in chaos because the corps and division commanders ran too fast. As a result, the lower-level troops followed suit, causing many platoon leaders to find themselves in trouble. Without the company commander, the company commander cannot find the battalion commander...

This is also due to the fact that the Kingdom of Italy was established too short. At the same time, the temporary expansion of the army caused many officers to be unqualified. The military generals and nobles of the annexed kingdom also mixed into the army of the Kingdom of Italy. Although the size of the army of the Kingdom of Italy is now larger than that of the Kingdom of Sardinia, Quite a bit, but the combat effectiveness and command ability have dropped by a level.

"In that case, I don't know if it will affect the normal operation of the factory." Leon asked.

"Of course not. The business can operate normally as usual, but it is best to keep workers within the factory area."

"What about the company's other business activities? For example, food purchasing and other activities for citizens. They can't starve to death at home without going out!"

"This is left to your city government to run. You can organize temporary armed forces to maintain the operation of the city. The distribution of residents' drinking water and food will be temporarily left to you to manage. If this doesn't work..."

Just when Raffaele Cadorna wanted to say that if the Venice city government disagrees, it can only cancel military control, but for a period of time residents and the military will still be mixed together to avoid some soldiers committing crimes, but he has not said anything yet The exit was interrupted by Leon.

"No problem, leave it to our Venice Municipal Government! General Raffaele Cardorna, you are really a brave, resourceful and responsible general."

"Ah! You agreed!"

"Of course, the citizens leave it to us, the people's servants, to appease them. It is understandable to stay at home for the time being. The citizens will understand. After all, it is all the fault of the damn Austro-Hungarian invaders." Leon said righteously.

"Thank you so much for your understanding!" Raffaele Cardorna, who still didn't know that he was in trouble, said with emotion.

The Venetian government is still reasonable and is willing to fully cooperate with the kingdom to resist the Austro-Hungarian invaders. This is true and reliable.

Raffaele Cardorna had no idea that while Leon was the deputy mayor of Venice City Hall, he was also one of the largest suppliers of salt products and other products in Venice.

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