In his previous life, he was in the Azande Plateau in the Central African Republic.

Mbrae is a fortress built according to the terrain. It looks very simple and is made of randomly piled stones. However, it is not easy to pass through this place. One man is responsible for the pass, and ten thousand people may not be able to reach it. Arrange a The platoon is still okay, but if a few machine guns are mounted, maybe 70% of the African countries in the previous life would not be able to pass.

This is a military stronghold built by the East African Northern Route Army. Now a large group of African natives are passing through here with their belongings.

Compared with the Southern Route Army, the battlefields of the Northern Route Army can be said to be quite lively. The places the Northern Route Army passed through were southern South Sudan and the Azande Plateau.

The Azande Plateau is located in central Africa, between the Congo Basin, the Chad Basin, and the upper Nile Basin. It is the watershed between the three basins. The central part of the plateau is an east-west ridged mountainous area, more than 800 kilometers long, with many passes formed in it, becoming a north-south transportation hub. road.

The Central African Republic, which was located here in its previous life, is also appropriate. If Africa's internal economy develops, Central Africa can at least be known as the crossroads of Africa. Regardless of economic value, the military value of the Azande Plateau is also very high. From here, it can directly threaten East Africa and West Africa, the two regions with the best agricultural conditions in Africa.

The conditions of the Azande Plateau itself are not bad either. The temperature and precipitation are slightly higher than those in East Africa. If Ernst were to position this place, it would be almost the same as the Nanyang Basin.

It has a prominent strategic position. It is a transportation hub between the north and the south, and gemstones are distributed. Central Africa is diamonds. Nanyang’s andalusite reserves are the highest in Asia, and kyanite and rutile rank first in China. Nanyang City in the basin is also famous at home and abroad for its jade carving industry and is one of the three largest jade carving towns in the Far East. Both places are rich in gold and forestry resources. They are also rich in arable land resources, and both have oil and radioactive minerals.

Having said so much, in fact, in other words, the resource endowments of both countries are relatively average and suitable for the development of agriculture, but in a strategic sense they are both indispensable parts of their respective regions.

The mineral resources in Central Africa look very good, including gold and diamonds. In fact, these two are so common in sub-Saharan Africa that they are almost distributed in East Africa today, while other minerals except oil are basically non-existent. The value is too great, mainly because the quantity is not enough. For example, iron ore. The iron ore reserves in other parts of East Africa are measured in billions of tons, while in Central Africa they are measured in millions of tons. When looking at Central Africa as a whole in Africa or the world, they are all A proper mineral-poor country.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the resources are not fully explored.

Looking at the endless flow of people, Rhodes, the platoon leader of the East African Army, said: "These Burundians are really unlucky. They should have gone further west at that time, otherwise they would not have suffered twice now."

"Haha, according to our frontline intelligence personnel, among the eight indigenous kingdoms, the original Buganda Kingdom ran the farthest. It is said that it has now re-established a country near a large lake area in the southwest, and they seem to have passed through The caravan has contacted Ottoman merchants in Libya, purchased a lot of firearms, and has opened up the situation," said deputy platoon leader West.

The big lake West refers to is Lake Chad. It is indeed difficult for the Buganda people to migrate from the Great Lake (Lake Victoria) to Lake Chad. It is really difficult for the Buganda people to move so far, but now the benefits are also reflected, that is, they don’t have to compete with the original Great Lakes area. Several indigenous countries also carried out secondary migration.

"Musat I still had some strategic vision. During the Northwest Campaign, he wanted to run westward. But his eldest son, the idiot who took refuge with the Egyptians, has now disappeared. If nothing happens, he will It won’t show up anymore.”

Musat I was the king who ran away from the Buganda Kingdom at the time, and he chose a different path from the Buganda prince at that time.

As for the Buganda prince, he did receive preferential treatment from local Sudanese officials when he first arrived in Egypt. However, after East Africa cleared the Buganda population, his united front value was gone, and the Buganda people were all gone. The so-called Buganda Naturally, Prince Da was useless. After the Egyptians looted all the treasures he had brought, they drove him into the Sahara Desert to fend for themselves.

"The Eight Northwest Countries are pretty good, but the local natives who were defeated by them were a little stupid. When they saw our army, the people from the Eight Northwest Countries surrendered or ran away. They still dared to go against us."

"Although the eight northwest countries are our defeated generals in East Africa, their own strength is not weak. They also crushed these indigenous tribes on the Azande Plateau."

While the two were talking, people from the Kingdom of Burundi had already passed through, and a black man walking at the end came up to say goodbye to Rhodes and the two.

"Mr. Rhodes, Mr. West, thank you for taking care of me!" the black man said.

"Hahaha, you're welcome, Chief Roromom. The Kingdom of Burundi is our old friend. It's quite emotional to meet old friends here. This time you are traveling west. As a friend of you, I would like to give you a message. Advice, it’s best to walk as far as possible, and keep walking in the direction of the setting sun. If you encounter other people like us who have dicks in their hands, don’t panic and immediately turn around and go northwest.” As he spoke, Rhodes patted the gun in his hand.

Rhodes participated in the Northwest Campaign, the first war of conquest, and fought against the Burundians. Therefore, he said that he was an "old friend" of the Burundians. At the same time, he gave a small suggestion to the new kings of the Kingdom of Burundi.

Rhodes' suggestion was considered well-intentioned, but it frightened Roromom. He asked: "Are there any of your people in the east?"

"Of course not, but they are almost the same, but they may be more difficult to deal with than us in East Africa. Just know that if you encounter them, just run. You must run to the northwest, but don't worry too much, as long as you don't reach the edge of the sea, you won't encounter them."

Rhodes was referring to other colonists on the west coast of Africa, which is a friendly reminder, and the northwest direction refers to the hinterland of West Africa.

"Mr. Rhodes, thank you for your reminder. I will take the people directly to the northwest, so let's say goodbye!" This is how Rom Rom responded, and he did so later and headed west again. The Kingdom of Burundi migrated to the southwest of Niger in its previous life in one go, changing from an East African country to a West African country.

During the last war, the Kingdom of Burundi was originally destroyed, but after its remnants gathered on the Azande Plateau, they selected the third son of the previous king to become the new king of the Kingdom of Burundi, namely Roromom.

Roromom, who was only 16 years old, led the Burundians on the grasslands of the eastern Azande Plateau, plundering women and wealth, and the Kingdom of Burundi prospered again.

But the good times did not last long. Before the Kingdom of Burundi was ready to enjoy it, the East Africans came again. Roromom, who had experienced the destruction of the country, knew that the Kingdom of Burundi was not the opponent of the Kingdom of East Africa, so he could directly negotiate with the Northern Route Army of the Kingdom of East Africa. Give up the land, but give the Kingdom of Burundi time.

The East African Kingdom agreed, and the Burundians migrated from here. In addition to Burundi, the same is true for other indigenous kingdoms who fled from the Great Lakes region to the Azande Plateau.

Therefore, the Northern Route Army area looks very lively, with a scene of a large-scale relocation of indigenous people, and these black people have returned to their homeland in West Africa along the route that their ancestors spread throughout Africa.

The migration of these kingdoms will also cause huge historical changes in West Africa. For example, Burundi, Rwanda, and Buganda have all become West African countries. Ernst thinks it is really interesting. I don’t know. After arriving in West Africa, what will be the development trajectories of these three countries?

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