African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 278 More than three thousand kilometers

In the past life, in the southwest of the Democratic Republic of Congo, on the banks of the Kuango River.

The commander of the Western Route Army, Merk, arrived here smoothly with the East African Army and Msili's servant army.

The Kuango River is a tributary of the Congo River. It originates from the Lunda Plateau in Angola, joins the Kasai River and then flows into the Congo River.

The Kasai River is the largest tributary on the left bank of the Congo River. The main tributaries of the Kasai River from upstream to downstream include the Sankuru River, Shivimbe River, Shikapa River, Kwelu River, Kuango River, etc. This area has a dense water network, large terrain differences, and abundant water resources.

The main tributaries of the Kasai River from the upstream to the downstream include the Sankulu River, Shivimbe River, Shikapa River, Kwelu River, Kuango River, etc.

Among them, the Kuango River was the boundary river between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola in the previous life. Now it is used by East Africa as the national boundary. On the opposite side is the sphere of influence of the Kingdom of Congo and the colony of Angola.

"Controlling the right bank of the Kuango River, our trip will end here. Thank you, Mr. Msili, for your cooperation. We in East Africa will provide migration convenience for you and your subjects as agreed in advance."

After that, Merk took a pencil in his hand and drew a red line on the map along the lines of the Kuango River. There were also several north-south rivers on the map, and the Kuango River was the last one.

Msili had already prepared for it, which he didn't mind, but there was one thing he still didn't like, "Your Excellency Merk, this is all easy to say, but can the Kingdom of East Africa provide me with more tobacco and alcohol?"

Deliberately groomed by the East African kingdom, Msili eventually became an alcoholic and a smoker.

"Of course it's no problem! Mr. Msili, this matter is easy to handle. We can give you a batch for free, but in the future you can only buy it with money."

"Of course there is no problem," Msiri replied.

The money East Africa wants actually refers to precious metals, animal skins and some special products. In short, anything valuable can be exchanged, which is a completely minor problem for Msili.

"Your Excellency Merk, I wonder where you plan to place us?" Although Msili knew that East Africa had arranged a route for his kingdom, he did not know the specific location, only that it was in the north.

"Look!" Merk spread out the map and said to Msili: "This is East Africa. Our location is here now, and your kingdom is at this location. You will go all the way east until this lake (Tanga Nyika) area, then take a boat to Bujumbura, turn northwest here, and finally cross the northern territory of East Africa and come here, where we in East Africa call Cameroon.”

Looking at the big circle Merk drew on the map, Msili was a little surprised. This was not the same as the migration he had originally thought about! This distance is too far!

In fact, in Africa, migration of indigenous kingdoms and tribes is very common. The Yeke Kingdom of Msili moved westward because of the expansion of East Africa.

But the normal migration of indigenous people is from the original area to a nearby area, but the migration route announced to Msiri by Merk directly bypassed the Congo rainforest and made a big circle.

Although Msili is very unfamiliar with maps, she has been following Merk these days and watched him flipping over maps from time to time, so she knows some concepts.

Msili once asked Merk where his kingdom was. As a result, Merk pointed on the map. A place the size of a finger was the entire territory of his kingdom, and the East Africa next to it was a slap in the face compared to the Yeke Kingdom. , East Africa is now even larger.

Seeing that Msili was a little worried, Merk comforted him: "The distance is a bit long, but it's not that difficult. It's just over three thousand kilometers! There are waterways in the middle, so it won't take too much time."

Msili didn't know how long it was, more than three thousand kilometers, but he knew that the line drawn by Merk could go around the Yeke Kingdom many times just from the map.

Forget it, since the food on the road was paid for by East Africa, he didn’t care about such a long journey. Msili then asked: “Cameroon, how is the environment in this place?”

"It's almost the same as here, maybe with a little more rain, but there's not much difference in other aspects. Moreover, the indigenous forces there are very weak. You can still dominate there if you go there." Merk replied.

Msili asked with some suspicion: "In that case, why don't you East Africans take over that place!"

"Hahaha, East Africa has reached its limit now. We still have a lot of land in our hands that has not been developed. We don't have time to manage such distant places. And we are not afraid that you know that the purpose of East Africa now is to clear out the local indigenous people. As for what means, That's hard to say. If you hadn't had a good attitude and good cooperation, you might have ended up like the indigenous people we wiped out before, so migrating to the north is also a good place. We won't be able to control you once you get there." Merle K said.

Although the words were a little ugly, they were all true. Msili thought for a moment and felt that the original blow was still a wise man who knows the current affairs.

Msili made sure again: "Mr. Merk, the indigenous people there are really weak. You won't lie to me, right?"

"That's natural, Mr. Musili. You have also done business on the East African grasslands. You should know the form of the tribes on the East African grasslands. To be honest, the kingdom you created is a symbol of civilization compared with them. Cameroon's The situation is similar to that of the East African grasslands before. In addition, you are holding hot weapons, but the indigenous people still use spears and bows. Don’t say that you can’t beat those indigenous people with your muskets.”

"So that's it. If my army goes there, it should be easy to gain a foothold. No, it should be said to become their new ruler." After knowing the status of the indigenous people, Msili became more confident.

Msili has a firearms unit in his hands, with a strength of a thousand people, plus the ordinary armed forces of the Yeke Kingdom, with thousands of people. Such strength can indeed defeat the local natives of Cameroon.

"Mr. Merk, I have one last question!"

"you say?"

"That is, my kingdom has moved into this so-called Cameroon. How can I obtain your products in the future?"

Musili looked at the map and found that Cameroon, which the East African Kingdom refers to, is quite a distance from East Africa, and is even separated.

Merk said: "This is easy to handle. When the time comes, you can send a caravan and report it to our border personnel. That's it. Do you want to buy or sell? Our East African Kingdom is very welcome. Oh, by the way, don't forget to mention With your own name, you are also a meritorious person in East Africa, so maybe you can get a discount."

Unlike the closed coastal areas of East Africa, the Kingdom of East Africa also advocates free trade in the interior, because compared with the indigenous people in East Africa, there is a gap between industrial countries and agricultural countries. Relying on the small commodities produced by the Hechingen Consortium, it can be purchased from Africa. The chiefs had in their hands various resources that East Africa needed.

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