African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 280 Bagamoyo Shipyard and the Culture Wars


The southern part of the East Africa Naval Base, on the south bank of the Little Rhine River, is becoming a new construction site, and the Bagamoyo Shipyard is under construction planning.

The construction of the factory area has been completed. According to the Venetian shipyard model and the geographical conditions of Bagamoyo Port, an East African shipyard of the same scale will be built.

Bagamoyo Shipyard is currently the largest project actively introduced in East Africa, which aims to enhance East Africa’s independent ship manufacturing capabilities.

Belst, a technician at the Venice Shipyard, was introducing the project to Constantine.

“Why should the Venetian shipyard be moved to Bagamoyo? The most important thing is to avoid crowding out the operating space of the Port of Dar es Salaam, although the conditions and infrastructure in Dar es Salaam are better than those in Bagamoyo. About 20 years ago, Dar es Salaam, as an open port, occupies an important position in the East African economy. East Africa’s import and export shipping capacity is mainly concentrated in Dar es Salaam and Mombasa. From the current point of view, in Dar es Salaam, It is not impossible to build shipbuilding industries in Es Salaam and Mombasa, but considering the future development of various ports in East Africa, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince specifically stated that the shipyards should be located in non-free port areas, and only Bagamo is the only non-free port. The conditions in Jordan and Mogadishu are the best, but Mogadishu is located in the north and Somalia’s climate causes a lack of relevant raw materials.”

The current shipbuilding industry is still relatively dependent on wood, and Mogadishu, as an oasis city, happens to be at a disadvantage in terms of raw materials.

“Bagamoyo itself has excellent conditions, with good water depth conditions. Zanzibar Island is opposite to offset most of the sea wind. At the same time, like Dar es Salaam, it is in the leeward bay of the mainland. All these conditions allow Bagamoyo Port to have The potential is not inferior to that of Venice." Baerst said eloquently.

Belster is an Austrian and a technician at the Trieste Shipyard. He previously studied at the Venice Shipyard. After the Venice Shipyard opened the Trieste branch, he was appointed as the director of the Hechingen Consortium.

The East African shipbuilding industry is roughly divided into two systems. One is the inland shipbuilding industry relying on lakes and rivers. Typical examples are the Mwanza Shipyard along the Great Lakes, the Kigoma Shipyard on Lake Solon and Malawi. Karonga Shipyard on the lakeshore.

Another is the nascent coastal shipbuilding industry. After listening to the suggestions of Navy Commander-in-Chief Ferdinand, East Africa established two small ship repair yards in Dar es Salaam and Mombasa. In addition to providing boat maintenance, it also produces small wooden fishing boats.

These two small ship repair yards were actually rebuilt on the basis of the original shipyard of the Sultanate of Zanzibar. The technical system came from Arabia, but the shipbuilding center of Zanzibar is actually on Zanzibar Island. Or because Zanzibar has too little control over the coast.

Another city in East Africa with shipbuilding capabilities is Mogadishu. As a historic port on the coast of the Indian Ocean, Mogadishu has certain shipbuilding capabilities, but it is completely behind in technology.

Taking advantage of the outbreak of the war between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Italy, Ernst planned to copy Venice's Hechingen Shipyard to East Africa. The panic caused by the war helped shipyard workers actively choose to develop in East Africa.

"After the completion of the Bagamoyo Shipyard, does it mean that East Africa can develop independently in the maritime ship manufacturing industry?" Constantine asked.

"It depends on how you understand it. For example, now, the design, planning, and construction of the shipyard are completely completed by our own people. Is this considered independent? But in terms of hardware, the East African shipbuilding industry does not meet the conditions for independence at all. "Belster said, "For example, the steam power system and important parts must be imported. Even if the Bagamoyo Shipyard is built, it can only complete the construction of the hull alone, so it is essentially still a large ship assembly plant. "

Belster continued: "At present, the completion of the Bagamoyo Shipyard is still a milestone for the East African shipbuilding industry. Solve the problem of availability first, and then gradually fill in the missing industrial chain. Bagamoyo The place is huge, and in the future, a shipbuilding-related industry will be formed here with the Bagamoyo Shipyard as the center."

"So that's it!" Constantine exclaimed with emotion, "Then after the Bagamoyo Shipyard is completed, what level will the ships produced by it be in the world?"

"Unfortunately, Your Majesty, the technology is estimated to be two generations behind. In fact, the Venetian Shipyard itself is slightly behind its peers in technology due to the decline of Venice. Now shipbuilding has once again had room for technological progress due to the emergence of ironclads. It has been greatly improved, so the shipbuilding technology introduced by Bagamoyo will definitely lag behind that of mainland Europe."

The Bagamoyo Shipyard is said to be a replica of the Venice Shipyard. In fact, the machines from the Venice Shipyard are sourced, assembled and put into production again in Bagamoyo. The original Venice Shipyard will introduce new equipment and technology to carry out industry upgrade.

With the opening of the Suez Canal, it is an inevitable trend for the Mediterranean economy to rise again. Venice, the most dazzling port city on the Mediterranean coast in the past, will also have a second spring. Therefore, it is important to improve the ship manufacturing level of the Venice Shipyard in Hechingen. stand up.

This is also one of the reasons why Ernst built the Bagamoyo Shipyard, to eliminate the backward technology and equipment of the Venice Shipyard to East Africa. For East Africa, it is advanced technology, and the Venice Shipyard can also complete industrial upgrading. There are benefits to both.

At the same time, by moving most of the Italian workers in the Venice shipyard to East Africa, Ernst could recruit more Germans from Austria to work in Venice, which in disguise helped Austria to control Venice.

Coupled with Ernst's previous poisonous plan, the population of the villages around the city of Venice was hollowed out, and then became Austrian outside the city of Venice, isolating the city of Venice from the rural areas dominated by Italians.

As for the Italian rural areas separated from the city, the probability of being influenced by the city of Venice is greatly reduced, because general culture will consciously concentrate in the city and then radiate out.

Unable to receive the radiation of Venetian Italian culture, Austria can slowly assimilate the farmers in the Veneto region through education and other methods. The premise is to break the interpretation power of the local rural dignitaries, and then carry out ideological enlightenment on the old Italian farmers. Say 100%, most Italians will slowly become Austrians.

It is a general trend for the countryside to supplement the urban population. Slowly, the Italians in the Venetian city will be replaced by the surrounding Austrian country people due to fertility problems. In this way, from the top to the bottom, the Germans' voice can be gradually strengthened, and as a For the middle class, the backbone of Italian culture, the Austro-Hungarian Empire would try every means to get them to leave Venice. After all, the Kingdom of Italy had to accept these true Italian patriots. As for those who were stubborn and didn’t want to leave, East Africa could also take over. Ernst It doesn't matter. If you behave well in East Africa, you can still save it. If not, you can arrange a snow package in Alaska.

Of course, this is just an idea. Whether it can be completed depends on comprehensive factors. For example, if the Kingdom of Italy regains Venice in the future, this process will be interrupted, but the possibility is very low.

Another purpose of this was to block the spread of Italian culture within the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Italian culture along the Adriatic coast was very strong, and these areas happened to be along the Austrian coast. Venice, the connection center, was interrupted, and slowly Italian culture will also decline on the east coast of the Adriatic. Next, we will start to solve the cultural imprint of the Slavs (mainly Croatia and Slovenia). At least the ethnic conflicts in the Austrian region can be greatly alleviated.

This is essentially a culture war. Ernst, as the proposer, feels that if the matter is completed, future generations of Austrians must thank himself. Of course, based on past life experience, if the so-called virgin bitches in postmodern society know their own " Evil deeds” will certainly be criticized, just as some within the Saxon community, enjoying the blessings of their ancestors through exploitation and colonization, then toppled Victoria’s sculptures.

If they really want to repent of their colonial evil deeds, in Ernst's opinion, these people should first cut off their food, clothing, housing and transportation and live the lives of poor African people. After all, everything they enjoy is the legacy of the British colonial system. Thinking that you can live comfortably even if you work less than eight hours a day is the result of technological progress! That is just the result of domestic capital trying its best to plunder wealth from other countries. The colonial era is far from over, it has just been replaced by more covert economic colonization.

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