African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 286 Workers Transfer

Ernst said casually, which just made Mayne feel a little funny. He didn't understand firearms and just casually placed bets in this area. However, the boss insisted on this and he couldn't say anything. He would strictly control the results of the two Mauser brothers. If It is my duty as the factory director to reject their plan if there is anything wrong with it.

Although Mayne didn't know much about firearms design because he lacked imagination, he had a persistent look at firearms. In other words, rigor and rigidity were the reasons why he became the director of the factory.

"Your Highness, if their design plan has flaws, I will not let them pass it," Mayne said.

Ernst said: "Mr. Mayne, we need your help. I believe that your more than 20 years of experience in the industry can help them complete the last step."

Mayne said: "For your sake, I will give them this opportunity. If they are really talented, I will strongly support them."

Far East, Jiaozhou Textile Factory.

"The East African Textile Factory is recruiting workers. They will receive favorable treatment and include food and accommodation. They can take the whole family to live in East Africa. This is a good opportunity. Does anyone want to go there? If you want to go, you can raise your hand." Carlton, the factory director, said at the Said to all employees at the staff meeting.

But no one raised their hands at the meeting. Although the treatment at Jiaozhou Textile Factory was not very good, it was better than stability, so the employees did not think about development thousands of miles away in East Africa.

"Since no one wants to go, then we can only draw lots to select people. This is a task assigned by the above. If you are not willing to take the initiative to go to East Africa, then it can only depend on luck. The person who is drawn will go to East Africa with his whole family. Go, or you can resign early," Carlton said.

Carlton's words caused a commotion among the workers in the factory. Now everyone is afraid. East Africa is strange and far away to them. Who knows what will happen if they actually go there? It will be impossible to come back.

An employee mustered up the courage to ask: "Director Carlton! Why do we have to go to East Africa?"

Carlton said: "Of course there is a shortage of people in East Africa, especially textile workers. You also know that the investors of the Jiaozhou Textile Factory are the Hechingen royal family, and the Hechingen royal family is the ruler of the East African Kingdom, so they are from the factory. Decision also means the Kingdom.”

"Will the benefits be guaranteed when we go to East Africa? When we leave the country, we will have to deal with the situation every day and the earth will not work!" someone questioned.

Carlton said with a smile: "Do you mean that your treatment can be guaranteed here? In fact, you don't have to go too far. Go north. There are also factories invested by the British in Yantai. You can go and find out how the British treat them. Chinese employees, but your officials didn’t even fart. The same is true in Jiaozhou. To put it harshly, the treatment of Jiaozhou Textile Factory is beyond the standard among similar companies in the Far East. That is to say, His Highness Ernst has a kind heart. That’s why I’m giving you such good treatment.”

When Carlton said this, the employees below him were speechless. Facts are facts. The most indispensable thing here is manpower. Moreover, Carlton is a foreigner. He is a person that officials would bend down when they see him. So If they say they really want to bully me, they are really bullying.

Looking at the silent workers, Carlton said: "After you go to East Africa, you will become an East African citizen. East Africa is a country with sound laws. The law will protect your rights and interests, or at least everyone is equal before the law. You don't have to I am too worried about the security in East Africa. The most important thing is that prices in East Africa are very stable and cheap. They are not as volatile as here. With the same salary, the cost of living in East Africa is lower, not to mention that wages in East Africa are higher than those in the Far East."

"Director Carlton, since the salary is so good, why don't you recruit workers from your own country, instead of recruiting workers from us thousands of miles away?"

Carlton said: "This salary is very generous to you, but for our people it is taken for granted and naturally not very attractive. They are more interested in engaging in other industries, so we recruit workers in the Far East. The construction of the Jiaozhou Textile Factory is also for this reason, because your wages are low."

Carlton is blunt, but this is the situation in this era. Not to mention wages, some people can eat two meals a day, which is considered a well-off family.

"Okay, having said all that, have you changed your mind and taken the initiative to go to East Africa? Don't worry, your value is not that high. You will still be engaged in the textile industry in East Africa."

Carlton looked at the inactive employees and said helplessly: "In this case, we can only draw lots. This is very fair for you. Those who are lucky will go to East Africa, and those who are unlucky will continue to stay in the factory."

In the end, Carlton selected more than 3,000 people from the factory by drawing lots, even though they were unwilling to go to East Africa.

"Director Carlton, when we go to East Africa, we can take the whole family there. Is this true?"

"Of course, and their jobs, food and housing can be guaranteed."

"Ah! Why didn't you tell me about this good thing just now?"

The employees originally thought that since they only had jobs in the past, they could only support the whole family by themselves, which was no different from the Far East. Carlton didn't say just now that workers' relatives would be provided with food, accommodation and work assignments when they went there.

"Ah! Didn't I say that? I thought you all knew it?" Carlton said with some surprise, "After all, this is common knowledge in East Africa."

Carlton is indeed from East Africa, so that automatically brings the Far East into East Africa.

When they heard that their family members had gone to East Africa and found jobs, the workers who had been looking gloomy just now turned to ecstasy. Going to East Africa was not a bad thing.

"But let me make it clear first. Unless your family has special skills, such as carpenters, bricklayers... otherwise you can only be ordinary farmers in East Africa." Carlton said, looking at the workers who were whispering among each other.

As for employees, it doesn't matter. The current situation is that some people who want to be farmers may not be able to become farmers. Even if they work as tenant farmers for landlords, they may still be paid back.

"Director Carlton, is being a farmer in East Africa the same as here?"

Carlton shook his head and said: "It's not the same. On the contrary, it's a bit like a worker. He also gets paid."

"Food and accommodation are also included?"


"That's good. Our family is not afraid of hardship. We can work just as well in East Africa."

The East African kingdom recruited textile workers from the Far East to hedge against Italian textile workers. The newly planned textile factory in Nairobi almost turned it into an Italian city with the influx of Italians. Therefore, East Africa needed to dilute Italian workers with immigrants from other regions.

Therefore, some employees of the Jiaozhou Textile Factory were mobilized from East Africa, and then they were mixed with Italian workers in the factory.

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