African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 288 New Citizens of Nairobi

Due to the lag in news, the Portuguese in Angola have not yet realized the expansion of East Africa. There is only the last barrier between the two countries, while the land in eastern East Africa is completely connected to Mozambique.


The word "Nairobi" means "cool place". It is a modern garden-style city with lush vegetation and flowers everywhere. It is clean and quiet. It is a tourist resort for summer vacation.

Such good climate conditions were one of the reasons why Ernst chose to locate the textile factory here. In the era before air conditioning, Nairobi's environment could provide workers with a better working environment.

Nairobi's climate is more appropriately described as spring-like all year round. Coolness is for tropical areas. Of course, Nairobi is cooler than summers in Europe and the Far East. The most important thing is that Nairobi has this temperature all year round.

“Welcome to Nairobi, everyone. Nairobi may not be as prosperous as Venice, but it’s not too bad. With the current scale of urban construction in Nairobi, for our city, Nairobi is already developing at a rapid pace. Because this city is only two years old. , I hope that after you become Nairobi citizens, you will actively participate in the construction of Nairobi. Only when our city is built better can everyone live and work here more happily." Nairobi Mayor Jose said to the first batch of Venetians said the immigrants.

The Venetian immigrants were looking left and right, observing the so-called city that was about to become their new home.

“The city appearance is indeed good, but the buildings are relatively monotonous, without the dazzling beauty or artistic atmosphere of Venice. Moreover, the city is too small and feels similar to a rural town in Venice, and the climate is also a bit dry. "

"It's not bad, at least it's not as bad as we thought. I thought the East African government would leave us in the wilderness! At least there is infrastructure here, and I feel like the environment here is good. I can't stand the kind of thing in Venice." The humid environment and the temperature in East Africa are really comfortable. In Mombasa before, it was relatively hot there, and Europe has always said that the temperature in Africa is high, but that’s not the case here.”

"It is indeed a little different from the imagined Africa. From this point of view, the conditions here are even much better than in Egypt. So many people can live in a pile of sand in Egypt. It is obviously more livable than Egypt."

"Look, those black workers, are they slaves in East Africa?"

"Most likely, yes. I heard that all colonies used black slaves, especially in Africa. The most indispensable thing is black people. But I saw some black people in Mombasa, but there are more here."

The reason why there are more black people in Nairobi than in Mombasa is because the East African government temporarily cobbled together 3,000 housing units from surrounding villages in order to solve the housing problem for these Venetian immigrants. The first phase of the planned 3,000 housing projects has been completed.

"Compared to black people, I am still interested in these yellow people. Their living conditions here seem to be pretty good, but I don't know if they can get along well."

While the Venetian immigrants were looking at the living conditions of the people in East Africa, Nairobi citizens were also looking at these Venetians. This is the first time since Nairobi was founded that such a large number of immigrants have arrived in Nairobi at the same time.

Venetian immigrants heatedly discussed everything about Nairobi, and everything here made them feel novel.

At this time, the mayor of Nairobi, Jose, said: "Because you are new to East Africa, you will temporarily meet your needs in the canteen for the first month. After one month, you will have to rely on your own salary to support your family. As long as you are willing to endure hardships in the factory, you can survive in East Africa." It’s not difficult. The price of industrial products in East Africa may be a little higher, but the price of food is very cheap. Now, do you have any other questions you can ask?”

"Dear Mr. Mayor! Where will we stay tonight?"

The mayor of Nairobi pointed to the northeast, "Have you seen the place where the black people are constructing? The newly built houses to the west are where you people live."

"How to solve the problems of drinking water and cooking?"

"For drinking water, you can get water from the nearest well, and for washing clothes, you can go to the river. As for cooking, you can build a stove or oven by yourself, or you can choose to eat in the canteen, but except for the first month, which is free, You’ll have to pay from now on.”

"Mr. Mayor, what are our working hours?"

"Ten hours a day, plus overtime pay, six days a week."

"Excuse me, where can we worship?" one immigrant asked.

The mayor of Nairobi replied: "Of course it is in your own home. There is no church here. If you are willing to build one yourself, we will support it, but you need to contribute your own efforts to complete it."

"Oh! God? It's too bad there's no church."

"Don't complain. In fact, the immigrants before you lived very well without churches. And if you are really religious, you can worship at home. As long as you have God in your heart, God will naturally bless you. Being pious is not Look at whether there is a church. If there is a church, will it be protected by God? There are many churches in Europe, but Europe is indeed at war now, and you came to East Africa because of the war." Jose said .

As a Protestant, Jose was originally very particular about justification by faith. When he arrived in East Africa, he was even more shocked when he met so many Chinese people who did not believe in God. Now, Jose’s own thinking has been shaken a bit, or rather Ruined.

"Okay, having said that, let's prepare all the information you registered in Mombasa. We will distribute housing to you according to the content in the information. Everyone, pick up your luggage and leave with the staff." Jose directed. .

Soon, Nairobi's East City New District was filled with people. They didn't have much luggage, but most of them brought their families.

"Don't crowd, learn to line up first. If anyone squeezes forward randomly, don't blame me for not reminding you that the police maintain order." Looking at the crowd swarming up, Mayor Jose said, "Everyone, line up. Staff registration.”

"Bring the file!"

"Mr. Abbott, there are four people in your family, you and your wife, a son and a daughter, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"There are four houses here, one, three, five and eight. These four numbers are divided. You can choose one yourself."

"Um, are they different?"

"No, it's just that the location is different."

"Then I'll choose three."

"Well, very good, the head of the household, Abbot, has four family members, wife Jenny, son Andrew, and daughter Anlina. Community No. 7, No. 203." The registration staff recorded, "This is your house number. Just wait a moment, and the staff will take you and your family to your residence shortly."


Soon, four families gathered together.

"Four of you, come with me," said an East African policeman.

Several people walked for an unknown amount of time under the leadership of the police and arrived at an empty street.

"Did you see this sign?" He pointed to the sign at the intersection and said, "This seven means Seventh Street. The area you are in is the Seventh Community. The first house on the left is Mr. Mavester's. The third set belongs to Mr. Andre's family, the fifth set belongs to Mr. Abbott's family, and the eighth set belongs to Mr. Repp's family. Bring over the slip of paper you just registered!"

The East African policeman took the four pieces of paper from the hands of the four people, took out the glue from his pocket, and came to the four doors. There was a reserved blank square on the right side of the door frame. He put the pieces of paper in order. Pasted on it, this is a simple house plate that records the basic information of each immigrant family.

"You can move in now!"

At this time, Abbott asked: "Sir, I still have a question, why are our houses not next to each other in order, but there is an empty space in the middle?"

The policeman explained: “Because there will be other immigrants staying here in the future, but they haven’t arrived yet.”

In fact, the empty houses are reserved for immigrants from the Far East and Germany. Among them, the second, fourth and seventh houses are planned to be allocated to immigrants from the Far East, and the sixth house is planned to be allocated to immigrants from the German area.

It is just enough to fully integrate these immigrants and prevent immigrants from a single region and ethnic group from gathering together in one place.

"Go all the way to the end of the street, which is the office of the Seventh Street Police Station. If you have any trouble in the future, you can come to me. There is also a bulletin board of the municipal government there. You can check the latest policies and government notices in East Africa. You have to go to the seventh street to get water. There are two wells on the Fourth Street and the Fifth Street respectively. You have to go to the river in the north of the city to wash your clothes. As for the public canteen at the end of the street, it is the largest building. Your meals will be taken care of there these days. There are toilets behind the street. , Open defecation is not allowed in East Africa, and sewage is not allowed to be discharged at will. Wastewater must be poured into the drainage channel behind the toilet..."

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