African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 291 “Stealing the Country”

Wallunga Province, East Africa,

"Hey, Maurice, look, there's a snake on the tree ahead," an East African soldier shouted.

"Boll, you were bitten! It's hopeless! Pull it down and bury it."

"Maurice, you bastard, that's not what you were joking about. I was just repeating the facts." Boll scolded his comrades angrily.

"Okay, stop arguing. Where is the snake?" the monitor asked.

"Squad leader, look at the branches under the tree on the left. I have excellent eyesight. I can see this green guy hiding under the leaves at a glance."

Following the direction Bol said, he saw the appearance of the snake clearly. The squad leader put the bayonet on the gun, lifted the gun tail and lifted it gently. A green African tree snake fell to the ground from above and was hit by it. The frightened African tree snake disappeared from everyone's eyes in a flash.

"Fortunately it's not Mamba, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome to solve." The squad leader said.

The African tree snake is a venomous snake with a low venom. Its detoxification capacity is low and its poison injection efficiency is not very efficient, so it is less dangerous. Of course, since it is a venomous snake, East African soldiers still choose to exercise caution when handling it.

As for the mamba snake, it is a common venomous snake in East Africa, and the black mamba is the most famous, but the black mamba generally lives on grass.

The reason why East African warriors are afraid of the Black Mamba is not because of its toxicity, but because it is too aggressive.

Other African snakes generally will not attack people unless provoked. The black mamba is the kind that chases people and bites them. Catching the black mamba in East Africa requires great skills. Its speed is too fast compared with other snakes. Fast, and the East African green mamba, which also belongs to the genus Mamba, has a personality that is not as extreme as the black mamba.

As for toxicity, the fatality rate of venomous snakes in this era is very high. If you are bitten, you basically leave it to fate.

East Africa is not without action. Venomous snake researchers and biological experts have been hired in Mombasa to set up a research institute to specialize in the study of antivenom for African venomous snakes such as the black mamba and the belled viper.

Hechingen, Hohenzollern.

"Your Highness, why don't we introduce medical talents directly from Europe instead of bringing in medical talents from the East? I heard them say that the medical skills in the East are more like the witch doctors of the Middle Ages."

Tom doesn't understand Ernst's recent introduction of medical talents from the East. It's not that Tom is opposed to it, but that this project costs money. Since it costs money, he must be cautious. But sometimes Ernst's thoughts are The sky is wild, so Tom felt it was better to make sure.

In fact, East Africa has also acquired medical-related knowledge from all over the world before, but it did not cost much, and it was even free. This time Ernst will spend a lot of money to recruit medical talents, books, and effective prescriptions from the Far East. .

"Tom, the reason is very simple. It is not ruled out that some people in the East use the banner of traditional Chinese medicine to cheat, but more of it has been systematically passed down for more than three thousand years. It has been tested for a longer period of time than Europe, and the Eastern people are very good at cultural aspects. The historical documents left behind are richer, and most of our parchments are used to record the Bible."

Oriental medicine must have existed for more than this short time, but Ernst has his own judgment. The appearance of a large number of practical documents in the Far East coincided with the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, which were recorded and spread in the form of bamboo slips. Especially with the rise of private schools, a large number of intellectuals (including Medical talents) wrote books, systematically clarified previous experience, and at the same time boldly innovated. The large number of bamboo slips surviving in the world allowed the entire medical system to be continuously inherited and developed in the form of written words instead of being passed down orally.

Of course, fallacies may exist, but most of the effects were experimented on that land, and those that were ineffective would have been eliminated long ago.

The decline of Eastern medicine actually occurred before the Ming Dynasty. By the Ming Dynasty, medicine had begun to enter a stage of being rigid. It was only after the Western Industrial Revolution reached a certain stage, that is, during this period, that modern medicine emerged and overtook it.

It was during Ernst's time that chemistry and biology had begun to exert their power and were preparing to kick traditional medicine off its throne.

But Ernst did not dare to try modern European medicine. He never knew whether what they developed was poison or an antidote, especially since various drugs were often used as "magic medicines."

"But Your Highness, how can you guarantee that the person we summoned from the Far East is not a liar? We don't know much about Eastern medicine." Tom asked curiously.

"This matter is simple. We just need to ask their government to provide us with convenience. Let Ambassador Richard personally discuss this matter with their top leaders. With official endorsement, I believe this matter will be simpler. It is best to communicate with their medical hospitals, and let our people get their medical prescriptions and related books from the Far East, North Korea, Japan, and Vietnam."

With official cooperation, at least a large number of scammers can be screened out.

Ernst's calculations were all going well. His purpose was to steal medical formulas from Far Eastern countries and then apply for patents in the West. Ernst would rather let East Africa eat this meal than Japan and Japan. South Korea.

Anyway, East Africa is a country of immigrants. In theory, the achievements of the ancestors of immigrants from the Far East are also the achievements of the ancestors of East Africans. What is yours is mine, and what is mine is still mine. There is no need to feel guilty in this regard. Everyone knows that East Africa has a short history. Nor will they shamelessly grab the historical naming rights.

Ernst continued: "In this Far East medical introduction plan, we must also pay attention to those quack doctors who use opium to cure all diseases. We must be vigilant and don't let them sneak into East Africa."

"Your Highness, the biggest problem with this work is actually that our people don't know much about Eastern medicine." Tom said.

"So we have to start more from the officials and make our own judgments. It doesn't matter if there are some mistakes. When East African medicine develops in the future, we can then filter out the correct ones from the collected wealth." Ernst said .

This is like a high-magnification game. If you can find top-notch prescriptions like XX Baiyao, you will make a lot of money. It doesn't matter if you can't find it. Anyway, you won't lose money overall.

Of course, Ernst will also invest in modern medical research in the future. As for now, he will start with traditional medicine.

Therefore, East Africa can only promote traditional medicine on a large scale at present, and Ernst chose to believe in Eastern medicine in traditional medicine. As for modern medicine in East Africa, the education system has not yet been developed, so there is no way to develop it, or it is better to develop it in Europe. After all, Europe needs talent, technology, and the most complete equipment.

Ernst vigorously promoted Eastern medicine in East Africa and rushed to register its traditional medicine patents. Later, the Far Eastern countries privately gave East Africa the title of "stealing country". The most vulnerable was Japan, because East Africa also registered There are a large number of unique traditional medicine achievements in Japan. As for North Korea, it claims that East African medicine was developed based on Korean traditional medicine. The source of East African medicine is North Korea, and it is quite proud.

Of course, East Africans will not agree, especially the "old Chinese medicine doctors" in East Africa, who have repeatedly emphasized that this is the result of our Eastern ancestors, and East Africa has the right to inherit it.

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