African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 293 Entering the customs!

The tax farming system, an old antique dug out of the garbage heap, is a brand new version that the indigenous people have never seen in sub-Saharan Africa.

Of course, this is only done in the newly occupied areas, such as Zambia and the Azande Plateau, which are close to East Africa. East Africa still plays the same old way, vacating cages and replacing birds in an orderly manner. Especially in the context of the European war, East Africa has rich people. of immigrant population can be implemented.

The Zambian government agencies have been established, and each region is under the responsibility of senior officials. There is no need to compromise with the indigenous forces. The Azande Plateau is relatively late, because East Africa is not very active in the development of this area, but the Azande Plateau is adjacent to the It is in the lake area, so it is easy to control. In addition, a large number of natives have been cleared before, so there is no need to invest too much force.

Lake Solon (Lake Tanganyika).

Mpulong Port is a small fishing port at the southernmost end of Lake Solon. After being guided by the Kingdom of East Africa, Msili finally arrived here with his core of three thousand soldiers and civilians.

Before Msili arrived, tens of thousands of indigenous people gathered here in East Africa, and small shacks covered the southern shore of Lake Solon, which was quite spectacular.

"Guide Kabri, why are so many black people gathered here?" Msili asked, looking at the black people gathering on the shore.

Kabri: "Your Excellency Msili, they are a gift from the Kingdom of East Africa to you. After all, where you are going, there are many indigenous forces, so the population is also in urgent need. Most of these are East African indigenous people who can speak Swahili. They understand your language, can accept your command, and they are all adult men. I believe you can use them to organize a powerful army, and then become the overlord in West Africa."

Is there such a good thing? Msili couldn't believe that East Africans were so kind and gave people to themselves for free. Wouldn't it be better if they stayed to create wealth for themselves?

Kabri continued: "Mr. Musili, don't underestimate these people. They have been trained in East Africa. They have strong organizational skills and strong experience in agriculture. Most of them came out of the farm. , if you take them to West Africa, you can continue to let them grow food and accumulate your personal wealth."

Kabri's words basically clear up the doubts. These are the "laborers" in East Africa, that is, slaves. Now it's time for these slaves to retire, and Zanzibar cannot recruit so many "laborers", and they have to be selective when recruiting. , Ottoman customers are very strict about the quality of slaves, so they have no choice but to let them take Msili's ride to West Africa.

As for whether they are engaged in agriculture, I am not sure. There are also many people who are building bridges and building houses in East Africa. Anyway, they are all engaged in high-intensity work in East Africa.

Under these high-intensity projects in East Africa, these indigenous people look glamorous, but in fact they are extremely exhausted. If they are lucky, they may only use it for a few more years, but they may become ill due to overwork and lose their ability to work. Naturally, East Africa cannot Maybe be the receiver.

East African pastures and captive cattle and horses are expanding rapidly. These cattle and horses can replace most of the indigenous people. Moreover, when the cattle and horses are old, East Africans can still eat meat and make soup with their bones. However, these indigenous people have no such function and cannot give them to them. They found a pit to bury them, which would be too troublesome. If the corpses were exposed in the wilderness, it might cause a plague, so they could send away these older, sick or injured natives now. Both parties would be happy.

Msili: “I wonder what kind of food they will grow!”

Kabri: "That's a lot. Basically, they have experience with most of the crops in East Africa, rice, wheat, bananas, potatoes..."

Msiri couldn't wait to go forward to check the status of these gifts to the indigenous people. He wanted to make sure that these East Africans were really so kind. He casually came to some indigenous people and said in Swahili: "Stand up."

Then, he looked around a few people and found that there was no big problem. The arms and legs were all there, there was no swelling on the body, and there was still tendons all over. Good guy! Stronger than some of the slaves in his own tribe.

This has to be the food of East Africa. Although the slaves worked a lot and ate mostly cassava and corn, the amount was large enough to satisfy them. Moreover, it was the food they grew themselves, especially cassava, which is drought-resistant, barren-resistant, and high-yielding. , can be harvested all year round.

As long as a large amount of wasteland is set aside in East Africa to allow these indigenous people to grow cassava, they can basically meet the rations of these slaves without delaying the production of East Africa's own crops.

Msili ordered: "You take two steps first and I'll take a look."

Several natives who had been "trained" by East Africa all year round immediately took a few steps according to Msili's order. After all, this "big man" was standing with the East Africans. They did not dare to disobey the order for fear of attracting severe beatings. The terrible torture was confinement.

Msili then asked these indigenous people to do some difficult exercises. After repeated experiments, Msili found that the East Africans really did not lie to themselves. These indigenous people were of good quality and very healthy overall.

Msili said with great satisfaction: "Mr. Kabri, thank you very much for the gift from East Africa. These people are very good."

"Hahaha, of course, Mr. Musili, you are our friend in East Africa. East Africa has always been very generous to our friends." Kabri smiled, and then silently added in his heart, "That's weird!"

Human beings are consumables, especially those who are engaged in heavy manual labor all year round. The same is true for these slaves in the East African Kingdom. Although they eat a lot, their nutrition is relatively simple, and they are engaged in heavy manual labor for a long time and are kept in captivity in East Africa. has been greatly consumed.

These slaves given to Msili were all given to Msili according to their service time in East Africa based on the life span of European railway workers.

Although East African slaves did not work on the railways, their workload was even greater than that of European railway workers. At the same time, it was heavy physical activity, so they were given to Msiri when they were in the best condition. Looks energetic and in good condition.

In fact, after traveling to West Africa with Msili, if they continue to engage in heavy physical labor, they will definitely collapse within a period of time. Of course, if Msiri does not do this and recuperate slowly, they may still live for a long time.

For example, Msili's army does not usually train very much. It basically relies on firepower to suppress the indigenous opponents, and then follows Msili to enjoy the hot food. Among the African indigenous people, they are definitely the group with the most prosperous life.

However, if Msiri really planned to drag these East African slaves to farm in West Africa, the result might be different. The risk of these slaves dying suddenly at the same time was very high.

However, according to the speculation of the East African government, Msiri will not do this, because one of the characteristics of Msiri's regime is to plunder the wealth of other tribes and kingdoms. As the saying goes, the enemy is stationed in food, and I am stationed in guns. The enemy is my granary. This is It’s what Msiri does best.

In fact, East Africa's judgment was absolutely correct. At this time, Msiri had already made a plan in his mind to use the slaves sent by East Africa to organize a conventional combat force and go to West Africa for a big fight.

Conventional combat troops, that is, troops that do not use firearms, use of firearms is the treatment that only Msiri's confidants have.

The advantage of Msili's reuse of these East African slaves is obvious. They all speak Swahili, that is, they are fellow countrymen, and these slaves are all strong and adult males. If they go to West Africa, they can Let those West Africans who have never seen the world see the fighting power of the Bantu people in East Africa.

To sum up Msili's thinking, there are two words: "Enter the Pass." Msili's all-black "Eight Banners" soldiers will go to West Africa to earn prosperity and wealth for generations.

Of course, Msili also discovered that the people given to him by East Africa were all "strong men" and not a single woman. But think about it, women are the wealth of war, and East Africa will definitely not give them to him casually. This does not matter, go Just go to West Africa and grab the locals.

This is because Msili misunderstood East Africa. Children and women did not exist among the slaves in East Africa, and they had long been driven to the northwest by East Africa.

However, Msiri's little idea of ​​going to West Africa to snatch women was a mistake. Most of the indigenous women and children driven out of East Africa did go there, but they are now the assets of various tribes and kingdoms in West Africa.

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