African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 348 Urbanization Rate


A sharp whistle broke the early morning tranquility and wandered back and forth in the immigration transition point. The sharp sound woke up the sleeping immigrants.

Twenty-three, dormitory 013.

Yuan Ye, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly stood up from the bed: "What's the noise?"

At this time, Li Ji also woke up. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and said, "It's so early in the morning, why is it disturbing someone's dream! And this sound must be from a whistle! But it's too unpleasant to hear."

Just when everyone was complaining, the whistle finally subsided, but then there was another melodious sound floating faintly from a distance.


This is the sound made by the clock tower in Dar es Salaam. When the clock tower in Dar es Salaam rings, it means six o'clock in the morning in East Africa.

However, the clock tower in Dar es Salaam can only be heard at the immigration transition point, that is, when you are awake. This is why the East African Immigration Agency uses a whistle to wake people up.

In the immigrant residential area where Li Ji and others are isolated, employees of the East African Immigration Agency are providing wake-up services to immigrants.

Along the corridor, one by one, they beat the door with their baton, "Bang, bang, bang..." It seemed that the wooden door would be blasted at any time.

"Get up! Don't sleep! Get up and wash up quickly. If you're late, you won't be able to make it in time for dinner!"

The words were shouted first in German and then in Chinese. When the originally lazy immigrants heard about the meal, they quickly put on their clothes and got out of bed. No one could stop the immigrants' enthusiasm for cooking.

Ordinary people in this era have plenty of opportunities to sleep in. Most of the immigrants in East Africa come from rural areas and maintain the routine of working at sunrise and resting at sunset, so they can still sleep well.

How to fill the stomach is the big problem. It can be said that the seeds are planted in the ground, and the rest can only be left to God. The weather is good and the weather is good, and there is famine.

Europe is a little better. If there is a famine, you can avoid starving to death by going to a factory. However, most people in the Far East have no choice but to flee the famine.

Of course, the situation in Europe was not much better. In 1871, the urbanization rate in Germany was only about 30.6%, in France it was 31%, and in the Austro-Hungarian Empire it was 25%. These are still urbanization rates. .

The level of urbanization is even lower, because most towns rely on agricultural production, and a considerable number of town residents are still engaged in the primary industry and just live in the town. This is the case in Hechingen Town. If the year is bad, many people will also face Bankruptcy Risk.

The most prosperous people in this era are the British. Their urbanization level exceeds 60%, and industry has become the mainstay of their economy. In recent years, due to the increase in agricultural production in East Africa, North America, and Tsarist Russia, international food prices have continued to decline, and industrial countries have Food prices are quite stable and even have a downward trend.

In 1871, the urbanization rate in East Africa was 17.3%, exceeding the world average (the world urbanization rate was 12%), which was relatively high among agricultural countries. During the same period, the urbanization rate in the United States was around 25%, which was higher than that in East Africa. In Tsarist Russia, the urbanization rate is about 11%, which is lower than that in East Africa. The urbanization rate in the Far East, the world's most populous country, is only about 4%.

The reason for the high urbanization rate in East Africa is simple. First of all, the population is small and there are many immigrants. In order to accelerate the integration of various ethnic groups, East Africa will tend to concentrate the population and prevent single ethnic groups from living together. This is a policy consideration.

Secondly, agricultural development in East Africa pays more attention to collaboration, so the population is relatively concentrated. Before the establishment of the East African colonies, East Africa was a truly barren land, with more wild animals than people. In such an environment, there was no certain number of people on the reclaimed land. It will be recycled by nature after three months.

Therefore, East African agriculture has the feel of a national system, which requires the central government to coordinate resources. Clearing out wild animals sometimes requires the dispatch of militia organizations or even the army, not to mention the existence of many indigenous political powers here.

Finally, in recent years, the Hechingen Consortium has also purchased many industries in East Africa. The newly built Bagamoyo Shipyard alone has more than 2,000 workers, and the sisal industry has employed more than 5,000 workers.

However, it can only be said that the above reasons are not the most important. The main reason for the high urbanization rate in East Africa is that the large number of black people are not included in the East African population.

The black population is almost four times the immigrant population in East Africa and a little more. This is the result of driving out many black people in East Africa.

This also makes the life of East Africans relatively monotonous, but the living standard is not bad in the world. After all, there are mines, land, and exploitable population (black people). Coupled with corporate governance, small farmers are prevented from going bankrupt. Even if a certain If a region's grain production decreases, the loss can be shared equally by allocating grain from other regions.

What's more, East Africa has a large harvest of food every year, generally more than two seasons. This factor is very important.

For example, why the population and industry in the Far East accelerated to the south after the Song Dynasty. Even if the south is hit by a disaster, it can be replanted in time, so that there will not be no harvest like the north. There is no extreme weather in winter and there is no need to worry about the risk of freezing to death.

East Africa goes one step further. There is not much difference in climate throughout the region. Although precipitation is seasonal, it is sufficient and not as extreme as in the Far East. The overall grain output will not fluctuate much (excluding the factor of continuous land reclamation).

In the past life, the Far East divided the quality of cultivated land into 15 grades. Among them, the best land was mainly distributed in the south. The top three places with the best overall quality of cultivated land were the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, South China, and Jiangnan. An important factor is that the south Cultivated land has more abundant heat and can be harvested three times a year. Medium land is mainly distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Sichuan, Shanxi and other regions. Although the black soil in the three eastern provinces is fertile and the grain quality is high, insufficient heat is a big problem. It can only be said that Gains and losses.

In the words of agricultural experts: "The black soil in the Northeast produces oil when pressed, but due to light and water conditions, it can only be harvested once a year. This is an inherent shortcoming. No matter what technology is used, the yield of rice per mu in one season is more than one ton, and the same is true for corn. More than one ton. This can only be the champion of yield and one season. The quality of cultivated land is based on the annual yield, and the south, which has three crops a year, has an advantage."

According to the standards of the Far East in the previous life, most of the cultivated land in East Africa is above the average level, and the Great Lakes area is excellent, so East Africa is destined to be a large agricultural country.

Although the immigrants are motivated to get up in order to get food, the Immigration Department, which always attaches great importance to order and hygiene, has to make it more difficult for them.

"Take care of all the bedding! Don't leave things in a mess. Someone will come to check later. If anyone dares to be sloppy, don't blame me for not reminding you. You will be responsible for the consequences!"

"What's wrong with you in dormitory 041? There's so much dust on the floor. Clean it up quickly, or you won't have dinner."

"Whose clothes are these, number 8856? They were just released a few days ago! Do you smell this? Do you think it sounds right? Go and wash it quickly!"

The excitement of the health inspection soon attracted the attention of the members of the assistance team. They only heard a roar in the immigrant residential area and the noise of immigrants washing up.

Ander: "Brother Shiyan! It's so noisy in the east! And it seems like someone is scolding them. Both bird language (German) and Chinese are used. Isn't this East Africa abusing immigrants?"

Li Ge: "Brother Hou, I will find out after I ask!"

So Li Ge walked towards the house where the guide arranged for them by the East African Immigration Agency lived.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Who! Got up so early?"

"..." Li Ge was a little confused because the other person spoke German.

After a while, the door was opened, and when he saw Li Ge standing outside the door, the guide remembered that these people did not speak German.

Guide: "Mr. Li Ge! What can I do for you?"

Li Ge: "Oh, that's right. Why is it so noisy in the east residential area in the morning?"

"That's what you're asking? In fact, it has nothing to do with you. Those are all new immigrants. They naturally need to receive an education from East Africa. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to adapt to the living environment in East Africa. If there is nothing else, you can continue to sleep. Come on! Don’t worry about them.”

Li Ge: "That's not serious. We are just curious. Can we go over there and have a look?"

"Ah! What's there to see over there? They're just people with two eyes and one nose. But if you're really curious, you can go and have a look, but you have to come back quickly and don't forget to eat."

Li Ge: "No problem. I'm sorry to bother you."

"Where is it! I was originally to provide you with consulting services, ah..." the guide yawned and said: "I'm going to wash up first. If you have anything to do, you can make up your own mind first! As long as you don't go outside the immigration transition point, That's all." After that, the guide reincarnated and went back to the house to look for towels and toothbrushes.

Li Ge came back with the news: "Brother Hou, let's go and see what's going on over there!"

Ander: "Brother Shiyan, is this allowed?"

Li Ge: "No problem. I've already asked. As long as we don't leave the immigration transition point, we can move freely."

Ender: "Then let's go together!"

So the two of them walked towards the place where the immigrants lived. This was the first time that they saw East African immigrants. They were warm. The immigrants who had settled in East Africa for many years like those in Dar es Salaam were nothing interesting to see.

The places where immigrants live are concentrated in the east. People come and go here and it is very lively. Now everyone is busy washing and cleaning.

Many people hung towels around their necks and took toothbrushes to the public bathroom to wash up. Some were folding quilts and sweeping the floor.

Li Ge and Ande noticed that the place was very crowded, but orderly. There were eight people living in the small dormitory, but it was not dirty. This may be because the immigrants did not have much luggage.

Li Ge: "Thickness! I feel like this is not an immigration site, but a military camp!"

Ender: "That's true. Their uniform style of clothing, if I remember correctly, is the same as the uniforms of the military and police in East Africa. It's just that there are some slight differences in colors and other details!"

Li Ge: "Also, have you noticed that the image of immigrants here is very different from that of residents in Da City, and they are generally a bit thin."

This is inevitable. Immigration from the Far East is particularly serious. If Li Ge and others see immigrants who have just disembarked, it will be almost as if they have half a breath left. However, most immigrants in the immigration transition point have been cultivating for a period of time, and they can be as good as they are now. The mental state is good.

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