African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 399 I still have to invite dad

The series of wars launched by the East African Kingdom in South Africa overwhelmed the Cape Town Colony from May to July. Due to the lag in transportation and information, the news reached Cape Town more than ten days late, so East Africa followed the southern route. The defensive war ended in June, and it was only in July that Cape Town learned that Basutoland and the Zulu Kingdom were half-broken and the other was destroyed.

Cape Colonial Parliament.

"Gentlemen! This is the news that just came from the north of the Orange River on the front line. According to reports from the Natal Colony, a remnant of the Zulu Kingdom has fled to the Natal Colony. About half a month ago, according to what they said He said that his king was killed in the battle and the entire country was lost. Almost at the same time, the Germans attacked Basutoland. Maseru, the capital of Basutoland, was also occupied by the Germans. The Basutoran people were forced to go south. Next, we will hold a secret vote on whether to form a responsible cabinet in Cape Town as proposed in February this year." Cape Town Colony Parliament Speaker Ang Olson said.

Members of the Cape Town Assembly then began voting time, fifteen minutes later.

"One vote against, two votes against... The result of this vote was unanimous rejection of the establishment of a responsible cabinet in Cape Town."

As Ang Olsen announced the voting results, there was fierce applause at the venue. Cape Town's important step towards autonomy was completely ruined because of the invasion of South Africa by the East African Kingdom.

Ang Olsen: "Now, please introduce to us the current situation of the East African Kingdom's invasion of South Africa, Your Excellency the Governor."

Henry Buckley was quite satisfied with the outcome of this meeting. The Germans had helped him a lot, but he still had to severely criticize the East African Kingdom to make the MPs in Cape Town realize the seriousness of the problem.

Henry Buckley: "Gentlemen, I think you have all learned more or less about the invasion of South Africa by the East African Kingdom through various channels. Some gentlemen have even become victims of this war. There are various signs. It shows that the East African Kingdom is a very aggressive country, and it has the same warlike genes in its bones as Prussia.

Beginning in March, the East African Kingdom suddenly launched an attack on the Transvaal Republic. When the Transvaal Republic was unprepared, it took less than a month to complete the occupation of the Transvaal Republic. Later in the evening, the Kingdom of East Africa invaded the Republic of Grigualand without any pretext for war. Almost at the same time, the Kingdom of Swaziland fell, and the main force of the Transvaal Republic was also defeated, followed by the Zulu Kingdom and the Kingdom of Basutoland.

In less than four months, the East African Kingdom eliminated three sovereign countries and occupied half of the territory of the Basutoland Kingdom. "

Henry Buckley's words brought the MPs to their knees, too quickly!

"Mr. Governor, I want to know where this East African kingdom came from? Why haven't we heard of this country before?"

Henry Buckley: "This is a good question. It was because of the lag in our intelligence that we caused this major mistake. We did not realize the dangers of the East African Kingdom, which caused the East African Kingdom to run rampant in South Africa. Regarding the specific situation of the East African Kingdom I can give you a brief introduction.

The Kingdom of East Africa originated from the former East African colony and was established by the Germans in the Tanganyika region. The Germans began to operate in the Tanganyika region around 1865. The specific registration time is unknown, and how it developed in East Africa is also unknown. .

However, we learned from the Portuguese that in 1867, the Sultanate of Zanzibar became a protectorate of East Africa due to its failure in the war. East Africa therefore inherited part of the territory of the Sultanate of Zanzibar on the mainland, today's Dar es Salaam. The city and the city of Mombasa were both incorporated into East Africa at that time.

At the same time, the Portuguese also faced fierce competition from the Germans. According to Portugal, the East African Kingdom deployed about thousands of troops on its borders. At the same time, East Africa eliminated many indigenous countries, including Malawi. Kingdom, Kingdom of Kazembe, Kingdom of Matabele etc. "

A member of parliament interrupted: "Your Majesty the Governor, we just want to know how many troops East Africa has in South Africa now, how many more troops they can mobilize, whether they have ambitions for the Cape Colony, and if they suddenly have ambitions for the Cape Colony, What to do if you launch an attack?”

This question stopped Henry Buckley: "Well, how should I answer these questions! According to our survey, it is estimated that the number of East African troops in South Africa should be between 30,000 and 50,000."

Before Henry Buckley could finish his words, he caused an uproar among the members of the Cape Town Parliament.

"Oh my God! Thirty to fifty thousand people? That's enough to fight a low-intensity war in Europe."

"The population of Cape Town (city) is not that large this year. Our census data in 1865 show that at that time Cape Town had 15,118 white people, 13,065 colored and Asian people and 274 indigenous black people. , even if we include the surrounding suburbs now, it is probably only about the same number as the East African army."

"Why did the Germans from the East African Kingdom suddenly appear in South Africa quietly? The government should explain this!"

“It’s so ironic that we don’t even have information about the kingdoms of East Africa and we have to get it from the Portuguese.”

"The full picture is unknown and no comment will be made."

"Kill that bastard in front of you!"

"Silence, silence! Please listen to the governor to finish speaking!" Ang Olson said to maintain order in the meeting place.

Henry Buckley also said at this time: "There is no need to panic. Although the Germans are very powerful, our British Empire is the number one in the world. Under the protection of the British Empire, even Germany and Austria have to weigh it, not to mention the small East African Kingdom, but having said that, we still have to be wary of the ambitions of the East African Kingdom.

For example, the Republic of Grigoria is already our territory in Cape Town, but the Kingdom of East Africa has not yet given us a reply to show its sincerity in returning the Republic of Grigoria. I think maybe the Kingdom of East Africa only takes Grigoria. As a small country, I don't care, but they are only separated by a river from our Kimberley masonry mine.

This is a great threat to us, but fortunately, people in East Africa do not know the existence of the Kimberley masonry mines, so they do not cross the river and take the masonry mines as their own,"

"Damn it, don't we have any means to counter the Germans? Your Majesty the Governor! Where do the taxes we pay every year go? Why is there no response from our army?"

Henry Buckley: "Congressman, please pay attention to your words. We must note that only the navy is more effective in the local army in Cape Town, but it is impossible for the navy to go inland to fight.

Secondly, our army, I believe you also know that it cannot be called an army, and the number is pitifully small. If you are willing to contribute all the mercenaries in your hands, it may be able to fight against the East African Kingdom, or in the past few years we have If military spending is not stuck, I believe London will send more troops. "

Henry Buckley's proposal is of course impossible to pass. Don't think about it if you want money. Originally, everyone came to Cape Town to make a fortune. Cape Town is not a good place. They only farm and mine, and the income is not much. , the expenditure is still huge, how can we have the energy to support the construction of the army.

Furthermore, even if the military expenditure is paid, it is still being profited by London. How many troops are sent here depends on London's conscience, and London's conscience is that it has no conscience. Isn't it that everyone who wants autonomy just wants to pay less taxes? Now because of the threat from the Germans, it would be considered progress if there was no trouble.

After all the quarreling, no one could come up with a better solution. In this case, it was better to ask for help from London. Cape Town was unable to deal with the East African Kingdom anyway.

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