African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 505 Speed ​​Up

There are also water conservancy experts in East Africa, but the number is very small, and their professionalism is not as high as that of Germany and Austria. Therefore, with the support of these talents, the construction of national water conservancy projects in East Africa will be completed more easily.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince! Is your plan a little crazy? The area of ​​East Africa is too huge. If water conservancy facilities in East Africa are built according to your requirements, will you be able to afford it in a very short period of time?"

No wonder the German experts were paranoid. The circles Ernst randomly drew on the map seemed to be larger than the areas of Germany and Austria. These were the main plantation areas in East Africa.

Ernst explained: "You don't have to worry about this. We have sufficient human resources to support such long-term national project construction."

"Well! Your Royal Highness, please allow me to ask, are the citizens of East Africa able to bear this much?"

Ernst: "You have misunderstood. The cheapest labor force in Africa is black people, and the main construction force of this project is also black people, so you can just go ahead and do it with confidence."

After listening to Ernst's words, the German water conservancy experts curled their lips and said in their hearts: "It turns out he is a slave trader!"

Ernst didn't know the slander in their hearts, and he didn't care if he knew it. As long as he could build East Africa better, what if he had to bear these slanders?

Moreover, things like building water conservancy can easily lead to mixed results. Take the Sui-Tang Grand Canal, for example. Everyone admits that Emperor Yang of the Sui and Tang Dynasties was a foolish emperor. The Grand Canal of the Sui-Tang Dynasty did waste people and money, but the Grand Canal of the Sui-Tang Dynasty was enough to make Emperor Yang of the Sui and Tang Dynasties an eternity. emperor.

Ernst had no intention of building a super canal of more than 2,000 kilometers. He was entirely aiming to improve agricultural production and construction.

However, it is not wrong at all for German experts to call East Africa slave traders. As two countries without many overseas colonies, Germany and Austria-Hungary had no chance to become slave traders even if they wanted to.

After arranging these experts, Ernst, the world's largest slave owner, began to deal with the black army trained in the last East-Portuguese War.

Although the East-Portugal War did not last long, it lasted for half a year. By the end of the war, East Africa had trained more than 90,000 black soldiers.

With such unstable factors, Ernst originally planned to send them directly to America. However, when it came to the operation, he encountered a small problem.

"Your Royal Highness, these black people have been trained by us, and many of them have learned a word or two of German. It would be great fun if Americans noticed them."

"Do Americans still care about this? Besides, if you know a word or two of German, you won't be found out!"

"Mainly our customer base, many of whom are farmers operating in the western United States, many of whom are of German descent. The black people we sent before reported that the slaves sold in East Africa had a German accent. Fortunately, they also Even if you turn a blind eye, this group of black people have received military training and know some professional military terms. This may be a problem..."

After hearing this, Ernst nodded and said: "This is indeed a problem. It seems that I have to carry out some cultural transformation on these indigenous people."

Ernst's words confused his subordinates: "His Royal Highness, what do you think?"

"Don't break up the black army yet, find an English teacher for them, teach them English for a month, and then send them to the United States. This method can be used for other slaves who are sure to be sold to the United States."

"Well, Your Highness, I have to say that your method is too damaging!"

"Haha, remember, the first sentence you teach them is MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN." Ernst said in a wicked way.

The subordinates listened to Ernst's arrangement with a weird look on their faces, but what the hell is making America great again?

And how can we make America great again? Can we rely on the black people sent from East Africa to North America? However, if you think about it, the rapid development of the United States is inseparable from black people. It is correct to say that black people have made the United States a success. This is not the case in East Africa. Without the efforts of black people in East Africa, East Africa would not have been able to develop so fast.

Seeing that Bei was meditating on the side, Ernst said: "Black people are excellent resources, but these excellent resources should go where they should go. If reasonable things are placed in mismatched places, they are garbage, so we must make full use of them." The greatest role for black people can only be achieved by sending them to the United States."

The subordinate didn't know what Ernst meant by this, but his focus was on the word garbage.

Black people are indeed a high-quality labor resource in this era. After all, they have been commercialized and have obvious advantages over other races. Colonies of various countries are also rushing to introduce them. Only countries in East Africa and Argentina will dislike the large number of black people.

Like the French in West Africa, they need a lot of labor to develop plantations, so the slave trade still exists in Africa. Now a slave trade route has been formed within Africa, that is, black people in East Africa use the black forces in West Africa such as the Msiri regime to Blacks from East Africa were sent to West Africa and sold to white planters in France.

"We want to add some support to the United States' westward expansion. I heard that the population there is small, so we will send them more labor. After all, the price is affordable and the quality is good. Americans should really thank me in the future." Ernst said Said with good intentions.

Of course, the American family would definitely not be able to eat it. South American countries are also the main slave markets in East Africa. Ernst just wanted to see the world's racial melting pot develop further in the future.

In Ernst's view, if American farmers and business owners buy less modern production tools and more black people, that would be a victory for East Africa. Therefore, even if he loses money every year and sends black people to the United States, Ernst is willing to do so.

First set a small goal to increase the number of black people in the United States to 20%. This is indeed a small goal compared with East Africa. The number of black people in East Africa is estimated to be between 40% and 50%. between.

In 1879, the proportion of black people in the United States was about 15%. To increase the proportion of black people in the United States to 20%, at least three million more black people would need to be imported into the United States.

With the addition of three million black people, the total number of black people in the United States can exceed 10 million. At that time, the total population of the United States should be between 50 million and 60 million. The number of black people in East Africa will also drop by one level. Then The total number of blacks in both countries is likely to be the same.

Ernst's idea of ​​black people is to use them to delay the development of the United States, and it is best to reduce the number of European immigrants to the United States. After all, black people in the United States do not have the right to education, which means that these black people can only remain in a low-income society. End industry work.

As long as the United States does not use the same methods as it did to the Indians, Ernst believes that the United States will develop along the path he envisioned in the future, and it will be more violent than in the previous life.

Thinking of this, Ernst ordered: "This year, we will withdraw 20% of our ships in the Far East immigration business and invest them in the American immigration transportation route. I want to speed up the development of the United States."

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