African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 518 Step by step

After introducing the situation of the farm, Cade looked at the energetic young man in front of him and thought in his heart quite unkindly: "Young people are in good spirits, but they will suffer the consequences next."

Because it is the first day, the Third State Farm mainly arranges accommodation and other matters for these students, but starting tomorrow, they will really have to work in the fields.

the next day.

"Today your task is to weed. As you can see, this land is not small. However, according to previous years' arrangements, you will not be assigned other farm tools today. Did you see the hoe in my hand? You can only Use a hoe to hoe the ground.”

However, the young people in East Africa are not indifferent to grains. Some of them can help their families with farm work, and they are still familiar with the use of hoe.

However, the land of the Third State Farm is not a small project, it is very large, so it is also a quite large amount of work for them.

Soon, everyone was swinging their hoes enthusiastically. Mbeya has a relatively high altitude, so the weather is not too hot. This is not a big pressure for everyone, but the sun is a bit scorching.

As time goes by, for the students of No. 2 Middle School, the practical courses were still full of interest at first, but now they are a little wilted. However, it is easier to get through this boring work through collective work. But when lunch comes, This gives students a headache.

"Ah! Why are they all filled with flatbread and pickles?"

It’s not that East African students are pretentious. The latitude of East Africa means that the temperature in East Africa will not be too low all year round. As long as the water source is sufficient, plants can grow all year round, although East Africa only has a rainy season and a dry season.

Therefore, the variety and yield of vegetables in East Africa cannot be reduced. Not to mention vegetables, even relatively delicate plants such as flowers are suitable for growing in East Africa.

Therefore, the meat-eating level of East Africans may not be as good as that of some countries for the time being, but they definitely have enough vegetables. The Chinese immigrants in East Africa brought woks to East Africa, so East African stir-fries are also quite popular.

Speaking of which, Ernst felt that the simplicity of European food has a lot to do with their cooking methods, which may be said to be relatively primitive, such as frying, roasting, deep-frying, or simply stewing in one pot. Except for frying, which is more advanced, other methods seem to be similar to those all over the world. Civilized humans are born with it.

Moreover, the cooking method of stir-frying is very suitable for processing vegetables. For example, in India, their mainstream eating habit is to make vegetables and other ingredients into a paste, or Western vegetable salads are all compromises made by the lack of stir-frying. .

As if he heard the students' complaints, Cade said: "Because this course is to let you understand the hard work and the difficulty of life. Just like the piece of land you are farming today, the output at the end of the year is Wheat, these wheat will eventually become the big cake in your hands.”

"Uncle Cade, but we don't lack food in East Africa?"

"Of course we know this, but East Africa is a special case. There are many countries in the world where people can't even hope to have enough to eat. You can go back and ask your parents about this. Many of them, unless they are fleeing the war, Some of them immigrated to East Africa because they couldn’t afford food, so we can’t feel at ease just because life in East Africa is better now.”

Only comparison can more intuitively reflect the quality of life in East Africa. However, the countries surrounding East Africa do not have this condition to compare with East Africa. Those black people are still in the hunting and gathering stage.

So Cade continued: "Don't look at the fact that there are only flatbreads and pickles here. In fact, it may not be easy for civilians in some countries to eat these. You have caught up with the good times and have not suffered much hardship. For me, in the past I could only eat corn paste, and I often didn’t have enough to eat. Some immigrants from the Far East were even worse, many of them even ate tree bark and grass roots.”

Cade's words made the students of No. 2 Middle School thoughtful. In fact, most of the second-generation students in East Africa had their parents come from hard times, so they would also tell them about their past lives.

Of course, when he first arrived in East Africa, life was not necessarily easy. He could only maintain basic food and clothing, and had to face the threat of disease. This was also the reason why Ernst did not go to East Africa in person in the early days. He waited until East Africa was developed before he The root royal family migrated to East Africa, so after more than ten years of development and the explosion of productivity in East Africa, the average quality of life of East Africans has greatly improved.

Looking at the thoughtful students, Cade was very pleased. In fact, the mentality of East Africans, at least ordinary people, is very simple.

As the saying goes, poverty breeds cunning, and wealth breeds conscience. Whether in Europe, America or the Far East, poor people must live a careful life. In a society like East Africa, the people at the bottom are definitely not too rich if they are rich, and they are not very poor if they are poor. Therefore, the competition is not fierce enough, and everyone does not need to If you live your life with too many calculations, the whole society will be more harmonious.

Of course, the development of East Africa is bound to embark on a path of competition and involution, otherwise it will not be able to compete with other countries in the future. As for now, the conditions are not yet mature.

The main force of the population in East Africa, that is, the first-generation immigrants are in their prime. Although they have good physical strength, their cultural quality is quite low. This is also true for East Africa's bureaucratic group.

Therefore, the national policies and directions of East Africa are almost completely controlled by the Hechingen royal family, because only the Hechingen royal family has experience in national governance.

However, the Hechingen royal family was only a small royal family in Germany before and had no experience in governing a super-large country like East Africa.

Therefore, this requires long-term exploration by the East African regime. In other words, the country in East Africa is extremely immature. If you want this country to quickly have the ability to renew and optimize itself, you must relax controls and allow fierce competition within East Africa.

Ernst would not implement this, because if East Africa was in ancient times, it would not matter. Now is the era of imperialism, and foreign aggression is better than internal aggression, so Ernst does not want East Africa to be unstable and consume itself. , giving potential enemies such as Britain an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Therefore, East Africa has held the army in its hands from the beginning and used the army to complete the construction of the country. After all, one of the characteristics of the army is that it is easier to manage. However, East Africa is not as dependent on the army as Prussia. Every time the East African army breaks through the restrictions, Stern began to regain military power again.

However, all this was done step by step, and Ernst could always keep the number of troops within a reasonable range.

In the early days of East Africa, the army was used to manage the East African people. In the early days, East Africa was actually a military camp, which formed the highly centralized power in East Africa later.

This means that major policies in East Africa are from the top down, rather than from the bottom up like in democratic countries such as Britain, France and the United States.

However, it is not correct to say that democracy in countries such as Britain, France, and the United States is not correct. The people Ernst understood were the people at the bottom, while the people in Europe were more in line with the status of Roman citizens in the ancient Roman era.

This can be seen from the electoral systems in Europe and the United States. In this era, European and American countries have not yet evolved to the point where all people have the right to vote.

Take the United Kingdom in its previous life as an example. After 1866, the United Kingdom passed two parliamentary reforms, and it was not until 1885 that universal adult male suffrage was basically achieved. This universal adult male suffrage in the United Kingdom was the result of many previous workers’ struggles.

There is currently no need for so-called elections in East Africa. The size of the East African worker group is not large, the people's education level is temporarily low, and the people's desire for political appeal is not high.

Naturally, Ernst could not promote this kind of thing. After all, he was a noble and would only follow up after the situation was complete. Now the people of East Africa only need to obey the royal family's arrangements.

Of course, Ernst also understood that the general trend was irreversible. If he were reborn in ancient times, he would be too lazy to make any changes. Therefore, in the future, the development of East Africa must be controlled by himself and adapt to the development of the times.

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