African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 533: Dangerous

Let’s not talk about the overseas colonies. Since the Far Eastern Empire sent people to communicate and inspect, East Africa naturally couldn’t lose its etiquette.

However, Ernst felt that there was nothing worthy of investigation in East Africa. How did East Africa come about? This is difficult for other countries to copy. One of the biggest characteristics is that East Africa still has not got rid of its colonial nature.

There has never been any so-called independence in East Africa. It is a country that evolved directly from a colony. Other independent countries, such as the United States and Brazil, bear the imprint of their former suzerainty. However, there is no former suzerainty in East Africa. Of course, the Principality of Hechingen No, in fact, after the Hechingen royal family moved to Africa, the so-called Princely Kingdom of Hechingen was further weakened.

Of course, the weakening influence does not mean that the royal family of Hechingen gives up this right. Anyway, it does not matter how many titles the monarch holds. The princely kingdom of Hechingen is considered a "marquis" level, so the king of East Africa also serves as the prince of Hechingen. There is nothing wrong with it, and there may be a time when it can be used.

For example, there is no burden when communicating with Germany. The status of the Principality of Hechingen is very special in Germany. It is not only one of the German states, but also part of the Kingdom of Prussia. This is very different from other German states, such as Fu The Kingdom of Tenberg is a German state, not part of the Kingdom of Prussia.

The Princely Kingdom of Hechingen is actually at the same level as the Kingdom of East Africa and the Royal Territory of Alaska.

They are all countries ruled by the Royal Family of Hechingen or the Hechingen line of the Hohenzollern family. Of course, the Princely Kingdom of Hechingen rules in name only, while the latter two rule in actual terms.

Therefore, the Kingdom of East Africa is a very strange existence for Germany, or Prussia. Countries are divided into close and distant countries, and the location of East Africa is very intriguing.

But it is correct to win over each other. The two countries are related in terms of culture, history, politics and economy.

"Actually, East Africa is different from most countries in the world. It is a country that evolved from a colony, and it is still evolving and has not finally been formed. For example, we still have a slavery system, and our country has special national conditions. , but external communication is smooth, but it requires one more procedure, and the German region needs to be used as a medium." Leder, director of the Cultural Bureau of Dar es Salaam City, who came to receive the Far East mission, said to these guests.

Leder couldn't handle the straightforward introduction directly to the Far East Mission. What's going on? We just came here to take a look, we didn’t think we were here to learn about East Africa!

In fact, the Far Eastern Empire mission did have this little idea before, learning skills from the barbarians to control them! As a late-developing country, East Africa can naturally learn from this.

However, other countries in East Africa will never be able to do this. First of all, East Africa has learned from the Far East in terms of seclusion!

East Africa can be closed off, but the Far East currently does not have this condition. Moreover, the closed country in East Africa can draw nutrients from the German region, while the Far East Empire can only be sucked by other countries.

Of course, after being opened to the country, it is easier to be sucked by the big powers, but it also gradually adapts and grows in the environment of being beaten.

Of course, shutting down the country is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, at any time, policies will change according to the situation.

The reason why the Qing government resorted to seclusion was inseparable from the overseas anti-Qing elements. At the same time, the Far Eastern Empire's thinking model had always been bound by Confucianism, but Confucianism had lost its vitality and was unwilling to accept changes.

Confucianism can naturally adapt to the development of the times. After all, extreme religions such as Christianity can develop new annotations that adapt to the development of capitalism, and even factions such as Latin American liberation theology can emerge.

The Confucianism of the Qing Dynasty was like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water, without any intention of repentance. Confucianism has been developing and changing, but this development and change stopped abruptly after the Qing Dynasty.

If it loses its innovative power, it will naturally embark on the path of decline. However, Confucianism is still unwilling to give way to new ideas. Its status can be said to have been forced out, and it even has a tendency to evolve into a religion. It is called "Confucianism", and its morality If you are not worthy of your position, you will be severely punished later.

East Africa does not have this kind of trouble. It can just copy the results of its predecessors. There is no force in East Africa that can compete with the royal family, so the development direction of East Africa is controlled by Ernst.

Ernst has a strong desire for control. In his opinion, he has no control over the future of East Africa. While he is still energetic, he must develop according to his own wishes.

"Sir Leder, you are so humble. I heard that you Germans are generally quite straightforward, and any country can learn from it, so there is no need to belittle yourself. Moreover, your East Africa is developing at a rapid pace, which we are very envious of."

Leder was not being modest, he was just telling the truth, so he explained: "East Africa is the same as the United States of America. Both of our countries developed through the slavery system, and at the same time there is a large amount of undeveloped land. These two points are important. Our Far East does not have it, so I am not being modest, but East Africa really has no value worthy of your reference. If you have this ability, it is better to go directly to Europe and the Ottomans for inspection."

Leder sincerely suggested this. East Africa and the United States are countries drawn on a blank sheet of paper, and they do not have intricate interest relationships.

The Far Eastern Empire has a long history, complicated domestic forces, and deep-rooted interest groups. There are only two ways for them to change. One is to cut off the flesh from the top to protect themselves, or to passively tear down and rebuild.

It’s not that Ernst looked down on the Qing government, their knives would not dare to cut him, or that no one was willing to pay.

Just like the greedy monkey in the story: a large nut or fruit is placed in a small-mouthed sturdy bottle. The monkey puts his hand in and grabs it, but then he can't take it out. As long as he puts down the nut, he can take it out. The monkey refuses to give up, dragging the big bottle around and then gets caught alive.

However, it is undeniable that a country like East Africa with no historical background is extremely fragile, so Ernst established a closed country. If East Africa is invaded by external cultural ideas, it will be immediately kneeled. This can be seen from other colonial countries.

Ernst's responsibility was to protect East Africa from the wind and rain in his previous life. Only when East Africa was large enough to protect itself could it be allowed to develop independently.

This is just like chips. Without changing the track, if latecomers want to cope with the pressure of first movers, they must first protect the domestic market before they can talk about survival.

Ernst was well aware of how unstable the system in East Africa was. It was even more likely to die suddenly than the ossified Soviet Union. On the premise of ensuring the rule of the Hechingen royal family, it would take at least fifty years to maintain stability in East Africa. , only by checking and filling the gaps can the political system in East Africa be gradually improved.

This is the so-called cultural self-confidence and institutional self-confidence. If someone believes in this model, only then can we continue to add fresh blood to this model and complete self-innovation.

Therefore, East Africa may seem very large, but in fact it is quite fragile. Relying solely on military force and force cannot maintain the long-term stability of the regime.

What's more, Ernst was not a saint. He always put the interests of the Hechingen royal family first, which put higher demands on the political system of East Africa. If he was not careful, he would be in catastrophe.

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