African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 819 Population in 1890

The first town.

Time came to the beginning of 1890, and the population data of East Africa was updated again. In fact, if it were not for the war, the population data of East Africa should have been completed in July and August last year.

Since the East African census was changed to a ten-year calculation, 1889 happened to be ten years after the last East African census, which was delayed for several months due to the war.

In 1879, the population of East Africa was 50 million, including 30 million citizens and nearly 20 million black people. Now ten years have passed.

"As of December last year, the total population of East Africa has exceeded 52 million, which makes our country one of the few countries in the world with a population of more than 50 million, ranking behind the Far Eastern Empire, the United Kingdom, Tsarist Russia and the United States. ”

"According to our estimates, the population of the United States should have exceeded 60 million. As for Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, both should be around 40 million. Germany may be close to 50 million, which is not much different from us. The Austro-Hungarian Empire should be slightly smaller than France. Strong, but the population of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is about ten million people different from ours.”

The difference between today's Austro-Hungarian Empire and its previous life is that it has the Venetian region, so its population is larger than in the original history, which should be over 40 million.

Germany has always maintained a high fertility rate, and there has been no population outflow in recent years, so the population is approaching 50 million, but it should not exceed 50 million.

France still maintains stable performance, but it absorbed a lot of population from Italy during the Italian War, so the population may be higher than during the same period.

The disintegration of Italy can be said to have made an important contribution to the increase in population in various countries around the world, including the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Austria, and East Africa, which have all reaped the dividends of Italian population overflow.

If Italy had not disintegrated, Italy would now be at least a big country with a population of over 30 million.

But even so, the population of the Kingdom of Italy is still about 10 million, and the Red Sea Colony has greatly alleviated the population pressure of the Kingdom of Italy.

The Kingdom of Naples is much worse. The Kingdom of Naples has a poor economic foundation, and its fertility rate ranks first in the Apennine Peninsula. It has now replaced Germany as the region with the worst population loss in Europe.

"Among the top five most populous countries in the world, the United Kingdom is a relatively special entity, because the population of the British Indian colonies exceeds 200 million. If France includes its colonies, the total population of France is estimated to exceed that of our country."

Including France, a French colony, the total population should be around 70 million, directly surpassing the United States and ranking fourth in the world.

The colonial population should be one of the main factors that enable Britain and France to dominate the world structure. Although Tsarist Russia also has a large native population, many of its territories are no different from colonies, especially parts of Central Asia and Eastern Europe.

"At present, the number of black people in our country is not clear, because the population data of Mozambique and Angola have not been completed, but it should not exceed four million. If the black people in the two places are calculated as four million, then the number of black people in our country is about 2,100 About ten thousand.”

Including black people, the population of East Africa directly exceeds 70 million, which is basically the same as France, including the colonial population, and directly exceeds the total population of the United States. Therefore, the population of East Africa remains stable among the top five in the world.

However, this also makes East African officials feel very uncomfortable. After ten years of development, the number of black people has only increased.

However, these black people are completely unable to make trouble. East African citizens have nearly doubled the number of black people. Even if black people can fight for their rights in the future, it will not be possible to change the demographic structure of East Africa.

It is obvious that the East African government will not give black people this opportunity at all, and the national policy of vacating the cage and replacing the birds will continue to be implemented until the last drop of blood is completely replaced.

Ernst said at this time: "We have the same attitude towards black people as before. We can only use it and not count it among the East African countries. It is already the 1990s. Within the next thirty years, we must include East Africa The black population is completely eliminated.”

The only country in the world that adopts the same national policy as East Africa is Argentina, and many countries and regions where black people live are actually used to coexisting with black people.

The most typical ones are Brazil and the United States. A few days ago, Brazil officially abolished slavery, which means that the future population structure of Brazil has been completely finalized. Although the status of black Americans is still low, they have integrated into American society. Of course, this integration It refers to integrating into the lower class society.

Although the number of blacks in East Africa is only twice that of the United States, under Ernst's special care, the population of blacks in the United States has exceeded nine million, accounting for about 14% of the U.S. population, while historically it was 100% of eleven.

The population of black people in the United States will continue to rise in the future, because after the armistice in East Africa, the slave trade between East Africa and Haiti has been reopened.

In addition, after the South African War, the relationship between the United States and East Africa was reconciled, which made it easier for East Africa to "contribute" to the economic construction of the United States.

In the 1970s and 1980s, East Africa took advantage of the economic crisis to gain a large German population from the United States, but returned nearly two million black people, so the United States still made money.

Of course, the German population intercepted from the United States in East Africa is not large. For example, one-third of the population in New York is now of German descent, while the German population in the United States is still 6 to 7 million.

The United States is still the country with the fourth largest German population after Germany, Austria-Hungary and East Africa. Today, the main foreign population in the United States is mainly Italians (including the Kingdom of Naples), blacks (mainly from East Africa) and Irish.

The large-scale export of Irish people to the United States again has a great relationship with British Prime Minister Cecil.

In the 1970s, the issue of Irish self-government had become a focus in the United Kingdom. However, the Irish issue was not resolved during Gladstone's rule, and then Cecil came to power.

And Cecil was a hardliner. Just like when he launched the South African War, Cecil adopted a repressive national policy against Ireland. Therefore, during Cecil's rule, Ireland launched a new round of resistance movements, and the turmoil in the current situation triggered a new wave of immigrants from ordinary Irish people.

But now Cecil has resigned due to the failure of the South African War, and Gladstone has successfully reorganized the government.

Therefore, the relationship between Britain and Ireland will ease in the future, and the population loss problem in Ireland will also be alleviated to a certain extent.

This is also good news for East Africa. If people all over the world are running to the United States, it will become more difficult for East Africa to export people to the United States.

However, the black problem is still serious. The population of 20 million black people in East Africa is not that small. According to the current number of black exports, the work in East Africa is still very long. However, Ernst has a new idea about this, that is Increase population export to West Africa.

Although East Africa currently lacks labor force, it is mainly due to the demographic structure. The large number of newborns in East Africa and the high cost of raising them are the main reasons for maintaining the black population in East Africa.

But it will only take another fifteen years or so for the new generation in East Africa to completely take over. By that time, there will be no need to retain a large black population in East Africa.

In addition, as time goes by, industries such as internal combustion engines and electricity develop and production efficiency improves. Even if the population of East Africa remains unchanged, black people can be gradually eliminated. After all, an important reason for the decline of the modern slave trade is industrial development and the improvement of production efficiency. East Africa will also go through this process.

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