African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 829 Caught a sheep

As for East Africa, its population is actually not that small. In the international community, East Africa is one of the few countries with a population of more than 50 million.

The fundamental reason for the current population shortage in various places is that population migration is a big project that cannot be completed in a short time. Especially in Angola and Mozambique, the population shortage in each place is not hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands, but hundreds of thousands. Thousands of gaps.

And this is just the minimum demand. Considering the conditions of Angola and Mozambique, it is reasonable to accommodate tens of millions of people. In the previous life, Angola and Mozambique were countries with a population of more than 30 million. Together, they have a population greater than that of East Africa now. So At the current stage, no one in the governments of East Africa would object to the large population. On the contrary, the more the better.

The migration of millions of people in East Africa cannot be completed in a short period of time. If the cost is not considered, it can of course be completed by force, but it is not cost-effective. This will affect the economic development of the place where the population is relocated. Cause huge impact.

For example, although New Baden Province only supports a few thousand people in Orange, it has reached the point of breaking out. If it were not for the compulsory requirements of the central government, no one in the New Baden Provincial Government would come up with it.

The first town.

"His Royal Highness, people are looking for people all over East Africa. This is the telegram sent to us by the Orange Regional Government the day before yesterday. They are in urgent need of at least 30,000 black people. At the same time, it would be better if some professional workers can be given because of the infrastructure conditions in the Kimberley region. Not bad, there is a lot of infrastructure left by the British.”

"Now there are no blacks in Orange?" Ernst asked.

"There is no way around this. At present, the largest population in the entire Orange region is the army. Excluding the army, the population of Orange is less than 10,000, so now they can only think of solutions from black people, and there are not many black people in Orange. There are very few black people in South Africa, and the Orange area is particularly prominent among them.”

Von der Leyen's words reminded Ernst of eastern East Africa, where black people have completely become history. Of course, this does not mean that there are no black people in the east, but that all the black settlements in the east have been dismantled by East Africa, and all black people in the east have been included in " Labor status”.

The East can be said to be the only region that has completed de-blackization. There are still a large number of black settlements in the Midwest, which also reflects the population distribution of East Africa.

More than 70% of the population in East Africa is concentrated in the East African Plateau and the eastern coastal areas. The East African Plateau alone accounts for 40%. However, the area of ​​the East African Plateau is only equivalent to one-tenth of the country. This is why the population distribution is uneven. It shows that if it were not for the development of central provinces, the proportion would only be more exaggerated.

The total population of the four central provinces (including Hesse) is more than 10 million, which barely meets the standard. Moreover, the central and eastern provinces are relatively closely connected economically. Currently, the eastern population resources are also tilted towards the central part.

Except for the central and eastern parts of the country, the total population of the rest of East Africa is only about five million, and they are distributed in more than a dozen provinces, concentrated in the north and south.

This does not include Angola and Mozambique, which have just been incorporated into East African territory, so even the regions that have long been incorporated into East African territory are lining up. It is almost impossible for East Africa to take care of all regions.

Of course, in the Orange region, Kimberley must not be delayed. Ernst believes that the conditions in Kimberley are better than many areas in East Africa. Even as long as the city's size during British rule is restored, it can become second only to the New Hamburg Port in the southern region. second biggest city.

Ernst said: "Kimberley can be regarded as a priority development area in the Orange region. After all, Kimberley's diamond industry is very famous. This is a point that can be profitable in the short term, so let the east, especially the various diamond mining areas, squeeze in and organize A group of experienced workers comes to Kimberley to resume local diamond production.”

Previously, Kimberley’s biggest competitor was East Africa. Diamonds are distributed in almost every province in East Africa. From the Nile Basin in the north to the South African Plateau in the south, from west to east, there are considerable diamond reserves in all of East Africa. Only the eastern diamond mining area has been developed in East Africa. Diamond development in central and other regions is generally mined as a by-product of other mineral developments.

There is no limit. After all, the value of diamonds in the industrial and jewelry fields is relatively high. Low prices are not very beneficial to East Africa.

Even so, the development of East Africa has still lowered the world diamond price. This is probably the main reason why the UK gave up its interests in Kimberley. Of course, the deeper level is that East Africa has lowered the population of Orange, so that Kimberley can no longer maintain normal production. Hiring East African workers is not cheap and must abide by East African laws. This is most unacceptable to the British.

In fact, although there are labor laws in East Africa, their enforcement is not strict. However, if you are employed abroad, that is naturally a different matter.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, it seems that we should think more about overseas immigration. Overseas immigration is cheaper than domestic migration and will not interfere with normal production and living order," Von der Leyen suggested.

"But for the sake of national balance, where do we introduce Germans now? The German region in Europe is different now more than ten years ago. Since the reunification of Germany and the rapid economic development of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, there has been almost no population outflow." Enns Te said.

“Your Royal Highness, we have all overlooked an issue, that is, now that the main ethnic group in East Africa has been established, we can also learn from immigrant countries such as the United States and appropriately relax immigration restrictions. This will not change the culture and demographic structure of our East Africa. "Von der Leyen said.

Von der Leyen's words reminded Ernst that things are indeed different now. In the past, East Africa had to shape cultural identity, but now the mainstream cultural configuration in East Africa has been quite complete. At this time, it will not be a problem to introduce non-Germans.

Von der Leyen continued: "Especially the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Although the economy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is developing rapidly, the domestic economic development is uneven. Except for Venice, Austria and Bohemia (Czechoslovakia), the economic conditions of other regions are In fact, it is not very good, and the fertility rate is relatively high. Hungary is a good target for us to absorb the population. After all, under the Habsburg rule, the living habits of Hungary and other Austro-Hungarian nations are no different from the Germans. ”

Ernst nodded and said: "That's very good. I have indeed ignored this issue. In this case, let the Immigration Agency formulate a plan and cooperate with various departments. If we introduce people from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, there must be a sufficient supply of jobs. "

Naturally, the introduction of immigrants from abroad cannot directly replenish them in places such as Angola. After all, East Africans are a minority there. If overseas immigrants are directly replenished in these areas, there is a risk of being occupied by doves.

At that time, it will be really fun to become a replica of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Therefore, "native citizens will be given priority" for population migration in the later-annexed areas. As for the vacancies left by them, they will be filled by overseas immigrants.

Moreover, if the supplementary immigrants were mainly residents of the backward areas of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, they would be able to integrate into the East African environment more quickly. After all, under the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, they had already become accustomed to the German way of life.

East Africa can be regarded as catching the wool of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. There is no way to do this. Like Germany, East Africa will not consider it because the development of various regions in Germany is relatively balanced and the economic level is similar. In this way, it is difficult to swindle the population from Germany. Becoming taller, of course, the situation was exactly the opposite more than ten years ago.

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