African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 838 Steel “Monster”

"Cud da da da..."

At dawn, the residents of Shaokui Town were woken up by the sound of tractors starting up, and then the sound of bugles came "beep, beep, beep..."

The East African military camp is in the center of Saukwe city. Because Chaukwe was an important town for the former Portuguese, after the war, many Portuguese and indigenous people remained in the area. Therefore, in order to prevent local rebellion, the army did not completely evacuate. .

"Honey, what's that sound?" Hannah Montana pushed her sleeping husband up.

Andor said impatiently: "Isn't it just the bugle of the East Africans! What a fuss, let me sleep for a while..."

Hannah Montana patted him and said: "I can't distinguish the sound of the bugle! I'm talking about the clicking sound before the bugle, and it hasn't stopped yet. Listen carefully."

At the urging of his wife, Andor reluctantly poked his head toward the source of the sound. Sure enough, under the majestic bugle sound, he heard something different, and the sound was getting closer and closer, as if rushing towards him. Coming in the direction of his house.

"Well..." Andor's attention was attracted.

Suddenly, a cry of exclamation came from outside the street: "Look, monster, a monster that can move..."


Various Portuguese voices, mixed with some indigenous voices, spread outside the streets. Andorra and his wife looked at each other. They hurriedly got dressed and went out to watch the "fun".

Andor opened the door and saw a messy scene on the street. The chaos outside the street was mainly caused by Mozambican indigenous people. The scene was extremely chaotic.

Some people were running around, some were hurriedly looking for cover, and some natives were even lying on the ground, muttering something.

Andorra couldn't hear what they were saying, but he could probably guess that it was the murmuring prayers of some indigenous gods, probably like white people seeking God's protection.

The "culprit" that caused all this was a few machines with no apparent purpose. However, based on the sound and the smoke coming out of the exhaust holes, Andorra believed that it should be an unknown "steam engine", but Where is the exhaust hole of this "steam engine"! That black thing should just be the chimney!

Andorra knows about steam engines and even understands the general principle of "boiling water". In Andorra's impression, steam engines produce a lot of water mist, but these weird machines are obviously different from "normal" steam engines.

From Andorra's perspective, tractors in East Africa are more like "small trains" that can drive on ordinary roads, at least in appearance.

Hannah Montana hid behind her husband and asked, "Honey, do you see what's going on?"

Andor muttered: "The East African-looking 'train' scared the natives on the street."

"Train!" Hannah Montana screamed from behind.

Andor was startled by the scream and shouted loudly: "What are you doing! I was almost deafened by your shock. I am just as ignorant as those natives."

"Andorra, do you think it's possible? There is no railway in Sauquet. How did the East Africans bring the train here?" Hannah Montana temporarily forgot her husband's sarcasm and questioned.

Andor opened the door wider, stepped aside and said to his wife, "You will know if you see for yourself."

At this time, Hannah Montana saw what was happening on the street, but her attention had been attracted by the tractor and she had no time to pay attention to the chaos on the street.

Seeing his wife's surprised look, Andor said proudly: "You see! East Africans have a kind of train that can drive directly onto the road, but this kind of train is too small and can't pull much cargo at all, and there is no carriage at the back. "

Of course, the tractor can carry cargo, but this requires a special carriage. Of course, it is also possible to hook up a horse-drawn carriage. However, the staff of the state-owned farm in Shokui Town did not have time to install it, so the East African tractor presented to the Andorran couple looked like More like a peculiar "locomotive".

"This must be what was on the carriages that the East African army escorted over a few days ago! It was covered with cloth at the time, so I thought it was some heavy weapon." Hannah Montana said.

"Anyway, we are East Africans now, and it is impossible to fight here, so we can just live our lives honestly." Andor said.

Soon, the army in Saukwe suppressed the riots in the neighborhood.

At present, the public security in Saukwe Town is mainly responsible for the military. In Mozambique and Angola, except for "big" cities such as Maputo and Luanda, there is currently no public security system stationed in it, and most areas are still under military control.

The East African cavalry on war horses, holding whips, directed the black people on the street to restore order. They had a slightly better attitude towards the former Portuguese residents, and just motioned them to get out of the way and not to cause obstruction.

Of course, the translator who can speak Portuguese is mainly responsible for this work: "Everyone, please don't block in front, keep the road clear, and the niggas should lean on both sides of the road, don't cause trouble."

"Don't worry, everyone. This machine is not a monster, but a tractor. You can think of it as a farm tool or a vehicle." Government officials also began to reassure people.

In fact, many government personnel only knew about tractors yesterday. Before that, they only knew that the military had brought in a group of "big guys".

Of course, the indigenous people may not be able to understand everything because it is beyond their worldview.

During the hundreds of years of Portuguese colonization, local indigenous people could more or less write Portuguese, especially slaves or indigenous people who participated in the Portuguese army in wars.

The former Portuguese residents were a little better. Most of them had seen the world in Europe. They knew that tractors were industrial products at a glance. Although they had never seen them before, they were just a little curious about a bunch of steel products.

Steam tractors are rare in Europe and the United States, not to mention the earliest gasoline tractor in the world. Not to mention the Portuguese, not many have been seen in East Africa, let alone the former Portuguese colony of Mozambique. Previously, Mozambique could be said to have There is nothing modern except guns.

Soon, residents of Shaokwe Town saw how this thing called a "tractor" worked.

As a town located on the banks of the Limpopo River, Shaokwe Town was also based on agriculture as its main business industry before the war, so most of the people living in the town were farmers.

Almost most of the residents gathered on both sides of the field to watch the tractors at work, and everyone stopped to watch.

Soon, the tractor driver installed the mechanical plow, and then got into the tractor driving seat after confirming that all procedures were completed.

Amidst the sound of "da da da", the tractor started working in the field. The tractor with full power and the plow easily dug out plow channels in the flat and open Limpopo River plain, although the speed was faster than that of plowing cattle. It's not much, but it has great staying power. I worked from seven in the morning to ten o'clock without stopping for three hours, and my work efficiency was extremely high.

In the meantime, only one tractor broke down, but it was quickly repaired by experienced mechanics.

"This is what the central government calls agricultural mechanization. The use of modern agricultural equipment has greatly improved production efficiency. If it could be rolled out across the country, I can't even imagine what it would be like." The first state-owned enterprise in Shaokui Town exclaimed farm owner Renwell.

"This is the charm of industrialization. It is not only developed in the industrial field, but is also closely related to agriculture, mining and other related industries. In the future, the southern Mozambique plains will build a world-class large-scale mechanized farm cluster, and our Shaokui town is where this happens. The vanguard of agricultural reform," said Mars, the first East African mayor of Saukwe Town.

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