African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 855: Birds of a Feather

Of course, Enders is somewhat modest. As a sandalwood businessman who can do business in Europe, the energy and background behind him are not small.

"Brother Rogge, I asked you to come this time because I actually have something big to trouble you."

The highlight finally came. At this time, the coffee that Moore had ground was also brewed. Roger picked up the coffee and asked: "What's the matter? As long as I am within my ability, I will definitely help you."

Enders smiled and waved her hand and said: "Good thing, great thing, otherwise I wouldn't have found you, brother. After all, our relationship is that of brothers and sisters."

Rogge asked calmly: "Brother, please make it clear."

Enders did not directly answer Rogge's question, but asked: "Brother, what do you think of the Kingdom of Hawaii?"


"Yes, just talk about this place."

After taking a sip of coffee, Rogge said: "That's a good place, after all, our business is big here."

"Yes, we came to Hawaii just to make a fortune, and the existence of a feudal kingdom like the Kingdom of Hawaii, brother Roger, do you think it is good for us?"

After hearing this, Rogge sat upright and said, "Brother Enders, what do you mean by this?"

Seeing Rogge's slightly nervous expression, Enders smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother Rogge, you are still too nervous. Isn't it obvious what I said? The existence of the Kingdom of Hawaii has seriously restricted us. The interests of these businessmen, after all, just paying taxes every year is not a small amount, which is not conducive to our development in Hawaii. I feel sad when I think that this money is spent by the indigenous royal families of Hawaii instead of being used to build the local area. ah!"

Rogge took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit a cigarette, and said, "Brother, do you want to overthrow the government of the Kingdom of Hawaii?"

Enders shook her head and said: "Of course I don't have this ability, but the existence of the Kingdom of Hawaii does seriously limit the interests of our United States, so this is a common idea among everyone, but I don't know if Brother Rogge thinks so too."

Rogge, who knew what he was doing, naturally supported the actions of these Americans. If they didn't do this, East Africa would have no chance!

"That's natural. Although the annual tax rate is not high, the bigger the business, the more we pay. Naturally, I share the same idea with my colleagues on this point."

After hearing Rogge's words, Enders said with a smile: "Now there is an opportunity for us to jointly promote the progress of the Kingdom of Hawaii. I don't know if Rogge is interested."

"That's natural."

Enders said: "A while ago, Mr. Wilson, the president of our chamber of commerce, and several other powerful chambers of commerce discussed this issue together. They all believed that the Kingdom of Hawaii, a backward and feudal country, is not suitable for existence in the world, so We intend to establish a democratic republic in Hawaii and make Hawaii prosperous and powerful.”

Naturally, Rogge didn't believe a word of Enders's lies, but he naturally expressed his strong support.

Seeing that Rogge also supported everyone's decision, Enders was very happy. After all, Rogge was not weak in Kauai. If Rogge could be persuaded to join this operation, everyone's chances of winning would naturally be greatly improved.

This is a coup after all. Although the Kingdom of Hawaii is lagging behind, it is at the crossroads of civilizations and is constantly learning and progressing. Therefore, the more people involved in the coup, the better it can be ensured.

Otherwise, if an accident occurs and the Kingdom of Hawaii counterattacks, it may directly benefit the British and French people on the island. It will be much more difficult for the United States to control Hawaii.

Later, at the invitation of Enders, Rogge, the East African spy, attended a dinner party for American businessmen in Honolulu.

This dinner was naturally to discuss how to subvert the rule of the Kingdom of Hawaii and establish the "puppet" Republic of Hawaii. In order to prevent the wall from having ears, the attendees were all Americans.

"Everyone, the specific time for this operation is March next year. With the support of the National Guard, we will overthrow the brutal rule of the Kingdom of Hawaii in one fell swoop..."

In fact, in January 1875, the Kingdom of Hawaii signed the "American-Summer Treaty of Reciprocity" under the coercion and inducement of the United States, and the United States gave Hawaii the most favorable tariff treatment. To facilitate the export of sugar from Hawaii to the United States. According to the same regulations, Hawaii is not allowed to grant most-favored-nation treatment to other countries, nor is Hawaii allowed to lease land to other countries, nor is it allowed to provide other countries with the privilege of using ports and territories. This marked Hawaii as the exclusive sphere of influence of the United States, but Hawaii also gained temporary economic benefits from exporting low-tariff sugar to the United States.

This is also an important reason why Rogge operates in Hawaii as an American. Otherwise, East Africa would never have thought of annexing a large amount of land on Kauai.

After learning about the U.S. government's conspiracy, Rogge immediately returned to Kauai after attending the dinner to discuss countermeasures with John Crane, the governor of Hawaii in East Africa.

"There are still three months left. Our military training must be accelerated. At the same time, we must promptly notify the Jiaozhou Bay Consulate and the Southern Ryukyu Islands Navy so that they can arrive in Hawaii before March 15th. Of course, the time cannot be too early or too early. Only in this way can we better intervene in this coup."

After listening, John Crane said seriously: "The specific time is unknown, and there will be errors in the time of the navy's arrival, so you have to pay close attention to the actions of the Americans, and I will pass the news back to the mainland in time."

"As for the Army, you don't have to worry. We have increased the armed forces on Kauai to 2,000 people. Even the entire American military force in Hawaii cannot do anything to us."

Rogge nodded and said: "After the coup begins, we must promptly control the governor of the Kingdom of Hawaii on Kauai Island, force him to declare Kauai Island to separate from the Kingdom of Hawaii, regain independence, and then establish a puppet government."

Kauai is the only island in the Hawaiian Islands that was not conquered by force by King Kamehameha but later voluntarily submitted to the dynasty.

The Hawaiian Islands were not actually a unified country before. Later, Kamehameha the Great, the Kingdom of Hawaii, unified the entire island.

Since Kauai voluntarily surrendered, the current governor of Kauai is actually a descendant of Kauai's indigenous king Gomu Ali'i.

This provides opportunities for East Africa. Since Kauai can join the Kingdom of Hawaii, it can naturally break away from the control of the Kingdom of Hawaii.

Of course, there was no such thing as the Kingdom of Hawaii at that time, but a puppet government formed by the Americans, the Republic of Hawaii.

As soon as the United States takes action, East Africa will push the current governor of Kauai to break away from the Kingdom of Hawaii and restore the indigenous kingdom on Kauai.

Of course, this indigenous kingdom must also be a puppet government, but as long as there is great justice, East Africa can break away from the US government. By then, as long as the Americans do not dispatch local troops, there will be nothing they can do to East Africa.

After all, it was the United States that was unkind in the first place, and don’t blame East Africa for being unjust. We are all in the same boat. If we ask other countries to evaluate it, they are all ungrateful people. The final result is that everyone will be condemned by the international community.

Of course, the international community mainly refers to Britain and France, and possibly Japan. After all, these countries all have interests in Hawaii.

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