Nowadays, in the German talent market, graduates majoring in chemistry are in high demand, so it is not an isolated case for East African students like Xialian to be cut off by German companies, but a common phenomenon.

In fact, the German chemical industry started not too early. Most of them were born after the 1960s and 1970s. The rise of the German chemical industry only happened in recent years, and the entry of German higher education into the chemical industry only started after the 1970s. common case.

Therefore, chemical education in Germany actually lags behind the development of the chemical industry, and the talent market has formed a situation of "supply exceeds demand".

At this time, German chemical companies set their sights on the huge group of East African students. Currently, the largest number of international students in Germany are East Africans. Especially after the 1980s, the number of East African students going to Germany every year has remained at more than 4,000.

For comparison, the number of Japanese students studying in Europe and the United States during the same period was only over 1,000, and until 1890, it was just over 2,000.

And this is only the number of East African students studying in Germany. Adding in the number of East African students from Austria-Hungary, Sweden, France, the Netherlands, etc., the number of East African students exceeded 10,000 in 1892 alone, while the number of local college students in East Africa during the same period was only over 7,000. .

It is equivalent to saying that most of the higher education in East Africa is achieved with the help of foreign higher education. There is no way to do this. In this era, East African higher education talents who can serve as faculty members are among the top elites in any country without exception.

During the same period, the number of college students in Germany has exceeded 30,000, and this does not include some technical colleges. Of course, a large part of German higher education (including technical colleges) are East African students, accounting for an astonishing 10%. Around four-five.

Therefore, East Africa’s investment in education is extremely exaggerated. However, high investment represents high returns. Without talent training, it is impossible for East Africa to quickly pursue international standards or even reach leading levels in emerging industries and some traditional industries. .

Moreover, international students from East Africa are mainly concentrated in the fields of science and engineering, which makes German companies even more aggressive in poaching East African international students. Nearly 20% of the international students stay in Germany every year.

You must know that the 20% of international students who can be favored by German companies are obviously not mediocre people, but those who have highlighted their true talents while in school.

It means that international students from East Africa have boosted Germany's industrial development, so the German government welcomes the international students from East Africa. In addition to generating income for higher education institutions and localities, they can also use it for their own purposes. Why not, and Charlie Ann is Young people from East Africa who stayed in Germany against this background.

“Germany is so cheap!” Beliland sighed after learning about Xialilian’s experience. East Africa’s investment in the group of international students is not only money, but also time and energy costs. Not to mention it is only a ten-year obligation. The cost of education is staggering.

However, there is no way around this. Germany and Europe are now far more developed than East Africa, and East Africa cannot rely on strong methods to force these talents to return home. It is better to sell them one. At least many educational fields in Germany are open to East Africa. Promoted.

It also improves the reputation of East Africa in Germany. The quality of East African students in Germany is generally high, and they are semi-"same species", so they are naturally very popular. This means that Germany has a high level of education and strong cultural attraction. Characteristics.

But overall, East Africa is not at a disadvantage. At least 80% of international students will still choose to return home for development. East Africa adopts a "wide net" strategy. There will always be people who can promote the great development of various industries in East Africa.

Take the chemical industry for example. The proportion of returned talents in this industry is only about 40%, but it has also laid the foundation for the great improvement of the chemical industry in various industrial areas in East Africa.

Yes, there is a chemical industry in the industrial areas and coastal cities of East Africa, but due to its short development history, it is not yet competitive with European and American countries that were decades earlier.

This is also an important reason for East Africa and Germany to cooperate in the field of chemical industry. In the field of chemistry, Britain and France are still strong, and the United States is also extremely powerful. Like Germany, it is a rising star. The United States also has established giants in the chemical industry such as DuPont.

Germany started the latest among the four, but it has already surpassed Britain, France and Germany. The reason for Germany's success is the German talent training mechanism.

The reason why East Africa currently lags behind in the two heavy industries of chemicals and materials is actually mainly a matter of time. East Africa's chemical industry only started to take off in the late 1970s, which is nearly 20 years later than Germany.

Previously, investment in East Africa was mainly concentrated in steel, railways, electricity and other fields. Investment in the chemical industry was not high, and the chemical industry is a very money-burning industry.

For example, a new dye being developed by Buffs has cost more than a thousand marks, and it is still going on. Today, the market value of Buffs is less than 20 million marks.

Therefore, if East Africa wants to develop in the chemical industry, in addition to talent training, it must continue to invest high amounts of money, and it may not be effective in a short time. Just like the research and development in the field of machine tools, there is no way to make shortcuts, and you can only continue to invest time and money. Achieve qualitative improvement.

Afterwards, Belilan began to introduce the location conditions of Beira to the members of the delegation. Everyone spoke German, so there was no language barrier.

"Don't think that Beira City is not as good as Mombasa and Dar es Salaam now, but in the past three years, our government's investment in Beira City has topped the list, surpassing other cities in the country."

"It only takes two more months for the Harare-Beira railway to be fully completed. I think Mr. Shalilian should know something about Harare, which is the second largest city in East Africa after Mbeya." At the same time, Matabele Province, where Harare is located, is the largest industrial center in East Africa, equivalent to the Ruhr area in Germany, bringing together East African steel, metal smelting, railway equipment manufacturing, mechanical processing, chemical industry, and materials. It will become the first industrial powerhouse in all industries.”

"Our city of Beira seems to have nothing to do with Matabele Province, but it is actually the most convenient sea port in Matabele Province in the future. After the railway is opened, it will only take one day to get from Beira to Harare."

"You can see with the naked eye the development speed of Beira City. Three years ago this was an uninhabited bay. Before that, this was an area ruled by the Portuguese. The Portuguese did not develop it at all. So if BASF's branch factory is built in our Only in this way can the market achieve maximum benefits.”

"Of course, I know that Nairobi is the largest textile city in East Africa. Your company's main business is closely related to the textile industry, so Mombasa has a strong attraction, but the second largest textile city in East Africa is in Bura, Matabele Province. Wayo is also a huge market that cannot be ignored, and the scale of Bulawayo’s textile industry is still expanding rapidly. I am afraid it will be as big as Nairobi in the next few years.”

“By then, our city, Beira, will be the main outlet for Bulawayo’s textiles. With the central government’s attention, Beira City will also spawn a number of textile companies. At this point, our city, Beira, is far better than Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam and Mombasa have advantages because it is easier for the new textile industry to cooperate with your company. After all, cities such as Dar es Salaam and Mombasa have developed earlier and have certain path dependencies, so they may not fully adopt your company's products. "

"And you have many competitors. Many German and Austrian companies are eyeing big cities like Dar es Salaam and Mombasa, such as your German competitor Bayer."

"So if you choose to build a factory in Beira, I can give you the greatest convenience, such as factory construction. Cities such as Dar es Salaam and Mombasa will definitely not be able to give you the best location. After all, they have been developing for decades. The territory is huge, so entering now will at best place you in a relatively peripheral area..."

In order to promote the city of Beira, Beliland continues to promote other cities, but he has no guilt in this regard. After all, other cities must have adopted similar methods when introducing the city, especially Mombasa and Dar es Salaam. These two East African "twin stars" almost never pay attention to any city in East Africa except each other.

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