Cooperation in running schools is only a temporary measure, and this kind of university can only build a rough framework, which is still a long way from becoming a real university.

For example, many of the current school faculty and staff can only choose generals from the shortest and let college students who have just graduated from the school take over. Some important positions are filled by professors from the Stuttgart Higher Technical School. As for the principal, that is Zhenger. The East Africans of the Eight Classics.

Universities are one of the bases of public opinion and thought, and it is natural that the East African government cannot allow this area to be stolen, especially when the ability and character of the German expatriate teaching staff are not clear.

Of course, there is no need to worry too much, especially for science and engineering schools like Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology. If it were a comprehensive university, East Africa would not allow other countries to interfere!

The first town.

Today, the Sweet Palace held a knighthood promotion ceremony for a scientist. Tesla, who was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was officially directly promoted from the original baron to a count.

"Count Tesla, your invention will once again leave your name in the future history of science and technology in East Africa. This is a brand new page in the history of human communications."

Ernst looked at this great East African scientist who was younger than himself and said that in the past ten years, Tesla has created huge value for East Africa in many fields such as electricity, physics, machinery, etc., and has contributed to the improvement of East Africa. make important contributions to the level of science and technology.

After the widespread popularization of AC high-voltage transmission systems in East Africa, the young Tesla has already made a name for himself in the East African technology community and has become a "national treasure" figure in East Africa. Of course, as early as Tesla landed in East Africa, His "supervision" and security business has already been taken over by the National Defense Security Agency under Ernst's authorization. If nothing happens, Tesla will become a household name around the world like Edison in the future.

In his previous life, Edison was certainly more famous than Tesla. Even though his character as an old patent hooligan collapsed due to the information explosion, his fame cannot be denied.

Because all elementary school students know the name of Edison, but they only start to understand Tesla in middle school.

Of course, comparing with Edison is a derogation of Tesla's identity. After all, it is impossible for Edison to get the honor of "Earl" now. The United States is a republic after all.

And without the entanglement of various mundane matters, Tesla's important theoretical research and inventions have reached more than 200 in the past five years alone.

And the fields involved include energy, electricity, machinery and other fields. Tesla also pointed out the direction for the development of major modern technologies such as radar principles, particle accelerators, radio-controlled weapons, and death-ray weapons.

Therefore, Tesla alone can dominate the top scientific groups in a country. East Africa has really got a big advantage. In addition, East Africa has an early layout in the electric power field and large investments. The number and quality of scientists and engineers in the electric power field are not inferior to those in European and American countries. Therefore, East Africa’s leading advantage in the power field can be maintained for at least nearly a hundred years in the future.

The reason why Tesla's status is emphasized is that he is an "all-round" talent. In the field of science and technology, theory and application are two important directions, and Tesla is a top genius who can combine the two well. .

This has been fully proven when East Africa promoted the popularization of alternating current systems. Without Tesla, the popularization of alternating current systems in East Africa would have been at least five to ten years later. Edison, at best, could be considered an "inventor" and a businessman, but Tesla was a combination of scientist and inventor.

"Around 1864, Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell proposed the radio theory. In 1888, German physicist Heinrich Hertz proved the existence of radio waves. Now, Count Tesla, you are leading the way for mankind. A pioneer in the radio era," Ernst praised without hesitation.

There have been many controversies about the invention of radio in history. The more famous ones include Lodge, Pupin, Edison, Fessenden, Slaby, Brown, Thomson and Stuen, Popov, Marconi, and Tes La et al.

There is no need to argue now. In East Africa, Tesla was the world's first radio inventor. With the support of the East African scientific community and the East African government, no one can "steal" Tesla's achievements in the future.

Of course, it is impossible for East Africa to block this technology. After all, radio research is being carried out in many regions of the world at the same time and has achieved certain results. East Africa has only taken the title of "first".

“Your Royal Highness, what I have achieved today is inseparable from the support of the government, so this is not due to me alone, but also to the support of the team behind me and the government. They have saved me a lot of trouble, so I can concentrate on Invest in research.”

Tesla was not arrogant at all, but first expressed his gratitude to the East African government and relevant personnel. Ernst respected this scientist who had both ability and political integrity and a consistent appearance.

Of course, this was not the case with Tesla in history. In previous lives, Tesla would also file lawsuits with Edison, Marconi and others due to interests.

But this is understandable, because the overall social values ​​of the United States are like that, and entering the East African environment, Tesla no longer needs to consider too many issues from an "economic" perspective.

Because "wealth" itself doesn't mean anything in East Africa. Tesla has already achieved both fame and fortune. Even if he just lies around in the future, the East African government will not treat him badly. What's more, Tesla is passionate about scientific research. Now his life goal is to drive the common progress of "all human society".

"Well, very good, Count Tesla, you are a respectable person. Although I am just a novice compared to you in the field of scientific research, I can still do some things within my ability. If you have any trouble or questions, you can directly Contact me at the Sweet Palace," Ernst promised directly.

It is worth mentioning that Ernst himself is also an "inventor". Although he copied works from "previous lives", no one knows! Therefore, the identity of "inventor" has always been talked about.

Therefore, Ernst and Tesla can barely be regarded as half "peers". Of course, Ernst can only tinker with some daily necessities, small furniture or small appliances, which is completely incomparable with a big player like Tesla.

After having a pleasant chat with Ernst, Tesla also met with East African senior officials from the military and various government departments. After all, the value of radio was clearly visible and it was an important tool for changing the status quo of the country.

This also means that Tesla has officially become one of the top authorities in the East African scientific community. The one with government endorsement can even be as influential in his field as the Soviet Union's "Lysenko".

Of course, Ernst would definitely not let Tesla get too involved in the big dye vat of politics. This would be a huge waste of resources, so Ernst emphasized: "As a government official, don't interfere too much with Count Tesla's affairs." Work, every achievement of Count Tesla is a great contribution to East African society. Even if it does not show value now, it may become a key point for scientific and technological breakthroughs in East Africa in the future. For such scientists, do not disturb them too much, but He should be allowed to continue to shine for the world in the field of scientific research."

This is very important. After all, in his previous life, Hawking had to accept the invitation of "Epstein". The inside story was unknown to ordinary people, but the impact was extremely bad. Therefore, Ernst in the scientific community must take the lead in respecting him, so that he can better Researchers serve East African society in a comfortable environment.

East African officials may not be able to do that "outrageous" thing, but they have no shortage of means such as drinking parties and socializing, so they must be vaccinated against it.

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