African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 892 Industrial Incubation Center

As the first railway hub in East Africa, the importance of New Frankfurt is self-evident. Of course, there cannot be only one railway hub in a country as large as East Africa.

According to East Africa's "three vertical and three horizontal" planning, these six trunk railways should form nine intersections when connected vertically and horizontally. However, because the West Coast Railway cannot cross the Namib Desert for the time being, Walvis Bay Port cannot form a railway hub.

The objective reason for this result is that the Namib Desert is a mobile desert. Even in the twentieth century, only a few countries had the ability to build roads and railway facilities in this area.

Moreover, later maintenance is difficult, and the railway is easily buried by wind and sand. It is necessary to carry out supporting sand control projects along the line, or to build elevated railway lines like the Far Eastern Empire in the 21st century to reduce sand erosion and flooding.

Obviously, neither of these two points can be easily achieved in East Africa now, and even if it can be achieved, it is extremely uneconomical.

Therefore, in reality, there are only eight intersection points of three vertical and three horizontal lines. These eight points are also the railway hubs on the six most important trunk lines in East Africa.

There are three national-level railway hubs in the central region, namely Kisangani City, New Frankfurt City, and Bulawayo City.

In fact, including branch railways, Harare, Lubumbashi, Dodoma, etc. are also regional railway hubs. However, East Africa is currently mainly building trunk railways. Unless the branch railways are as huge as the Habe Railway, Only those with value will be built before main line railways.

Mbeya City is the science and technology center of East Africa, which is unexpected. After all, higher education in East Africa is concentrated on the eastern coast, and Soga City was built with the direction of science, education and culture in mind.

Therefore, it is neither positioned as a technology center city nor a city with the highest concentration of higher education. It makes sense for Mbeya City to stand out from many cities in East Africa.

Nowadays, Mbeya City’s industrial size has been surpassed by Harare City, but its industrial base is still strong, and Mbeya City’s higher education level ranks among the top five in East Africa.

Since it has the blessing of industrial and educational background, the technological level of Mbeya City is naturally not bad in East Africa, and it really makes Mbeya City surpass Dar es Salaam, First Town, Soga...the core of these cities The reason is that the scientific research institutions in Mbeya City far exceed those in other areas.

Counting universities and independent research institutions, there are more than 100 research institutes in Mbeya City, including 13 at the national level, 32 at the provincial level, and 93 at the municipal level, covering metallurgy. , electricity, power, energy, steel, railways, ships and most other industrial fields.

“The level of scientific research in our city of Mbeya is also very advanced in the whole of East Africa. This is the result of the relocation of some institutions to central provinces such as Lusaka and Harare. If it were not for the loss of industry and brainpower, Mbeya would be The scientific research field will only get stronger.”

The mayor of Mbeya City said with some regret that after all, as the pioneer in the development of the central region of East Africa, Mbeya City's geographical location determines its main position in supporting the development of the central region.

Because according to the geographical boundaries of East Africa, Mbeya City is right at the intersection of the central and eastern parts. In the early days, the group of cities in the interior basically focused on the development of heavy industry. At that time, Mbeya City was the center of heavy industry in East Africa. Naturally, We must take responsibility and assist various industrial and mining cities in central China to establish a framework.

"Mayor Reni, don't feel sorry. Industrial transfer is the general trend. The country has formulated general policies and we can only follow them. Moreover, Mbeya's achievements today are inseparable from the central government's policy inclinations. Only Only when everyone makes progress can our country develop better in the future," Logans, who came to fight Qiu Feng, said on the side.

Logans is the mayor of the new Frankfurt city. His mission to Mbeya this time is to catch the autumn wind. Bah, according to the requirements of the central government, he is to bring some scientific research institutions and talents in the automotive, electric power and equipment manufacturing fields of Mbeya city. , packed up and brought back to New Frankfurt for landing.

In the past ten years, Mbeya City can be said to have been an "incubator" for industries in various central provinces. After all, as the earliest heavy industry base in East Africa, Mbeya City has a rich family background.

Regarding the shameless government "scum" like Logans, Reni said angrily: "You just got an advantage and acted like a good boy. I get so angry when I think of your new Frankfurt City. The Rhine City can't even shadow you now." Not yet, you will get the first batch of policy dividends.”

Logans said with a smile: "You can't say that. Even if there is no Rhine City, our New Frankfurt City's status cannot be lower. After all, it is a transportation hub. The name Frankfurt alone is full of the central government's high hopes for our city."

Reni said disgustedly: "You have certain advantages in transportation, but it is not much higher than our city. After all, the land transportation between the central and eastern parts cannot bypass our Mbeya. In the future, Mbeya More roads and railways will be built, and we also have Lake Malawi, a large natural lake, and water transportation is also relatively developed. "

This is indeed true. Lake Solon (Lake Tanganyika) and Lake Malawi have created Mbeya’s unique location advantages and play an important role in East Africa’s land and water transportation.

Even compared with the city of New Frankfurt, it can only be said that the difference between the two is very small. Lake Solon and Lake Malawi are both long and narrow lakes. The distance between the north and south of Lake Malawi is more than 560 kilometers, and Tanganyi Lake Ka is more than 670 kilometers long, so if you want to bypass Mbeya City on land, you have to go a long way. In addition, the depth of the two lakes is more than hundreds of meters, so if you want to walk through the lakes Can only rely on ships.

"This time, we will dedicate 30% of the Second Automobile Plant Research Institute to join the New Frankfurt City. As for the equipment manufacturing industry, we have not yet selected the personnel. After all, the equipment manufacturing industry is very complex. Our plan is Deploy some of the forces from thirteen strong factories and research institutes to join your city, including in the fields of electric power, locomotives, engines, etc.," Reni said rather painfully.

The City of New Frankfurt will have to mobilize at least a hundred professional teams from Mbeya City this time, which is also a thorn in the side for Mbeya City. The last time this was done was the City of Harare.

However, Harare City is much more "excessive" than New Frankfurt City. It has copied almost 60% of Mbeya City's industrial sectors and scientific research institutions to Matabele Province, otherwise Harare City would not be the same. It could develop so quickly.

Of course, Mbeya City cannot achieve this by itself. Instead, the entire Lake Malawi Industrial Zone behind Mbeya City has dispatched a large number of elite soldiers to the three central provinces to control these three provinces. supported by an industrial framework.

Therefore, this time New Frankfurt City "sucks blood" from Mbeya City, it is not a big deal for Mbeya City.

"These are the treasures of our Mbeya City, Logans, you must treat them well." Reni said.

Regarding this, Logans naturally agreed: "Don't worry, Mayor Reni, talents are respected everywhere, and our New Frankfurt City will naturally receive these distinguished guests with the best treatment."

After spending three days in Mbeya, one of the industrial incubation centers in East Africa, Logans continued on his way east. After all, Mbeya was just the starting point, with Dar es Salaam and Mombasa behind him. Nairobi and other cities await you.

According to the itinerary, Logans will go to Soga City after returning, mainly to snatch talents from East African universities. College students are a scarce resource in East Africa, and various cities will go to Soga City to recruit talents.

Soga City is mainly home to domestic college students, while the international student group is mainly allocated by the East African industrial sector. They are generally prioritized by agencies directly under the state, state-owned enterprises or royal enterprises, and then they can get their turn to pick up some "leftovers". However, they can For those who study abroad, it’s hard to say what the upper limit is, but the lower limit is very high, and various cities and institutions in East Africa are also rushing to get them.

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