African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 919 East Africa Land Area and Administrative Divisions

Administrative division adjustment is obviously not done overnight, but involves the game between all parties. After all, it involves the allocation of resources. The most typical ones are education, medical and other livelihood projects. Especially under this system in East Africa, only provincial administrative regions can enjoy it. Upgrade related resources.

In November 1896, the East African government released a general plan for the adjustment of the administrative divisions of East Africa.

"Based on comprehensive data considerations from various regions across the country, we plan to divide the country into 45 provincial-level administrative regions, including Lanfang Overseas Province and two new provinces established on the island of Madagascar, but not including overseas colonies."

"There is also a special area, which is the Congo rainforest area. Because of its climate characteristics, we plan to continue to retain its role as a protected area. The administrative level is the same as the provincial level."

"And because of the Rhine City, we are planning to cancel the original Central Province and separate part of the land from the Hohenzollern Province, Swabia and Salzburg Provinces as the new Central Province. In this way, in the future The Central Province is truly located in the center of East Africa geographically. As for the former Central Province, the title of Coastal Province was restored. "

Coastal Province is now Central Province, the area where the first town and city is located. In the early days of East Africa, it was one of the three coastal regions. At that time, the administrative divisions of East Africa were still based on large regions.

“In the Mozambique region, we will set up five new provinces: Tete, Nyasaland, Zambezi, Rhodesia, and Plains, with the cities of Tete, Nacala, and Quelimane , Beira City, and Xinxiang City as the provincial capital.”

The name Nyasaland is naturally another name for Lake Malawi in its previous life. Similarly, Rhodesia is the name of places such as Zimbabwe in its previous life, which was retained by Ernst.

As for Pingyuan Province, it is completely Ernst’s bad taste, and Xinxiang City, the capital of Pingyuan Province, is actually the town of Sauquet in the former Portuguese colony.

After all, there are too few plains in East Africa, and the best farming conditions are concentrated in southern Mozambique. Therefore, Ernst’s naming of this place as Pingyuan Province is worthy of its name, and the capital of Pingyuan Province naturally has to be named after Xinxiang. This can also Get rid of the Portuguese colonial name Sauquet.

The Plains Province is also equipped with a port, that is, Inhambane City in Mozambique in its previous life. In this way, although Xinxiang City is inland, it does not have no outlet to the sea.

"Maputo, the New Hamburg Port City, and the surrounding areas form a new province, the Hanseatic Province, with the provincial capital set in the New Hamburg Port City."

"In addition, a new Orange Province will be established in the South African region, with Bloemfontein as the provincial capital and including the city of Kimberley. The area basically overlaps with the original Orange Free State."

"Baden Province will make slight changes. The provincial capital will be Gaborone, and the second largest city in the province will be Upington."

The geographical location of Baden Province is almost the southeast of Botswana in the former world and the northern British colony of Bechuanaland.

"In addition to adding the Central Province to the central region, with the city of Rhine as the national political center, the Province of Matabele was renamed the Province of Bohemia."

This change in name actually emphasizes the industrial attributes of Bohemia Province (northeast Zimbabwe). It is known that most of the Austro-Hungarian Empire's industry is concentrated in the Bohemia region, so East Africa also uses this as a basis to refer to Bohemia. The province of Tarbele was renamed the province of Bohemia.

"At the same time, the city of Bulawayo was divided into the province of Bohemia and formed a new province of Lorraine with parts of the western Kalahari Basin."

This is for the purpose of checks and balances. The original Matabele Province was too strong, so it was split into two provinces in this regional adjustment. At the same time, it was also taken into consideration to take care of the Kalahari region.

The entire Kalahari Basin was part of the Lorraine Province, but there were no cities that could be invaded. The area was all desert and arid areas, so the annexation of Bulawayo City was a way to strengthen and stimulate the local area. .

"At the same time, the central province of Hesse was restructured into two provinces: Hesse and Mitumba."

This is also true of the long-term division that must unite, and the long-term union that must divide. The original Hesse Province was the merger of Hesse and Mitumba Provinces. Now it has been split into two provinces again. The main reason is the development of the local economy.

"The Okavango Delta in the northern part of Lorraine Province, together with the northern plateau area, which is most of the eastern part of the former Letania Province, forms the Okavango Province, mainly for the comprehensive management of the Okavango River Basin."

"South-West Africa forms the South-West Province, with the provincial capital in the city of Windhoek."

Southwest Africa was finally established as a separate province and is the second largest provincial administrative region in East Africa, second only to the Congo Rainforest Reserve.

"In the west, the province of Letania, with Alexandria as its new provincial capital, is developing westward as a whole, and its area has been reduced due to the separation of Okavango Province."

"With Benguela as the provincial capital, the province of Benguela is established along the railway. With Luanda as the provincial capital, the West Coast Province is established along the railway."

"The province of Congo is set up along the Congo River in the north, including the cities of Cabinda and Kinshasa, with Kinshasa as the provincial capital."

The new Congo Province is basically distributed along the lower reaches of the Congo River, and the main sea port is Cabinda. This also means that Brazzaville is gone, and Kinshasa will be a city across the Congo River in the future.

In the previous life, Brazzaville and Kinshasa were two cities formed due to colonial division. Now that East Africa has unified both sides of the Congo River, there is no need to set up two cities, especially after the Congo River Railway Bridge project was established.

"The main changes in the northern region are the establishment of the province of Ubangi and the provincial capital in the city of Bangui."

It is basically a province established because of the Ubangi River. It is also an important border province, bordering Sigmaringen, Cameroon (Germany), Gabon (France), and Belgian Congo.

"At the same time, the eastern part of Ubangi Province is divided into two provinces, Azande West and Azande East. According to the Azande Plateau, the former Bavaria Province moved eastward to the west bank of Lake King (Lake Albert)."

In this way, the Azande Plateau and its surrounding areas changed from the original two provinces to four provinces.

"The Great Lakes Province was established in the west and south of the Great Lakes Region, the Northern Great Lakes Province continued to be retained in the north, the northwest region remained basically unchanged, the Solon Lake Province was established in the east, and the original Central Province was changed to the Coastal Province."

"Finally, Madagascar Island is divided into Mahajanga Province and Toliara Province."

The administrative divisions of Madagascar Island are basically not much different from those in the previous life. Ernst directly borrowed the names of these two provinces. At the same time, the area and region of the two provinces are basically not much different from those in the previous life.

"The above are the changes in the provincial administrative regions in East Africa. In addition, there are two special cities, which do not reach the provincial administrative region level, but are higher than the general provincial capitals and prefecture-level cities, namely Dar es Salaam and Mombasa. In the future, with the development of the East African economy, the special cities may be adjusted at any time."

Similar to the sub-provincial capitals or municipalities of the Far East Empire in the previous life, but not as high as the municipalities. After all, municipalities are provincial administrative regions, and Dar es Salaam and Mombasa still belong to the Coastal Province (formerly the Central Province) and the Oriental Province.

This is a reflection of the economic strength of the two cities, but with the development of other cities in the future, they may also be promoted to special cities, such as New Frankfurt, Beira, New Hamburg Port, Luanda, Cabinda, Mbeya...are all on the candidate list.

In the end, there are 45 provincial administrative regions in East Africa, including the Lanfang Overseas Province, two provinces on the island of Madagascar, and the Congo Rainforest Reserve. Dar es Salaam and Mombasa became special cities.

In March 1897, the latest data on East Africa's land area was released. The land area of ​​East Africa is about 13.0065 million square kilometers, just over 13 million square kilometers. If calculated based on Africa's 3020 (3022) square kilometers, it accounts for about 43% of the continent's area.


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