African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 923: Doing all the bad things

Mosier's recollection is completely consistent with historical facts. In Zamboanga, the most prosperous city in Mindanao, production activities were almost paralyzed due to a cliff-like decline in population. Only plantations, factories, workshops, etc. run by Spaniards and Chinese were spared from the disaster.

However, Zamboanga, which lost a large number of people, basically stopped all industries. After all, without population, the original supply of raw materials in the city and market demand were cut in half. East Africa was completely destroying for the sake of destruction.

In the following period, the population of Zamboanga continued to lose a lot, mainly Spaniards who were originally engaged in commercial trade. After all, the original raw materials and markets were destroyed by East Africa. They couldn't make money in the local area, so it was better to leave directly.

This was not the end. The struggle between East Africa and the local Moros lasted for nearly 20 years. In the end, East Africa basically eliminated the Moros through continuous immigration and military suppression. The population of the Green Church on the entire island was directly cleared. Of course, if they converted, they would naturally be safe.

The East African central government naturally got the news about the Zamboanga tragedy, but no one cared about it. First of all, the region was a colony that was not valued. Secondly, East Africa's cleansing of the Moros corresponded to the Moros' attitude towards East Africa.

After all, as a country born out of colonization, East Africa still gave the local indigenous people a break and did not kill them completely. The main reason was that since its debut, East Africa had not encountered such strong resistance from the Moros to the indigenous people of East Africa.

Finally, the population of Mindanao is not large, and the location is remote, so the impact is not great. After all, no one will speak for the Moros, after all, everyone does it.

The Spanish government also carried out massacres in Mindanao, but the Spanish government also needed the Moros to work hard for its colonial construction, but East Africa was different. Ernst only cared about the land and had no interest in the indigenous people. Therefore, in the face of the resistance of the Moros, East Africa would only adopt more tyrannical means of rule than the Spanish government.

If you don't listen and insist on doing it, then go to see God. After all, East Africa has left a way out for the locals, such as converting to Christianity, which can naturally be forgiven. If this cannot be done, then you can only talk to God in person. Anyway, the Moros are under the control of Allah, and God will not blame East Africa.

Of course, the Spanish government naturally has some understanding of what East Africa has done, and it is quite speechless about what East Africa has done in Mindanao.

After all, the purpose of colonizing is naturally to make money, but East Africa is doing this now. If Mindanao does not introduce external population in the future, when will it be able to make a profit? After all, East Africa spent money to buy Mindanao, and garrison, administrative management, and subsequent investment all cost money.

Ernst is naturally clear about this, but the economic value of Mindanao is mainly reflected in the local minerals. Even if East Africa does not develop it, it can still make money in the future.

As for the population migration, it is much simpler. It can be introduced from the Far East. The colony is not the homeland, so there is no need to worry about the population structure. It is no problem that there are more Chinese immigrants than white people. After all, the overseas province of Lanfang is a case in point, although the white population in the overseas province of Lanfang is less than 20%.

Of course, the development and governance of Mindanao is also a long process. First of all, it is very difficult to completely wipe out the Moros who are scattered all over the island.

The Vietnam War in the previous life has already set a template. East Africa naturally cannot learn from the United States and fight them to death, so East Africa’s strategy is mainly based on "compression, replacement, and weakening".

The first thing is to cut off the contact between Mindanao and the outside world. This is easy to do. It can basically be done by sealing the coastal ports.

After that, starting from the coastal strongholds, gradually occupy the land suitable for survival, destroy the Moros’ farmland, houses, etc., and force them into the primitive jungle.

In this way, although East Africa can’t do anything to them after escaping into the primitive jungle, the regression of civilization and productivity, coupled with the harsh conditions of the rainforest environment, can itself cause the decline of the Moros’ population.

At the same time, East Africa has been constantly encircling and suppressing the Moros in the periphery, and with related measures such as setting fire to the mountains, it is difficult for the Moros to form a climate if they have restored their original jungle life.

Of course, the premise for doing so is that East Africa introduces a large number of people to form a population gathering area and occupy the land suitable for survival to achieve this goal. Otherwise, if East Africa leaves first and the indigenous people leave the mountain, it will be a waste of effort.

In fact, this is a premeditated genocide, and it is worse than what East Africa has done in its homeland. In its homeland, many blacks at least have the overseas route to go, but East Africa does not even want to exile the Moros. From this point of view, East Africa has really done all the bad things on Mindanao Island, showing the "style" of the 19th century colonists.

So at the government meeting, Ernst said directly: "In the next ten years or so, we will directly introduce millions of Far Eastern immigrants to fill Mindanao. Only in this way can we consolidate the rule of Mindanao."

Introducing Chinese immigrants may be digging their own graves for other countries, but it is not a threat to mixed-race countries like East Africa. At the same time, the upper rulers of Mindanao are definitely mainly East Africans, so East Africa does not have to worry about the division of Mindanao in the future.

To be honest, these colonies far away from East Africa, even if they are of the same race, will fade after a few decades, just like the British global colonies, which will still disintegrate in the future.

So East Africa does not need these overseas colonies to become part of East Africa in the future, but to become a subsidiary force that depends on East Africa for its existence.

This is easy to do, such as the location and history of Mindanao. If the Philippines becomes independent in the future, will the Philippines be tempted? Will it use the "since ancient times" approach?

Apart from other things, why is Australia so afraid of Indonesia? It's because Indonesia has too many people. In the future, the Philippines will definitely have an explosive population growth like in the past life, so the Philippines will naturally be tempted by Mindanao, which has been split from it.

Similarly, the situation of Lanfang Overseas Province is more complicated than Mindanao. Mindanao is at least geographically separated from the Philippines, while Lanfang Overseas Province is directly bordered by other countries.

Ernst dare not guarantee whether countries like Indonesia and Malaysia will appear in the future. After all, East Africa has begun to dismantle the Nanyang region. There is no doubt that in Ernst's eyes, it is better to subdivide this area. It is too outrageous that the Philippines has more than 7,000 islands and Indonesia has more than 17,000 islands in the past life, and they can still form a country. This is obviously "attributed" to countries such as the Netherlands and Spain.

They were trying to save trouble. In order to facilitate the local colonial rule, they mixed a bunch of islands together. In Ernst's opinion, Indonesia should be divided into at least several to more than a dozen countries to be reasonable. Similarly, the Philippines and Malaysia in the previous life were the same.

Of course, East Africa is definitely not capable of doing this now, which means conflicts with the Netherlands and Britain. However, as East Africa's national strength grows, this day will come sooner or later.

Not to mention these countries, even Australia has a lot to do in Ernst's eyes. After all, in addition to attaching importance to the position of the South China Sea maritime transportation hub, East Africa is most greedy for local resources. One of the main reasons why the Lanfang Overseas Province can become the East African mainland is that the population is small. In terms of resources, it is destined not to be separated from East Africa in the future.

Mindanao is different. The island is rich in mineral resources, coal, iron, copper and other reserves. With coal and iron, it means that there is no shortage of basic industrial development resources.

Therefore, in Ernst's opinion, Mindanao could be divided into fiefdoms in the future, and one of his sons could be directly sent to be the local king. In this way, even if Mindanao becomes independent, it can form a bond with East Africa, and it will also be beneficial to maintain the rule of the East African royal family, killing two birds with one stone.

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