African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 926: Mechanized Farming Road

Dodoma City, Loringen Town.

"Good farmland is just pushed away like this, it's really a waste of natural resources, it would be despised in the Far East!"

Wang Weimo, an old farmer in East Africa, couldn't help but lament when he saw the land he had worked hard for decades being flattened by everyone.

"Dad, you can't hold on to the old ideas. Our East Africa is different from other places. We have a lot of land. I heard that the second largest country in the world is East Africa now. This little land is nothing to East Africa." Wang Weimo's eldest son Wang Lun persuaded on the side

"What do you know, little bastard? You don't feel bad when you sell your father's land. When I was in the Far East..., your grandpa and grandma didn't starve to death, but it was almost the same. Now you can't waste it just because there are too many crops! What the second largest country in the world is, it can't delay the value of this land." Wang Weimo preached with regret.

This made Wang Lun feel numb. He couldn't bear to hear his father talking about his life in the Far East. Although his father's life in the Far East Empire was indeed hard, Wang Lun and other new East Africans had not experienced it, so those "hard" days were just like a fairy tale to Wang Lun.

Of course, when he was a child, Wang Lun might have loved to listen to his father's nagging about life and legendary experiences in the Far East, but no matter how attractive the story was, he would be tired of it after listening to it for more than ten years, not to mention that it was mixed with preaching.

"Okay, Dad, you are tired of talking! You should drink some water first. It's not that I don't know how to cherish crops. I also know that it's a pity to destroy these crops, but if our country wants to develop, we must adopt new technologies and new concepts. This mechanized farming road is a must. Think about it, how could the small ridge pass through a big guy like a tractor? It would probably collapse if it was pressed."

Wang Weimo glanced at the "iron lump" in the distance and said disdainfully: "Just that tractor, isn't it for plowing the land? I don't think it's as useful as a cow. It broke down less than a week after it arrived. It took a long time to dismantle it and fix it. It is not durable. "

Wang Lun comforted him, "That's different. Technology will improve. In the past, domestic tractors broke down in half a day, and we spent a day repairing them. Later, they broke down every two or three days, and now they break down every one or two weeks. This progress is visible to the naked eye. In the future, maybe a few months, or even two or three years, we won't encounter this situation again. "

From the popularization of tractors in Mozambique to now, the performance of tractors in East Africa has been greatly improved. Under this premise, the East African government has begun to promote tractors in other agricultural areas.

"It is still unreliable now. Few people in our town have seen tractors. Before, it was the talents from the city who came to fix the pile of scrap metal. "Wang Weimo was dismissive of his son's excuse.

"Hey, everything has a process. Didn't you say that electricity was useless when our town was electrified a few years ago? It's really good now. It's the general trend for machinery to replace animal power. I was born a few years earlier, otherwise I would have been able to go to school. Look at how smart our children are. They can use electricity as soon as they play with it. The same is true for tractors. There are not many people who know about it now, but there will definitely be more in the future."

This really touched Wang Weimo's heart. With the help of compulsory education in East Africa, a large number of "new youth" were born in East Africa. Unlike their parents, they all have a certain level of culture and vision.

Of course, Wang Weimo's eldest son Wang Lun did not catch up with this trip, because he was born in the Far East and was already six years old when he first came to East Africa.

Six years old was not considered old in East Africa at that time. The first batch of people who received compulsory education were not born in East Africa at that time, so there were not many elementary school students aged twelve or thirteen.

But in Wang Lun's era, compulsory education in East Africa had just started, so it was initially promoted only in towns. The town of Lorraine where Wang Lun was located had not yet developed, and it was not even a village, but a colonial outpost.

So at that time, there was not even a primary school in the Lorraine outpost, and Wang Lun naturally had no chance to receive education.

However, this opportunity did allow his younger brothers to catch up. After arriving in East Africa, Wang Weimo and other malnourished adults had a second spring, and they could afford to give birth and raise children, so Wang Lun had four more younger brothers. It should have been six, but two of them had died.

In fact, according to his father, he had an older brother, but he died when he was born in the Far East.

Now his brother's bones are still in the Far East, which is also a regret in his parents' hearts. Early death was originally considered an ominous omen. Now that the family has immigrated to East Africa thousands of miles away, it is even more pitiful to think about it. However, the times are like this, and they can only sigh with their foreheads.

"You are right, kid, I am old and useless, and I can't keep up with the changes of the times!" Wang Weimo sighed.

"Dad, what are you talking about? You are the treasure of our town, an evergreen." Wang Lun persuaded.

Wang Weimo is actually only 53 years old, but in a country like East Africa, ordinary people who are relatively long-lived, like King Constantine of East Africa who is nearly 100 years old, are truly rare evergreens.

Even if Wang Weimo feels it is a pity, the reform of rural areas in East Africa will not change, because with the development of tractors and cars, many original farmland roads are obviously no longer adapted to the new changes of the times.

Therefore, the farmland roads in Loringen Town must also be improved. This place is not too far from Dodoma City, so it is also a pilot area for the construction of high-standard farmland in East Africa.

With the development of the times, the high-standard farmland in East Africa has also been updated to the second generation. There are three main aspects of the work. The first is to merge farmland to adapt to mechanized operations. The second is to upgrade the technology of irrigation canals, mainly to convert the fields originally used to lift water. Windmills and other methods were replaced by new technologies such as water pumps. The third was to build mechanized farming roads to facilitate the operation of large machinery in farmland for mechanized harvesting. This was nothing more than strengthening and widening farming roads.

This is also the reason why the town of Lollingen backfilled some farmland. If people and cattle were used on the previous farming roads, horses would naturally have no problem, but replacing them with more cumbersome tractors and cars would not be a problem.

In addition, the second generation of high-standard farmland in East Africa should also have supporting measures such as the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. However, these are currently the shortcomings of East Africa, so it mainly relies on farmyard manure or imported fertilizers and pesticides.

Of course, East Africa is not completely dependent on imports. Priority can still be given to some developed domestic cities and coastal cities, as well as areas with a certain chemical industry foundation.

For example, the upper-level city of Lolingen Town, Dodoma, has small chemical companies, but the output can currently only meet the needs of the surrounding areas of the city. Although Lolingen Town is close to Dodoma City, it is not a suburb of Dodoma, so it is Relevant pesticide and fertilizer quotas cannot be allocated.

The first town.

Minister of Agriculture Galvestein is reporting on agricultural improvements across East Africa. In order to facilitate management and promote mechanized farming, the Ministry of Agriculture has divided the country into regions.

Goldstein: "Now East Africa has formed nine major agricultural areas and several small agricultural areas. The nine major agricultural areas are the eastern coastal plain area (including northern Mozambique, Kenya, and the coast of Tanzania), the East African Plateau area (Tanga East of Lake Nyika), Great Lakes region (also mainly distributed in the East African Plateau), Mesopotamia region (Shabelle and Juba river basins), Central Plateau region (mainly in the Katanga Plateau and Matabele Plateau), Mozambique Region (Southern Mozambique Plains), Lake Malawi Region, Angola Region, South Africa Plateau Region.”

"In addition to these nine major agricultural areas, such as the Azande Plateau, the Nile Basin, the Congo rainforest, Southwest Africa, etc., are subject to various constraints and have not yet formed a large-scale agricultural scale."

"Among the nine major agricultural regions, the central plateau region and Mozambique region are developing most rapidly and have the potential to surpass the Great Lakes region."

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