African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 960: Opening up new markets

The geographical location of these five countries can be said to be "excellent". The southern hemisphere is already relatively remote. It is still in the Americas and is further away from the Eurasian continent. Although the main body of East Africa's land is located in the southern hemisphere, East Africa relies on the Indian Ocean to connect with the Eurasian continent. It is still relatively close, and it is more convenient to go to Europe and Asia.

But these countries are different, and this is also true. After all, they are places that can be avoided in both world wars. Even Africa, the most backward place in the world in the previous life, was one of the battlefields of World War II, that place in Oceania. The Japanese have also coveted it, and South America's indifference to the world also illustrates South America's disadvantage in global trade.

Of course, this disadvantage is actually an advantage for East Africa. The route between Africa and South America is also the most convenient, so South American countries occupy an important position in the economy of the west coast of East Africa.

"Krid, what good things did you bring this time? Is there any tea and coffee?"

The quality of tea and coffee in East Africa is excellent, so domestic products are better for Luo Li, especially exported coffee and tea.

Creed shook his head and said: "This time our ship brought over all industrial products. After all, South America also produces coffee. Although the taste may be a little worse, I still have some stock. I will ask someone to send some over later. , As for tea, I don’t drink it myself, but others on the boat may like it, but I brought some mosquito coils for you this time, after all, there are a lot of mosquitoes in Paraguay.”

"That's great. There are more mosquitoes here than in East Africa. Although mosquito repellent products like mosquito coils can be bought locally, they are much more expensive than in our country. Many mosquito repellent products here are exported by us." Luo Lee complained.

Rhine city.

Secretary of Commerce John Lear was briefing Ernst on relations with various countries in East Africa and South America over the past few years.

"We have officially established diplomatic relations with Brazil since 1891, but Argentina, Peru, and Uruguay did not establish diplomatic relations with us until 1892. The main reason why these countries did not accept our olive branch immediately was because Because its economy relies on the support of British capital."

"Especially for Argentina, Argentina's economy is currently mainly cooperating with the British. The British import Argentine wool, beef and other agricultural products, and then Argentina hands over its own railway, port and other infrastructure construction to the British. The two companies have achieved complementary interests. "

"So after the South African War, Argentina was relatively restrained in establishing diplomatic relations with East Africa at that time. As for Peru and Uruguay, they probably also had this consideration."

"However, since we established diplomatic relations with Argentina and other South American countries, economic cooperation between the two sides has developed rapidly, especially Argentina's demand for East African industrial products."

There is no reason why East Africa should not look at Argentina in the 19th century in a different light. This country with a population of only four million is ranked among the top ten economies in the world, so you can imagine how wealthy Argentina is today.

The key to this is naturally the United Kingdom. Currently, Argentina’s wool export volume ranks first in the world, and the destination is naturally the United Kingdom. Although other industries are also developing, the status of the textile industry remains unshakable. In the 19th century, the textile industry remained It is the world's largest industry, and as the country with the most developed textile industry, Britain has extremely strong demand for wool.

The income from wool alone is enough for the Argentinians. After all, the market demand from Britain and its colonies is quite large. It is enough for Argentina to act as a British shepherd. On this basis, Argentina’s beef and mutton Exports are also very impressive.

In comparison, Brazil is not good enough in this era. In the competition with Argentina, Brazil today is completely at a disadvantage.

Geographically speaking, Argentina has a suitable climate and is easier to absorb European immigrants. It has a vast plain area and a dense river network, making it easier to develop than Brazil.

Don’t look at the fact that Brazil’s territory is far larger than that of Argentina, but due to transportation reasons, the interior of Brazil has not been effectively developed, and the Amazon rainforest is in the north, so the economic population is concentrated in the southeastern coastal areas.

However, the existence of the Brazilian Shield has caused many steep cliffs along the coast of Brazil. When the transportation problem is difficult to solve, it is difficult for the port to drive inland development and form an economic core. On the other hand, Argentina’s coastline is not inferior to Brazil’s, and its terrain is flat and there are many rivers. , it is easy to interact between the inland and the coast, so it was easier for Argentina to develop than Brazil in the early days.

In other respects, Brazil's original suzerainty was Portugal, while Argentina's suzerainty was Spain. Spain's control over Argentina was weak, which also led to Argentina becoming independent earlier than Brazil and being exploited by the suzerainty for a shorter period of time.

There is also a political ecology that has an important impact on the two countries. During the South African War, a revolution also broke out in Brazil. After Brazil abolished slavery in 1888, the Republicans were inspired and overthrew it in 1889. Brazilian royal family.

The political turmoil in Brazil also affected East Africa, which further promoted the end of the slave trade in East Africa. For some time, Brazil had been the largest destination for black people in East Africa.

When Brazil no longer has slaves, the slave trade in East Africa will naturally become more difficult to maintain. This is also an important reason why East Africa simply stopped the slave trade.

Of course, Brazil, which abolished the monarchy, did not achieve the leapfrog development of the Brazilian economy as the Republicans imagined. Instead, it became more politically turbulent. The first president stepped down less than a year after taking office. Therefore, under the unstable political situation in Brazil, the economy is naturally even worse.

Therefore, in East Africa's trade with South America, Argentina and Paraguay are ranked before Brazil. Argentines are rich and have strong consumption power, and Paraguay has the best relationship with East Africa. Before East Africa established diplomatic relations with other South American countries, East Africa's trade with South America was mainly transited by Paraguay. Through Paraguay, East African products can be indirectly sold to Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia.

Of course, as time goes by, East Africa's international status is stable. East Africa naturally cannot rely only on Paraguay as a handle, so since the 1990s, East Africa has begun to strengthen its relations with other South American countries.

Not only the five South American countries, but other South American countries also have exchanges with East Africa, but due to geographical location and economic reasons, other countries are not the focus of East Africa.

In fact, from all angles, the trade and exchanges between East Africa and South American countries is a relatively slow process, far less than the trade and exchanges between East Africa and Eurasian countries.

However, under the international environment, East Africa has to actively win over these countries. After all, the global market is so big, and East African industrial development can only continue to open up new markets. Although South American countries are deeply involved with Britain, at least they are relatively independent on the surface.

Therefore, although the exchanges with these countries are thankless, they are not completely ineffective. This is also the process of expanding East Africa's external economic influence. Without the means of war, this process will only be very slow.

After all, war is the most effective means to open the other country's door. At the end of the 19th century, East Africa's strength was far from enough. In terms of naval strength alone, East Africa ranked behind Britain, the United States, Russia, Germany, and France.

Therefore, the object of East Africa's learning can only be the United States before. As the world's largest industrial country, the United States does not have the right to speak in the world. Then American products naturally cannot be sold all over the world, and they are always subject to the constraints of rule makers such as Britain and France.

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