African Entrepreneurship Record

Chapter 992 Naturalization

"This is Mombasa. It looks really good and the climate is more acceptable. When we set off from Europe, it was still winter, but it is indeed summer here. The temperature is so high. Nature is really amazing."

Mombasa is very close to the equator and is south of the equator, so it is summer in Mombasa in December, and the temperature in Mombasa today is only 26 degrees. This climate is simply wonderful for many Russians in the team. .

Thanks to the urban construction of Mombasa, a large number of flowers and green plants have been planted in the urban green belts, parks, and residential areas. The entire city also looks colorful. Coupled with the refreshing sea breeze, although the industry is very developed and there are many factories, Mombasa is not as shady as London.

Yakov squatted on the side of the road, caressed the flowers in the green belt, and said in surprise: "Russia should be covered in ice and snow now, but the flowers in East Africa are blooming very beautifully. I have already developed a fondness for this place. Not a small expectation.”

"Mr. Yakov, this is a very common situation for cities in our country. Mombasa is a typical garden city. As long as there is enough water, the vegetation will not wither all year round." Corrivid said.

"That's great!" Yakov said with emotion: "Compared with East Africa, the weather in Russia is too bad. Even Europe does not have the unique climate advantage of East Africa."

Currived was naturally very happy to hear praise for the climate in East Africa from a foreigner, but as Currivid said just now, this kind of situation is only common in cities, so he still chose to tell the truth.

Krived: "Mr. Yakov, our Black... Rhine Empire also has its own shortcomings in terms of climate, and it is not as beautiful as you imagined."

Because of the recent change of the country's name, Corrivid had the mistake of naming the Kingdom of Hechingen as an outdated name.

"Compared with Europe, the biggest problem in East Africa is water shortage. This is especially true for cities like Mombasa, which are located in the transition zone between grasslands and deserts. The reason why Mombasa can have spring all year round is because of its complete water supply and drainage system. If the green belts in these cities are not artificially watered during the dry season, they will only become dry grass.”

"Drought and flood are the two most serious natural disasters in East Africa. I think most areas in Russia should not have this problem."

The Russian population mainly lives in the temperate continental climate area, and because the temperature is relatively low and evaporation is small, the climate is relatively humid. Also because of this, winters are long and cold, and the accumulated temperature required for crop growth is insufficient. Therefore, in addition to tropical deserts or rainforests, the cold zone Countries with extreme climates like tundra and ice sheets have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Yakov did not refute what Korived said, because he is Ukrainian, and Ukraine's agricultural conditions are second to none in Europe.

"This is what East Africa deserves. You have worked hard in urban construction to create such a beautiful city. Just like St. Petersburg was just a swamp and a wasteland many years ago. It became Europe's leading city after imperial development. Like big cities," Yakov said.

"And you in East Africa may be doing better than us in Russia. In Mombasa, I have hardly seen the poor people at the bottom like Russia. Their mental outlook and material comfort may be more average than in Russia."

Yakov did not say that East Africa is an equilibrium country. Although the life of the lower class people in East Africa is better, Yakov also saw many wealthy people in Mombasa. There were many cars on the streets of Mombasa. At first glance, It is not accessible to ordinary people.

According to Curryweder, most of the people who can buy cars in East Africa are government officials, corporate executives and high-end talents in various industries.

There is no doubt that people like Yakov who were introduced by the East African government are also high-end talents, so Yakov is still full of expectations for his future life in East Africa. Of course, the premise is that his work and residence The place is in Mombasa. After all, he only knows Mombasa currently.

The city of Mombasa is undoubtedly bustling, but what about the rest of East Africa! Due to time constraints, Yakov does not yet know his future destination in East Africa.

So he asked Currived: "Mr. Currivid, how is the progress of my review? I wonder where I will be assigned?"

Krivid shook his head and said: "There is no result yet, but based on your expertise, you can basically determine that you will work in a city. The specific city will depend on the needs of the corporate departments in East Africa. It may be Mombasa, or it may be Some cities in the interior or the west.”

"However, I heard from the clerk at the Immigration Department that your information has been entered, and you should be able to officially become a naturalized citizen in two days. After naturalization, the next work should be faster, because of the needs of our country's construction, especially a There is a huge demand for talents in the implementation of the Five Plan, so I think we can complete all the procedures within a week.”

Yakov had already heard about East Africa's First Five-Year Plan, but it sounded unclear. He could also see East Africa's ambition to develop its own industry. Of course, in terms of specific details, Yakov had not mentioned it earlier. It is impossible for most people in East Africa to know. Basically, information is obtained through newspapers and other media.

"The First Five-Year Plan means that industrial development will be gradually completed according to the plan. This is a bit like studying according to the curriculum when I was in college." Yakov said.

Yakrov not only went to college, but also worked for two years. However, due to the economic crisis, the company he originally worked for went bankrupt and he was unemployed at home, so he was poached by East Africa.

Korrived: "In fact, since the colonial era, the economy of East Africa has developed in this way. It is also under this government coordination that our country can complete many great projects step by step. For example, railways, roads, and water conservancy construction have reached the forefront of the world, which has laid the foundation of the East African economy."

"Take the railway for example. Now the mileage of East African railways may have exceeded 100,000 kilometers. Without the planned economy, we would not be able to achieve such a great achievement in a short period of time. The East African railway network is second only to Europe and North America among all continents."

Most of the people in East Africa are not like the Soviet Union in the past. Many people in the country hold an opposing attitude towards the planned economy, because everyone has been under this economic system since the colonial era, and directly enjoys the dividends of the planned economy.

After all, before the Soviet Union, there was the Russian Empire and the capitalist government. There were many supporters of various systems, the social situation was complicated, and there would be many disputes.

Like the United States, East Africa directly established its economic system when it was founded, so the United States became the most typical capitalist country, while East Africa is currently a firm planned economy country.

Kurivid said: "I was born in East Africa. My father is from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and my mother is from the Far Eastern Empire. When they immigrated to East Africa, our country had this economic system, so I grew up in this economic system since I was a child. Later, I came into contact with the European economic system when I went abroad."

"Personally, our country's economic system may not be perfect, but compared with Europe, the environment in East Africa is better, and the royal family and the government have been making various attempts and adjustments to this economic system. The government has also emphasized that the political system in East Africa is in the early stage of exploration and will be in this exploration for a long time."

This is inevitable. Ernst does not believe that there is a perfect social system in the world. Even slavery will be supported by someone, just like Ernst himself, otherwise East Africa would have abolished slavery long ago. Of course, slavery will die sooner or later. Now if East Africa wants to continue to develop, it can only continue to make achievements in industry.

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