After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter 193, I have a tigress at home

Zhuo Lingyan waited for a while, then snorted coldly: "How is it? Is it uncomfortable? Hurry up and apologize to me and beg for mercy, or you will make it painful to death."

In the fog of the formation, there was silence.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, Zhuo Lingyan was somewhat impressed, but he didn't expect that this guy could endure the effect of this formation, and he didn't say a word.

After another quarter of an hour, Zhuo Lingyan said, "Hurry up and beg for mercy, or I'll leave and make you feel uncomfortable inside for five days and five nights."

This kind of formation, even the masters of Rank 4 and Rank 3, can't bear the effect of tearing and itching.

After thinking about it, Zhuo Lingyan felt that something was wrong. How could a dude disciple endure such a punishment for so long?

As soon as her body moved, she swept into the formation lightly, only to find that there was no one inside, the guy seemed to have disappeared.

Ran away? Does he actually know the formation method? This is impossible! How could the disciples of Zhenwuzong know the formation method? Unless it's the Meng Xing that Senior Brother Chen said. This thought instantly popped up in Zhuo Lingyan's mind.

By the way, he must be Meng Xing, so he can escape from my formation. He is really powerful. Even Elder Ding can't crack my smoke cage. I didn't expect him to be able to crack it. in every possible way.

However, why is such a powerful person so playful, with a flowery mouth? Makes me want to strangle him.

Zhuo Lingyan snorted coldly and became competitive. She was so powerful in the way of formation, she was really unwilling to be cracked by others calmly.

As soon as she moved her hand, the jade pendants scattered around flew into her hands, closed the formation, and the thick fog disappeared, but she saw that there were many young men surrounded by them, all of them staring at her stunning face in astonishment. Heavenly appearance.

"Fairy, fairy, a fairy has fallen from the sky." One by one exclaimed.

Zhuo Lingyan pouted slightly and looked around, Meng Xing didn't know where he disappeared.

"Excuse me, where does Meng Xing live?" she asked in a clear and pleasant voice.

"It's... over there." A man looked at her face dazedly, pointed to a nearby yard and said.

"OK, thanks!"

Her body moved, and with a swoosh, she disappeared in place, as if she had cast an immortal magic, but no one knew where she went.

Many young men were even more shocked.

Only the fairies in the sky have this kind of method, and there is a lot of discussion.

The next moment, Zhuo Lingyan appeared in Meng Xing's yard, looked at the surrounding flowers and trees, walked to the pavilion and sat down, waiting for Meng Xing to come back.


Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a female disciple of Taoism. After Meng Xing was enveloped by the formation, he immediately guessed the origin of Zhuo Lingyan.

And she was able to know her name, obviously because Chen Jinshu told her, in this way, the other party was Lei Zong's disciple.

The only Taoist people Meng Xing knew were Chen Jinshu, Feng Yixiao, Taoist Wuchen, Taoist Jinyuan and others.

Daoist Jin Yuan is dead, and only people from Lei Zong know that he is a nobody.

Choosing the second task is already so troublesome. If you choose the third task and insult others, this Zhuo Lingyan will definitely fight with her. spell.

Well, fortunately, I stopped my horse in time and didn't do such a thing, otherwise the policeman in the previous life would have let him eat a few free meals.

[The task has been completed, and a random three consecutive awards have been won: the upgraded version of the Jingshui Wave Yuan Gong (top grade at the ground level), the upgraded version of the Qinglian Burning Heaven Art (high grade at the ground level), and the upgraded version of the immovable mountain art Cultivation method (top grade at the ground level)]

Meng Xing was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that there would be three consecutive awards. This time, the system properly released water to himself, so that he won the three consecutive awards.

Not bad! This time, the spirit of breaking through the fourth-rank god is more stable.

Satisfied, Meng Xing quickly got out of the formation and hid in the dining hall.

His speed was very fast, and he secretly used the agility attribute, almost silently, so Zhuo Lingyan did not notice that he had left.

After chopping firewood in the dining hall for an hour, Meng Xing went down the mountain to brush the system, and did not return until noon.

Passing by the square, I saw that the formation had disappeared, obviously that Zhuo Lingyan had been put away.

When he reached the door of his own yard, Meng Xing stopped, quietly climbed to the wall, and looked into the yard, and found Zhuo Lingyan sitting in the pavilion in the yard, as if reading a book seriously .

Meng Xing: "..."

Is this going to occupy a magpie's nest?

Thankfully I was smart enough to look at the yard first. What kind of eccentric guy actually told her where I live?

Meng Xing slipped down and walked towards Xiao Yuluo. Let's stay with her today, and sneak back in at night.

Soon, Meng Xing came to Xiao Yuluo's yard, Liu Shiyun was already here, and the two were planning to go to his place together.

"Senior sister, let's practice with you today." Meng Xing said.

"Why?" Xiao Yuluo was a little strange.

"I have a tiger at home, and I want to avoid her temporarily." Meng Xingxin said, it was a tigress.

"Tiger? I'll drive it away for you. Is it a tiger demon from the demon clan?" Xiao Yuluo looked like "Senior sister will take care of it".

Even if there are guardian elders outside, it is possible for some monsters to sneak in, and the guardian elder may not be as high as her, and some dangers may not be discovered. Just like the last time Elder Wu was assassinated, no one found out about the demon girl of the Demon Sect.

"Senior sister, don't worry about her, she'll be gone in a while. Let's practice here first." Meng Xing said.

This tigress can't be provoked. Maybe she will rely on herself and ask her to compensate her for her body? Do I agree or not? Meng Xing complained in his heart.

Xiao Yuluo didn't force it either, since Meng Xing said she was here, she didn't bother to move.

Liu Shiyun looked at him strangely, but didn't say anything.


In Meng Xing's yard, Zhuo Lingyan waited for three or four hours, but she didn't see Meng Xing, and she suddenly became impatient.

This guy, I don't know what to do, why hasn't he come back for so long? I still want to beat him up.

Could it be that he knew he was here, so he didn't dare to come back?

snort! Since he knows the formation, I will dispose of a large formation in the whole yard to see if he can break my formation when he is caught in the formation.

Zhuo Lingyan got a competitive mind, and immediately took out the flag flag, and wanted to set up a large array. It is not possible to use jade pendants in this place. Only this kind of flag flag can be used to cover a larger place. Draw various runes.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Zhuo Lingyan jade fingers moved, and one after another flags flew out, inserted around the yard, and quickly set up a large formation that enveloped the yard.

Then, Zhuo Lingyan activated the formation, and an invisible force flowed around the courtyard.

Of course, some places are safe areas, such as the pavilion where she is, such as those sleeping rooms, she did not let the formation shroud her so that people can move freely in it.

After staying in the pavilion for a while, she was bored and could not read the books in her hands, so she put them away, and then found a room. In the bag, she took out a three-piece sleeping set with delicate knitting, which was a must-have for her when she was out and about.

She has a cleanliness addiction and has to use her own things or she might not get a good night's rest.

Spread the quilt on the bed, place the pillows, unfold a light and fragrant summer quilt, and lay down on the bed to rest.

That guy must not come back so soon, and there is a large formation guarding outside, so he may not be able to crack it. Moreover, his cultivation is so low, where is his opponent?

Therefore, Zhuo Lingyan fell asleep peacefully.

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