After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter one hundred and ninety-six, the harmony of yin and yang

Meng Xing didn't bother to pay any attention to her, and sneaked back to the room to sleep. With the cover of the formation, Zhuo Lingyan didn't see that he had slipped back.

Another night passed without incident. Meng Xing woke up in the morning and was about to slip out. He just opened the door gently, but saw Zhuo Lingyan, who was a little sleepy, standing at the door, looking at him playfully.

"I should have thought long ago that you will definitely slip back to sleep. When a person is used to where he sleeps, he will rarely move his nest. I didn't expect that he would be caught by me." Zhuo Lingyan said.

Meng Xing: "You're very smart. I was careless. If you didn't get me back, we wouldn't owe each other."

Zhuo Lingyan said angrily: "You dare to say this, you just want to be mad at me, don't you? Well, I'll let you taste the sword."

As he said that, he pointed his hand, and a flying sword appeared in front of him.

Meng Xing hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Hold on, hold on. How well did you study the formation outside? How about I tell you how to crack it? How about compensation?"

If you want to defuse the other party's anger, you must do what you want, and Meng Xing put forward this condition.

The other party studied for a day and a night, obsessed with the formation method, obviously this is what she likes, and it can poke her weakness.

The flying sword suddenly stopped in the middle and did not continue to move forward.

Zhuo Lingyan thought for a while and snorted: "If I hadn't wanted to leave here quickly, I would definitely not agree to this condition. If you tell me the cracking method, it is the first time you molested me as compensation. As for the second It's not that simple."

The dead duck has a tough mouth, and he clearly knows that it is difficult for him to crack, so he will agree to this condition. Meng Xing complained in his heart.

The second time is not so simple, isn't it that I haven't been touched by you? When I've been touched enough by you, that's the best compensation.

However, the other party did not continue to stab with the sword, which is already a good thing, at least not chasing and killing him.

"The second time, what compensation do you want? It's your fault, I don't sleep in so many rooms here, but the one who slept with me, I also accidentally bumped into you. If you want to be held accountable, It's also your fault first." Meng Xing said.

"I thought that the room was so simple that no one lived there. Who knew it was so coincidental? I don't care. Anyway, you want to compensate me. I'm a girl, and my reputation is more important." After all, she did it herself.

"Also, you may also do it on purpose. You are a cultivator, so why can't you see someone on the bed? It's clear that you deliberately want to eat other people's tofu.

"Zuoling flue.

"You are also an immortal cultivator, how can you not feel it? You sleep more than a pig, do you look like an immortal cultivator?" Meng Xing complained.

If such a defenseless beautiful immortal cultivator were thrown into the wild, I am afraid that a large number of hungry wolves would have been attracted by the wind. How could she be so intact?

"I...Isn't it because I'm too sleepy? And I thought you couldn't crack the formation." Zhuo Lingyan retorted a little weakly.

The two quarreled and refuted each other for a long time.

In the end, Zhuo Lingyan raised the small flying sword in his hand, and threatened "victimly": "If you don't agree to make amends, I will kill you now!"

"Okay, but the compensation can't be too much. If it's too much, I will oppose it." Meng Xing was speechless. For the sake of her being a woman, let's just give in a little bit.

Moreover, Meng Xing's goal has also been achieved, and he cannot let the other party take the opportunity to make further progress and bully him on his head.

If it weren't for the fact that he wanted to hide his strength, he would have thrown this little girl out now, who would have been arguing with her for a long time.

"Okay." Zhuo Lingyan frowned slightly, and decided to take a step back. Anyway, the opponent's strength is not as good as his own, so he can use force to threaten him for a while.

So, Meng Xing came out with Zhuo Lingyan and showed her how to crack it.

Zhuo Lingyan suddenly realized, her delicate and tender face showed the original appearance, she thought hard for a day and a night without results, but she didn't expect it to be so ingenious.

After solving her problem, most of the anger in her heart has been eliminated, and she still admires Meng Xing very much.

However, you can't admit defeat in front of this guy, otherwise, as a dignified saint, known as the most talented formation master of Lei Zong, if you admit defeat, where will you put your face?

If you want to admit defeat, the other party admits defeat. If he refuses to admit defeat, I will beat him until he admits defeat.

Zhuo Lingyan was thinking in his heart, how to get back another round.

After Meng Xing gave pointers, he quickly slipped away without much contact with the other party.

When he returned home at night, he saw Zhuo Lingyan sitting in the pavilion with a gossip plate that seemed to be made of jade. Meng Xing frowned and said, "Why don't you leave?"

Zhuo Lingyan was wearing a Taoist robe, like a fairy, and her every move seemed to have a special charm, elegant and calm, which was completely opposite to her attitude when she was angry.

She glanced at Meng Xing and said, "I'm studying how to describe the formation in this formation. As long as the formation is activated, the formation can be cast."

"Array plate? Isn't this similar to the talisman?" Meng Xing said.

"The talisman can only depict that kind of small-scale formation, not such a large-scale formation. I am trying to see if I can use the formation plate to describe the large-scale formation." Zhuo Lingyan said.

"Help me see, how can this Vast Sea Trapped Immortal Formation be portrayed here?"

Meng Xing pondered: "Dao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives rise to all things. The second is yin and yang, and the third is the combination of yin and yang. If one array doesn't work, you can try two. If two don't work, you can try using three. Formation plates, with one of them as the formation base, and the other two as the Yin and Yang formation plates, naturally more in line with the rules of the universe."

Zhuo Lingyan thoughtfully said, "I didn't expect you to have such a deep understanding of the classics of Taoism. No wonder you know the way of formation. I'll try it first."

"Then study it slowly." After Meng Xing finished speaking, he left, returned to his room, practiced those earth-level exercises for a while, and then rested.

The next morning, when Meng Xing got up, she saw that she was lying on the stone table and fell asleep, leaning on the engraved array plate, apparently studying it all night and looking more professional than those 996 employees.

This is to kill the other masters of the formation method, but you are so desperate, researching day and night, fortunately you are an immortal cultivator, otherwise you might die suddenly last night, and there is another bachelor in this world who cannot marry a wife. Meng Xing was powerless to complain.

Meng Xing was about to leave, but saw her jumping up, faster than a rabbit, and running in front of him.

"Nine array plates were broken last night, but they were just a little confused. Can you help me see, what needs to be changed?" Zhuo Lingyan said, pointing to the runes drawn with soap paper on the table.

"Okay!" Meng Xing felt pity for her when she saw her sleepless nights, so she mobilized the attributes of the formation, looked carefully for a while, picked up the brush, and drew three complicated lines on another piece of soap paper. rune.

One of them is the formation base, and the other two are runes of the yin and yang rules.

As soon as he finished writing, the soap paper exuded hazy rays of light, absorbing the vitality between heaven and earth, and condensing in a space the size of a small round table.

"This... This is what happened?" Zhuo Lingyan was shocked, a little incredible.

Meng Xing is also a little surprised. It seems that he has obtained the system's array attribute points, which is still very powerful. These array runes seem to be engraved in his mind, and can be mobilized and transformed at any time, just like a universal The computer is generally operating at extreme speed.

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