The hall was quiet.

Meng Xing was thinking about what poems he should transcribe to shock Princess Yangping, and then he looked at his own talents, and then he looked at himself as a talented person.

The beautiful eyes of the two beauties stared at him quietly, as if to see flowers on his face.

All of a sudden I wanted to come up with poems. Under the gaze of the two beauties, the pressure was huge. Fortunately, I was only a porter, so the pressure was much less. Meng Xing thought to himself.

After a long while, Meng Xing finally remembered a poem containing the word "wind and rain", so he picked up the pen and wrote this ancient poem on rice paper.

"Stop the storm."

"Don't listen to the sound of the forest beating the leaves, why don't you sing and walk slowly. Bamboo sticks and mans shoes are lighter than horses, who is afraid?

"It is expected that the spring breeze blows the wine sober, it is slightly cold, and the hills are slanting but welcome. Looking back at the place where it has always been desolate, when I go back, there is no wind or rain and no sunshine."

Princess Yangping looked up and read silently, and compared with the poems written by the students of Qingfeng College, she suddenly felt that this poem was many times better than those poems.

The whole poem is catchy and has a high artistic conception. It has an open-minded and far-reaching mind, and the last sentence is the finishing touch. "There is no wind or rain, and there is no sunshine." , full of philosophy and endless charm.

No wonder the other party was in front of me with a "pampered and humiliated" appearance, and did not regard my dignified princess as a backer in pursuit of power, nor did he take fame and fortune in his heart. It turned out that he had such an open-minded mind.

Princess Yangping suddenly felt that the rude behavior of the other party just now seemed less irritating, and the original feeling of displeasure in her heart disappeared, replaced by a shocking emotion.

This poem is a top-grade masterpiece, with a style that has been passed down through the ages. The Meng Xing in front of him is not a disciple of the martial arts system, why is he so talented, and his poems are even more powerful than the students of Qingfeng College?

Without profound talent and erudite knowledge, it is obvious that such masterpieces cannot be made.

Zhuo Lingyan on the side also has a very unexpected expression. This poem is really well written, and it is a rare masterpiece at first sight.

She had been in Zhenwuzong for several days, and she only knew that Meng Xing was very angry with her and always opposed her. The way of formation was unfathomable, but she didn't know that he was actually good at poetry and had such a talent for learning.

It seems that this irritating guy has another advantage.

Both women looked surprised and surprised,

Especially the erudite and talented princess, as the only female champion in Daqin, she naturally knows the rarity of this poem. She has witnessed the birth of a good poem through the ages, and she naturally likes it.

"Not bad! Not bad! I didn't expect you to have such talent, and this handwriting also created a style of calligraphy." Princess Yangping also praised herself.

Naturally, she did not know that the art of calligraphy had been quietly spread in Guangyang County, and many students were already copying and learning, but the news of this era was relatively closed, and it had not spread to the capital.

As a college student in my previous life, I am naturally a little talented, but what I am better at is a porter, who brings the peerless words of my previous life into this world and slaps the students of this world in the face. Meng Xing complained in his heart.

Well, if you can still make some money through poetry, then it will be better. Although he already has a lot of savings, no one will dislike his money.

Princess Yangping said again: "Why don't you give me this calligraphy and painting?"

Meng Xing was a little embarrassed and said: "Princess, I've been short of money recently, and I want to use it to sell some money. You know, I'm actually a nobody in Zhenwuzong, and I don't have much money."

This princess can be regarded as Daqin's little rich woman, right? I wanted to be mad at me just now, so I should deduct some money from her to make her bleed.

Therefore, Meng Xing deliberately cried poor.

Zhuo Lingyan, who was next to him, rolled his eyes, knowing that this guy was acting as a demon again. In Zhenwuzong, she never saw this guy look poor. Instead, she lived in a separate yard and lived a very happy life.

"Okay, then sell it to me, how about giving you one hundred taels of silver?" Princess Yangping said.

Those scholars are all high-flying, and they look like they don't talk about money. Why is this guy smelling like copper and asking for money?

Princess Yangping naturally heard what he meant, so she satisfactorily satisfied a little of his request.

Meng Xing is speechless, I have sold more than one hundred taels of silver in Guangyang County, and Yuexian Restaurant can provide me with free food and drink for the rest of my life. The top oiran of Chunyi Building, and the girl Hua Rong are willing to sleep with me for nothing, and are willing to post it upside down, you But send me one hundred taels of silver? Really stingy.

He said sullenly, "Okay."

Princess Yangping didn't care about him, this guy was rude in front of him just now, wrote a good poem, saved him from punishment, and gave him another 100 taels of silver, which is already a bargain for him.

There are many officials in the imperial court whose salaries are less than one hundred taels a month, and their days can be prosperous.

Next, the maid brought a lot of snacks for the two of them to taste.

Meng Xing's food was a little tasteless. If he had known this, he might as well go to a brothel or Jiaosifang to write this poem. Maybe he could eat and drink for free, and even make the top girl post it backwards.

A bit of a loss.

At this moment, a guard came in, cupped his hands and said, "Princess, something big happened in the inner city."

"What's the big deal?" Princess Yangping asked.

"Qingfeng Academy and the students of Guozijian have been fighting. They are fighting in the street, and the quarrel is raging." The guard said.

"What's the reason?" Princess Yangping frowned.

"It is said to be because of a poem."

"A poem? What poem?"

"It seems that it was Bu Shuanzi chanting plum. The students of Guozijian came up with a better poem and scolded the students of Qingfeng Academy for plagiarism. The students of Qingfeng Academy were dissatisfied, and they also angrily accused the students of Guozijian of plagiarism. More than 20 students from the two academies were plagiarized. The students got angry and smashed many things in the street," the guard said.

Bu Sianzi Yongmei? Isn't that the song that Meng Xing edited just now?

Princess Yangping said, "What about the poem that the students of Guozijian came up with?"

The guard immediately handed Princess Yangping a note and said, "My subordinate has already had someone copy it here."

Princess Yangping glanced at it and was immediately speechless. She handed the note to Meng Xing and said, "Why is it the same as what you wrote?"

If she hadn't seen Meng Xing write a song "Doomsday" here, she would have thought that Meng Xing had also copied the Guozijian students.

Isn't this to expose my old bottom? I went to the brothel to write this poem, and I didn't even leave a name. I only left a title of Mr. Meng to the girls in the brothel.

Meng Xing coughed and said a shocking sentence: "Because this poem was originally written by me in a brothel in Guangyang County to Mrs. Hua Kui, and they all copied me."

Zhuo Lingyan immediately said with a look of disgust: "You actually went to a brothel? You are the same as other men, a gentle scum, a beast in clothes!"

Sven scum, beast in clothes? I defeated your class, and did a beast to you? I just touched you that night, and if I didn't do anything to you, it would be worse for me to be called a beast by others. Meng Xing complained in his heart.

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