After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter 204, she laughs in the bush

A quarter of an hour later, Meng Chunhui and Ding Haishi stopped writing and finished writing Yongmei's words. Both wiped the sweat from their foreheads and breathed a sigh of relief.

After racking my brains, I finally wrote it. At this moment, the two of them don't care about finesse, and it is a good thing to be able to communicate.

Meng Xing glanced at it with a probe. There were no amazing words and phrases. It was very ordinary.

A student of Qingfeng College immediately read it out, and immediately dozens of students of Qingfeng College applauded, all of them applauding.

The same is true for the students of Guozijian, who tried their best to support their students and applauded Ding Haishi warmly.

It seems that these two people have become peerless talents, full of talents, outstanding talents and wisdom.

Princess Yangping still looked cold and noble. She glanced at Meng Xing and said, "Meng Gongzi, you can also write a lyric."

Meng Xing was stunned for a moment, why did this involve me again? Isn't this trying to trick me? If I wasn't a transmigrant and had a thicker skin, I would be embarrassed to death here today.

Meng Xing pretended not to hear.

Everyone was also stunned. They didn't understand why Princess Yangping asked the people around her to write a lyric. Isn't this person the princess' bodyguard?

Everyone looked at Meng Xing one after another, and saw that he was wearing a strong blue suit, but not the clothes of a guard.

The stunning woman next to him had the same appearance as the princess, but she had an ethereal aura, like a fairy, as if she didn't eat the fireworks of the world, and she lacked a bit of aggressive aura.

Zhuo Lingyan pushed Meng Xing: "I tell you, don't pretend to be deaf."

Meng Xing said: "I'm not a scholar, I'm just a martial artist, I don't know how to write poetry."

The scholars present saw that Zhuo Lingyan and Meng Xing seemed to be very close, and they were a little envious and jealous. How could such vulgarity of martial arts be favored by fairies?

"If you want to write, you can write, don't be like a mother-in-law." Zhuo Lingyan said.

Meng Xing glanced at the cool and beautiful princess, and saw that she was also staring at her, as if she would eat herself if she didn't write it. Isn't this forcing me to appear holy in front of people?

If I had known this, I would not have admitted that the poem was written by me. No, if I don't admit it, how can I explain that my modification is the same as that plagiarism dog of Ding Hai Shi? What happened today is too coincidental.

Meng Xing's face did not change. I am a porter, not a plagiarism dog, because the poems I wrote do not exist in this world, and I did not plagiarize the poems and articles written by scholars in this world.

"Princess, this person is not a scholar, nor is he a student of our two universities. He is competing with us for poetry. Isn't this humiliating our students?" A student from Guozijian glanced at Ding Hai, jumped out, and cupped his hands. said.

"Yeah! Yeah! To let a vulgar person who doesn't understand the language and ink write poetry, this is a humiliation to our students who have been studying hard for ten years. Poetry and writing are the way of the sages, and they are extremely sacred. How can such a person be allowed to do so? To humiliate?" A student from Qingfeng Academy also said.

"Yes! Yes! How can such a person write poetry?"

"Princess, look, this person looks embarrassed and mother-in-law, obviously there is no ink in his stomach, how can he write?"

"Princess, you have been deceived by this person. This person is obviously not a good person."


The students from the two colleges jumped out immediately and sprayed Meng Xing to nothing.

Just now, the people from the two universities wanted to tear up each other's people, but at the moment they were unanimous, and they obviously saw Meng Xing's threat.

This person came at the same time as the princess just now, and was accompanied by a beautiful woman. Obviously, he also has something to do with the princess. Otherwise, how can he walk with the princess?

Too much! I haven't slapped you in the face yet, you all jumped out and beeped, and flattened me to nothing. I've eaten your food, yet you're suppressing me like that? The tiger is no longer arrogant,

Do you think I'm a sick cat? Meng Xing complained in his heart.

He walked to the table, raised a pen and pondered, thinking about what to write about the words of Yongmei.

However, many students present sneered one after another. They were not scholars and wanted to write poems, but it was useless to break their heads.

Poetry articles, the way of the sages, are extremely sacred, how can they be written by cats and dogs?

Many students made a "hush hush" sound.

Zhuo Lingyan was a little nervous. Although he saw Meng Xing write a poem just now, he was worried that he was a blind cat and a dead mouse, and he just wrote a poem like this before.

Now that everyone is watching, it becomes a little nervous invisibly, and it is much more difficult to come up with new poems all at once.

If one is not good, it may be laughable and generous.

Princess Yangping is cold and noble, and the expression on her face makes it impossible to see her inner thoughts.

On the other side, Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng had already recognized Meng Xing with a surprised look on their faces. They didn't expect him to come to the capital. When did this happen?

And as soon as he came, he climbed up with the princess and got acquainted with the princess. This method is really amazing.

Even those old fritters who have been in Beijing for many years have no chance to perform in front of the princess, let alone get to know the princess.

No wonder he was asked to come to Goulan in the capital to listen to the music, but they were too lazy to come. It turns out that there is such a reserve army, so there is no need to worry about the future.

Also, why has another beautiful woman beside him? It's really beautiful, it's not a sister or a sister, it's other beautiful women.

At Yuanwu Mountain Villa, there are also many treasures waiting for him.

At this time, Meng Xing had already started to write, dipped in ink and swiped his brush strokes on the rice paper.

"Bu Shuanzi, Yongmei."

The five thin gold fonts are like pictures, graceful and handsome, and unique, which makes people feel bright.

"Hmph! What can you do if you write well? There are many people who can write well, but not everyone can write poetry." A student said sourly.

No one agreed with him, everyone was nervously watching Meng Xing continue to write, and the atmosphere around him became a little stagnant.

"Wind and rain send spring back, and flying snow welcomes spring. It's already a cliff and ice, and there are still pretty flowers."

Straightforward sentences, but the scenery is vividly depicted. It seems that there is wind, rain and flying snow in front of you. The breath of spring is coming.

The students present suddenly felt a sudden surge in their hearts, and they had a bad feeling. They read these words and looked at each other.

Meng Chunhui and Ding Haishi had their foreheads come out, stretched out their sleeves to wipe the sweat, but their eyes were fixed on the familiar handwriting on the rice paper, and they felt a little trembling in their hearts.

"Qiao doesn't fight for spring, but only reports that spring is coming. When the flowers are in full bloom, she will laugh in the bushes."

The many students present only felt the roar of thunder above their heads, and they were all shocked.

"...When the mountain flowers are in full bloom, she will laugh in the bushes." This anthropomorphic sentence simply depicts the plum blossoms so vividly, as if there was a stunning beauty who stood in front of the crowd bravely and unyieldingly. A bright smile.

"This...this..." Many students were dumbfounded, only to think that this poem was written extremely well, and it was simply a masterpiece.

Compared with what Meng Chunhui and Ding Hai wrote, it is the difference between clouds and mud. The two students wrote it in the same way.

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